A/N: Forgive the typos in this one, I have to cook dinner, but I wanted to write this for you real quick. I got the sweetest PM the other day asking for an update. So this one is for you! Enjoy. Leave a review and tune into Shadowhunters on January 12! I'm excited! Are you?

**Adult Content Below**

Everything had changed. Everything. Alec at first thought it was all just a strange dream, a dream made of nightmare things but the pleasure that filled him was of angelic gifts, he was just sure of it. He could not remember how the stranger had fucked him, but he knew upon waking that his body was well used and spent. He admired the glisten of his skin in the candlelight and the way he felt as though he had met the dawn after knowing only darkness. In his mind and the mirrors he could watch little visions flash of his body speared atop the beast of a King and hardly recognized the sounds that escaped him.

"Oh god," He cried as he came down on the hard prick and rose again as hands held him in place. He straddled the legs of this dark haired stranger so that he could be watched, and the man used his hands to hold his body up right every time he felt he could take no more. However, with such sound came great consequences and Alec found himself flipped to his back and pinned beneath those heavy hands.

One hand with long black nails clawed their way over the ripples of his abs, over the place where his heart beat like a wild rabbit below, and back again to keep him in place. Merciless he teased Alec with his tongue, that of a serpent's until he was near begging.

"There is no place for your god here, My Prince," His captor's voice rumbled over his skin like distant thunder and when he took his cock between his lips, Alec could no longer hold onto his control. Like a sweet victory he spent inside the man's mouth, and as he withdrew to let Alec finish that was when the laughter started-a pleased yet sinister sound that made him grow cold as he came.

And that was how the dreams always ended. He woke again only to feel exhausted yet rested in ways that only such passion could make a man feel, but it would not be long before he would come again; the dreams would start all over. His body ached and his mouth dry, Alec sat up once more in the massive bed, alone now, and for the first time he did not hear the music, he heard only the roar of a fire in the cavern's hearth and shivered as though his body begged to be beside it.

Alec took up the silk that had acted as his cover and nearly huffed at why he bothered. The scantily clad cloth was hardly worth the trouble it was to clasp by the gold chains, but it served for some sort of purpose in his modesty and the color was refreshing against all the crimson and earthy tones of this Kingdom of Fire.

From the bed chamber he moved out onto the open mouth of the massive cave like dwelling, where the rock was shaped like cathedral arches and broken windows. Outside them he could see the stars as though there was a night sky, but something didn't seem right and for a moment he had forgotten what the sun felt like. Everything of his former life was starting to fade away, until he wasn't even sure there had been a life before this life, but every time he tried to remember that pain behind his eyes returned along with the flashing of light.

The table to where he normally found The Master was empty and gone from it all the glorious food and drink from before, and that made the rumbling in his stomach grow and his mouth dry out even more. The fires were all still lit and the torches still burned, but as far as he could tell he was alone. There were no sounds of distant music nor was there the laughter, but every time he paused so that he could hear over the sound of the rattling of his jewelry he thought he heard suffering screams.

"Hello?" He called out though he hardly recognized his own voice, the raspy sound nearly as much of a struggle as it was to swallow, and when he started for the hall he paused when he thought he heard someone crying.

It was a little sound at first, empty sobs when there was nothing left to hurt over, and tears that stained the lines of a face hit the marble floor. He listened again to see if this being was alone, and when he heard the slight rattling of chains he moved in the direction they came.

"Who is there? I can hear you crying." Alec called out the shadowed area of the room where he could see the outline of a body thin yet shielded by something wrapped around him-a sort of blanket or covering that made Alec's cold body react again in longing, but the figure went quiet and he put away those desires.

"I-I won't hurt you," He spoke out again, quieter this time as he nearly felt the whole room tense with the way this prisoner became afraid, "You don't have to be afraid." The chains rattled again as the creature moved to stand, but Alec held his ground.

"You should not be here," A voice answered him from the dark, a musical yet masculine voice that seemed as desperate to be warm as he, and it broke his heart.

"Perhaps not, but I am. Why were you crying?" Alec without hesitation extended his hand as though to help the man out into the light as though that would make everything better. It would sooth their ache and warm them both if they both stood where the torch could hide nothing. However, the man was hesitant and Alec could see from his outline that beneath the wrapping he was thin and without shoes.

"Are you hurt?" Alec asked though the man shook his head and for a moment Alec thought that it was the dark only playing tricks on him. Did this man have on a headdress or armor? "What is your name?" Something of his former life told him to keep asking questions, that answers would come when those that needed him felt comfortable enough to reveal themselves, and there was a power in a name. It was personal and it was something that only they could possess.

"I do not have names. My kind do not need them." The man answered easy enough and though Alec looked on puzzled he still moved into the light. "I am not of angel blood, like you." But he had wings.

Alec marveled at the hand that was given to him, of the man accepting his kindness and when he came into the light, he realized that it truly wasn't a blanket covering his shoulders but a pair of wings that were wrapped around him like a cloak. They were the sort that did not belong on angels, nor the kind that could be found on birds. They were of the leather sort that was often sketched on the backs of dragons. The armor that Alec had thought he wore was in fact horns that stood dark and menacing through the pale snow-like color of his hair, and his ashen color skin was a pure and almost perfect contrast to that of his own white complexion. He was beautiful in a way that only a child of the underground could be and clearly as much of a prisoner here as he.

"Everything has a name," Alec smiled as he closed his fingers around the creature's palm and held his hand there a moment. He took one more look as though still discovering something new each and every time, and saw that this man also had a tale for what he assumed was to help him navigate the winds.

"I've always wanted to be able to fly," the words came out before Alec could stop them and he realized his mistake when the rattling of the chains reminded them both that between them he was the true prisoner here. The chains were heavy and nothing as fancy as what Alec wore, and it was clear he wore them for some time. The skin around his ankle was broken and swollen, blood dried at his ankle and over his toes.

"You are hurt!" Alec gasped as he quickly went to tend to his new friend and though he couldn't get very far the other tried to move away, "Be still. Let me tend to this. You might get an infection." It felt as silly saying it as they both knew the answer, but he had to at least try.

"You mustn't, The Master, will not be pleased you are in here. He would not be happy to see that you are concerned for me." There was a very real fear in the way the creature spoke, but Alec cared very little and looked up to the other's face as he worked.

"We need to give you a name then, so I can ask him to release you. Tell me about yourself. Where do you come from?" Alec went on as he ripped part of the silk that covered him to help with the bleeding and it was pointless to try and stop him. The creature smiled a little and touched the boy's shoulder as he began.

"Well...I suppose you can say that I am from a land much like this one. I am not human nor am I a demon, and I can not fly truly just...glide really. Climb to the highest point and catch the gales." Animated as he spoke, it was clear that the creature was very happy to have someone to talk to, and chirped nearly like a bird with how pleased he was that he had made a new friend. The whole thing was endearing to see, and when Alec looked up to him he paused—

"Well...then let's call you Gale then, he who masters the Northern Winds."

There ya have it! Find me on Twitter: StarryOwlEyes or Tumblr: Thou-Shall-Not-Fall