Drunken Love

Hey Guys. SO... This is my first FanFic. Hope You like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or any of the Characters, tho I wish I did.

Clics. It's something everyone goes through in high school. The Preps. The Jocks. The Nerds. The Over-achievers. The Goodie-Two-Shoes. The Slackers. The Emos. The Band Geeks. And, of course, my favorite, The Partiers/Stoners.

It's my junior year, and we're nearing the end. Summer is just three days away.

"Hyuga Hinata. Could you please repeat what I just said?" Iruka-sensei called on me.

"Uh-no" I said. I'm trying something new, not lying.

"Ok, students. I know we're almost out, but please pay attention a little longer." Everyone was ready for summer, including Iruka-sensei.

"Hai." The class answered simultaneously. And Iruka continued to teach.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Last Day Of School~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

10 seconds... 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...DING!DONG!

"Hinata!" I spun around, only to be knocked over by none other than Temari. Temari is the closest girl to me, Temari has been my best friend through thick and thin. I dated her brother, Gaara, she dated my cousin, Neji, lets just say, never again.

"Ugh. Tem-Tem, please learn to walk." I mumbled as I picked myself off the floor.

"Hinata. What are you doing?" She threw her hands up to her hips. She looked mad and little rushed.

"I'm sorry. What do you mean? I am the one who should be asking you that." I huffed. I knew I was going to loose this battle, but I try anyway.

"Come on! Gaara is waiting on us!" She reaches for my arm, I pulled it out of the way just in time, causing her to face-plant.

"Temi, dear. Two things. One, Gaara is a crazy, no good, ass hole. So tell me why I would want to go with him. And two, Neji is waiting for me." Temari was pulling herself off the ground when she paused. She looked up at me with the scariest look I have ever seen on her face.

"One, Gaara is not that bad, he was just going through a ruff patch-"

"That doesn't count when the 'patch' has lasted his entire life!" I interrupted.

"That's not true! And don't interrupt me, or I will go all Scythe Weasel on you! And two, Neji can just get over it, because you are mine! Oh, and you will want to come with me, because Gaara has a 30 rack and a handle of Captain, so lets go." She stressed out the last word as she tugged me along.

"Girl, you had me at 30." And we dashed for the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hina! Hina! We're ouuuuut!" Temari was drunk and she tipped the handle upside down to stress her point.

"Temari Suna! You don't need anymore." I grabbed the bottle and placed it on top of the cabinet. Almost completing the "Official Captain Blood Line" as Temari so cleverly came up with one evening.

"But Hina. I wanna drink lo-" she paused as she hiccupped a couple of times, "lots, lots more!"

"Lets go to bed Temi, Its still only the first day of summer, you have plenty of time to get wasted." Temari gave me a pouty face before turning and heading off to bed.

"Damn, that girl doesn't know how to hold her liquor. " I had drunk more than she did, and I was able to maintain some sanity. I finished cleaning up her mess before a drug myself to bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning I woke up to a knock at my door. I groaned as I pulled myself out of bed and down the stairs. I opened the door to see none other than Suna Gaara, smiling like an idiot.

"Hiya, Hina. How are you on this fine day?" Gaara blushed and giggled, yes he giggled. Gaara never really got over me; he is always finding ways to get into my personal life.

"What do you want, Gaara?" I made sure to sound as irritated as possible, maybe he will go away.

"Oh, I came to pick up Temari. Were going to see Kankurō."

"Oh, uh…Oh ya, she's, uh, sleeping. I'll go get her." I walked away, without inviting him in, but leaving the door open.

"Temi, get up, Gaara is here." I shook her, but not too hard, she probably had a hangover. She mumbled something about pain, and I took it as getting her a proper drink for the occasion. "Ok, I'll be back."

I walked back downstairs to find Gaara making himself at home in the kitchen, making Temari a drink.

"Hey cutie." He made his move, wrapping his arm around my waist. "How about some loving?"

"Eww. Get off of me! I told you before, It's Over!" I push him off, only causing his arm to hit the glass. The cup, and all its contents, scattered across the floor. "Crap. Now look what you did." There was a knock on the door, so I left the mess to Gaara.

I opened the door and found Neji. He stood there admitting a dark aura as he remained silent, I think I can count the amount of times he has spoken on one hand. "Good Morning, Neji. Fine day. What brings you to my doorstep? Won't you come in?" I said sarcastically. I knew he wouldn't answer, he knew I would try, we both had to endure it. I opened the door wide enough for him to walk by. Neji made his way to the kitchen where he stopped and looked puzzled at the site he saw.

Gaara was on his hands and knees scrabbing at my floors, whistling in a quite obnoxious manner. Gaara noticed Neji and promptly changed his attitude to "cool and hip", it didn't work, he ended up looking like a gay baboon kneeling to a God. "Baka!" Neji mumbled and went on with his business of rummaging through my refridgerator. "Got any orange juice?"

"Do you realize who you are asking? No. I have Tang®, though. Now excuse me as I retrieve Temari and get you out of my house."

I found Temari going through my closet, which ended up with half my clothes scattered across my floor. "What are you looking for?"

"Huh? Oh, that cute black DC tube top? Oh, and your super cute jean skirt."

"Why would you need that to go see your brother? And I was going to wear that tonight, so no." I began picking up my clothes when I heard a sigh filled with disappointment. "Oh, come on, I have lots of clothes, don't go gettin' our panties in a bunch."

"No, no. Its not that, it's just that, you are so naïve my dear. I am not going to see my brother; my brother is in Romania, his mission's trip. I am going to lunch with Gaara and my parents. Then, if I'm really really good, I get to stay out for the rest of the week. And they will give me money when ever I need it for the rest of the week, and you know what that means..." She is smiling devilishly, and of course I know what that meant. "Unlimited Drinking!" We yell together.

"Ok, well still you are not wearing that. I washed it last night just so I could have it. I have my Fox tube top you can wear with my jean shorts if you want. And no, you cannot wear my boots. Now go, I hate having your brother in my house, its super weird, and irritating." I throw her the shirt and head back down stair to find Neji and Gaara arguing about who's break-up was more unplanned. I sighed; this was going to be a long day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Around 2PM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My day was starting to look up. I went to lunch with Neji, who then proceeded to dog on Gaara and who immature he was. Then I when shopping for a new bikini, I found the cutest little one from Hot Topic. And just as I was leaving the mall, I bump into Ino. "Hinata, girl. What's up?"

"Hey Ino. I just bought a bikini. Now, I'm going to go call up Temari, and see if we can't find a party for tonight."

"Funny you should mention that. Both things, actually. I am throwing a Pool Party and I was just going to buy a bikini myself. If you guys want, come over, parentals are out of town for the week, so we got the house. And bring pitch if you can."

"Absolutely. I'll see you there. Text me the information." I said as I started to head out to my car, and pulled out my phone to text Temari.

Hey Tem. Jackpot! I just ran into Ino. 2 words POOL PARTY! Call me when you're done with the folks. ~Hina

Yes! They went to go pay. And I'm home free. :D call you ASAP. ~Temi

Less than two minutes later my phone rang. I answered it, but didn't have the chance to say anything before Temari was yelling in my ear. "Ok, details, now. I need good stuff, lunch with the folks sucked, but totally worth it." "Ok. First, I don't have all the info, Ino is texting me. All I know is that there is a party. Her parents are out of town for a week, and I just got a new bikini." "Kay, kay. Where you at?" "Just leaving the mall. Why?" "Meet me back at your place and we will talk." "K, deuces." "Peace." And the line went dead. This party is going to be off the chain!

I know, no Kiba Lovin'. I promise you will get a lil sometin sometin next Chapter.

R&R plz

Ja Ne