Author's Note: The team is like a family in this story. Gibbs and Jenny might get together, I haven't really decided yet. There will be cases thrown in here and there [this is NCIS after all!] but the main story line will revolve around the new addition to Gibbs' house and the NCIS family [Gibbs' 4 year old niece].

Thanks for reading!

A New Beginning

The plane landed at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport shortly after 3:00 on Thursday afternoon. Gibbs stopped at Enterprise and picked up his rental car then made the 2 hour trek to the East Texas Medical Center in Tyler, Texas. It was just approaching 6:00 when he walked through the doors to the emergency room.

"Why do you think he never mentioned her?" Tony asked as he reclined in his chair behind his desk.

"This is Gibbs we're talking about," Ziva scoffed.

"He's never exactly been open with us about his past," Tim added.

"The reason Special Agent Gibbs never told you he had a sister was because they were estranged," Director Shepard said as she rounded the corner into the bullpen.

"How do you know this Director?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"You forget Agent DiNozzo," Jenny said, "Gibbs and I used to be partners."

"Right," Tony said.

Director Shepard smiled. "Now, if you're all through gossiping maybe we can get back to the case?"

"Please sign in and we'll see you as soon as we can Sir," the flustered emergency room receptionist ordered Gibbs. Her accent was thick, reminding Gibbs he was in Texas.

Gibbs looked at the sign–in clipboard then back at the receptionist. "I'm not checking in," he informed her, "I'm here to see Grace Bryant."

The receptionist's expression turned from flustered to somber as she nodded. "Let me call the doctor for you Sir."

Gibbs nodded and took a seat in the busy waiting area until a doctor appeared and called him over.

"Are you family?" the doctor asked.

Gibbs nodded, "Grace is my niece, Linda was my sister."

"Your sister and her husband, Robert, weren't wearing their seatbelts when their car crashed into the tree last night," the doctor informed Gibbs. "They were both thrown from the car. Linda was pronounced on scene, Robert was pronounced here at the hospital." The doctor flipped open the chart he was holding and glanced at it. "Grace was buckled at the time of the crash; she suffered a minor concussion and a few bumps and bruises but she'll be fine."

"When will she be released?"

"She's been under observation for," the doctor glanced at his watch, "close enough to the recommended 24 hours. Let me have one more look at her and I can go ahead and release her. She's in room 104," the doctor pointed down a short hallway. "I'll be right there."

"Doc?" Gibbs called. He waited for the doctor to face him once again. "Was there alcohol involved?"

"Robert was driving, his BAC was .09." Gibbs nodded as the doctor walked away.

Gibbs watched his four year old niece through the narrow window in the door before entering. He had just seen her a month earlier when Linda brought her to Pennsylvania to visit with her Grandpa. Grace was his only niece and had always held a special place in his heart.

"Hi Gracie." Gibbs walked over to her bed and gently kissed the top of her head.

"Uncle LJ!" Grace's voice was shaky, as she wrapped her small arms around Gibbs' neck, refusing to let go. "Everybody leaved me here all alone."

"It's ok Sweet Pea," Gibbs said. He lifted Grace into his arms and let her cuddle into him.

The doctor entered the room almost right behind Gibbs. "Ok Grace, I'm gonna take one last look at you and then you can go."

"No more needles," Grace said as Gibbs laid her back in bed.

The doctor smiled at her, "no more needles," he promised. The doctor recorded Grace's vital signs and checked her over a final time before signing her discharge papers. He pulled her clothes out of a cabinet and handed them to Gibbs. "Give her children's Tylenol for the pain and if she starts behaving strange make sure you take her to the hospital right away," he instructed. He shook Gibbs' hand and said goodbye to Grace before moving on to his next patient.

"How're you doing Sweet Pea?" Gibbs lifted Grace off the bed and stood her on the floor in front of him. He untied the small hospital gown she was wearing.

"Are we going to see Mommy now?" Grace asked. She held onto Gibbs' shoulder tightly while she put her legs, one at a time, into the jeans he was holding out in front of her.

Gibbs pulled Grace's t-shirt over her head and helped her guide her arms into the sleeves before sitting her back on the bed. "Gracie, Mommy went to live Jesus," he told her.

"But Mommy's supposed to live with me," Grace said, her lower lip starting to quiver.

"I know Sweet Pea." Gibbs picked up one of Grace's shoes, untied it and slipped it on her foot. "You're going to come live with me now," he said as he slipped her other shoe on.

"Until Mommy comes home?" Grace asked.

Gibbs brushed her loosely curled, strawberry blond hair out of her face. "Gracie, Honey, after people go live with Jesus, they can't come home anymore."

"Uncle LJ, did Mommy die?"

"Yes," Gibbs said gently, "Mommy died."

"Daddy too?"

Gibbs nodded his head.

"You're gonna be my Daddy now?" Grace asked.

"Yes," Gibbs said smiling at her.

Once Grace was through questioning Gibbs he helped her off the bed. She grabbed his hand, her small hand only able to wrap around two of his fingers, and they walked out to the rental car.

"Whadda ya got Abs?" Tony asked in typical Gibbs fashion. He strolled into the lab and set a Caf-Pow down in front of her then peered over her shoulder at the computer.

"Is he back yet? Is Gibbs here? Did he bring his niece?" Abby quickly questioned.

"I don't think he's back yet Abs," McGee answered. "We haven't heard from him, besides, he just left this morning, you gotta give him some time to..."

"Wait a minute!" Tony cut McGee off. "How'd you know about his niece?"

"She has always been his favorite Tony," Ziva said.

Abby smiled, pleased with her place in Gibbs' heart. "I found a picture of her once," she said.

"You've seen her?" Tony asked, beginning to get excited. "What's she like? How old is she? What did Gibbs tell you about her?"

"Tony!" Ziva cut him off. Tony and Ziva glared playfully at each other for a moment while McGee rolled his eyes. "Give Abby time to answer," Ziva smiled as they all turned their attention back to the Goth forensic scientist.

"Her name is Grace and she's the cutest thing," Abby squealed. "The picture I saw was from her 3rd birthday party. She's probably 4 by now. When you look at her smile you can't help but smile back. She was standing next to a goat that she got for her birthday. She lives in Texas, probably on a farm. It's so cool that they got her a goat; every kid should have a pet. I wish my parents got me a goat when I was little. I just hope they know how to take care of a goat because you really shouldn't get a pet unless you know how to…"

"Abs!" Tony cut her off. "The girl, what did Gibbs say about her? What's she like?"

"Oh yah, sorry," Abby said. "Gibbs really didn't say much. You know how he is. But I don't think she's had the best life. I know Gibbs fought for custody of her because he asked me to be a character witness and write a thing for him for court. The judge didn't want to take her away from her biological parents though."

Director Shepard was standing in the doorway listening, unbeknownst to Abby, Tony, Ziva, or Tim. She had no idea Gibbs had fought for custody of his niece. She made a mental note to look into that as she cleared her throat, making her presence known.

Tony spun around. "Director, we were just uh… how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough," Jenny answered. "I don't suppose you've managed to get any work done on the case?"

"Petty Officer Campbell is scheduled to return to base tomorrow at 0700," McGee said. "We'll be waiting there to pick him up. We have security camera footage of him sneaking behind the counter at the pawn shop and taking the jewelry out of the case."

"What makes you so sure he'll show up on base?" Jenny asked.

"We are fairly certain this is not the first time he has used this method," Ziva answered.

"As long as he doesn't suspect we're onto him, he'll continue on as normal," Tony said, finishing Ziva's thought.

Jenny nodded her head, pleased with the progress they had made on the case. "It's late. Go home. Get some rest." She turned and headed for the elevator when she heard Abby call her name.

"Have you heard from Gibbs?"

"He'll be back tomorrow," Jenny answered. "His plane lands around 1430. He'll have his niece with him but that's really all I know. Good night." She smiled at the group then continued to the elevator and hit the button for the bottom level of the building. If anyone knew anything about Grace, she figured it would be Ducky.

"Well hello Director," Ducky greeted, "what brings you down here at this hour?" He turned in his desk chair to face Jenny.

"Jethro," she answered.

"Last I heard he was still in Texas," Ducky answered. "I don't expect him back for another couple days."

"He's flying in tomorrow afternoon," Jenny said. She sat down on the edge of Ducky's desk. "I was just wondering if you knew anything about his niece," she asked, doing her best to sound nonchalant.

"Gracie?" Ducky said. "Her mother, Gibbs' sister won't speak to Jethro anymore. Linda married an alcoholic. He's an angry drunk I'm afraid. He doesn't hesitate to use his fists on her. Gibbs stepped in and brought Linda home to Stillwater but she went right back to the man. After that Linda cut him off."

"What about Grace?" Jenny asked. "Was she abused?"

"Jethro had that same worry," Ducky answered. "Shortly after she was born he petitioned the court for custody of the girl but they wouldn't revoke the parental rights at that point. CPS stops by and checks in on her but I know Gibbs was still worried."

"Does he ever get to see her?"

"Only when Linda brings her to Stillwater to see her Grandfather. Jackson calls Jethro and tells him when they're coming. Jethro will drive up and take Gracie for the day. Her mother knows. She didn't seem to have a problem with it but she still wouldn't speak to Jethro."

"Thanks Ducky." Jenny stood to leave.

"Is Jethro bringing Grace home with him?" Ducky asked before Jenny disappeared.

"I'm fairly certain Linda left him custody of her," Jenny answered.

Gibbs held Grace in one arm and flung his Marine Corp knapsack over his opposite shoulder. He made his way through the Dulles International Airport terminal and out to the parking lot. He buckled Grace into the booster seat he'd put in the backseat before he left for Texas and they were off. They reached the Navy Yard shortly before 4:00.

"Wow," Grace said looking up at NCIS. "Is this where you live?"

Gibbs smiled. He spent enough time there that sometimes it felt like it. "No Cutie, this is where I work." Gibbs took Grace's hand as they crossed the street.

"I sure hope you've earned that pizza DiNozzo," Gibbs said as he walked into the squad room, Grace in tow.

"Boss!" Tony dropped the slice back into the box and was on his feet within seconds. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"That's obvious," Gibbs said. "How's the case?"

"We have security camera footage of Campbell stealing the jewelry Boss," McGee answered quickly.

"We picked him up at 0700 today and I had his confession by 1100 hours," Ziva smiled proudly.

"He's on his way to booking right now Boss," Tony added.

"Well whadda you know DiNozzo, looks like you earned that pizza after all," Gibbs said.

"Thank you Boss." Tony sat back down in his chair and took the half eaten piece out of the box.

"Gibbs!" Abby cheered as she came around the corner with a gift in her hand. "You're back! Is she here? Did you bring her with you?"

"Guys," Gibbs said. He nudged Grace, who had been hiding behind his leg, around to his side. "This is Grace. Gracie, that's Tony, Ziva, Tim, and Abby," Gibbs said pointing at each member of his team.

"Hi Grace! I got you something." Abby said. She knelt down in front of the girl but Grace disappeared behind Gibbs' leg once again.

"She's shy Abs," Gibbs said.

"That's ok," Abby said, standing to her feet. She handed Gibbs the gift she'd gotten for Grace.

Gibbs inspected it. "Thanks Abs. What is it?"

"It's a pillow pet," Abby said grabbing the gift back. "You just unvelcro it here and it turns into a pillow. Velcro it back up and it's a pet dog." Abby was obviously very proud of her gift. "I figured it would come in handy since you never sleep Gibbs. Nobody can keep up with your schedule. Whenever she's tired, wherever she's at, she'll have a pillow."

"That's actually a good idea," Gibbs admitted. He leaned down and picked Grace up. Her grip was firm on his neck as she hid her face from the group. Gibbs looked up to see Jenny standing on the catwalk in front of MTAC watching them. She started down the stairs once Gibbs saw her.

"Hi Jen," Gibbs said when she reached the bullpen.

"Jethro," Jenny said. She glanced behind Gibbs' back catching Grace's eye causing Grace to turn her head in the opposite direction.

"Linda's funeral is in Stillwater on Monday," Gibbs said. "I'm gonna take Gracie up and stay with Dad on Sunday, we'll be back Monday evening."

"Take all the time you need," Jenny offered.

"Mind if we come over tomorrow Boss?" Tony asked around a mouthful of pizza. "You know? Hang out before you leave again."

"My door's always open DiNozzo. You know that."

"Yay!" Abby cheered. "Party at Gibbs' tomorrow!"

"Abs," Gibbs warned.

"Oh don't worry Gibbs. It'll be fun."

"You guys closed the case," Gibbs said. "Go home, relax. You've earned it."

"So nice to meet you Grace," Ziva said to the back of the girls head. She smiled at Gibbs before moving over to Tony's desk.

"Hey Grace, you want a piece of pizza?" Tony offered. Grace shook her head. Tony turned around just in time to see Ziva taking a bite out of a piece of pizza. "Hey!" he hurried back to his desk.

"What?" Ziva asked. "You can share with Grace but not with me?"

"Grace isn't annoying," Tony said.

Ziva made a face at Tony before Gibbs put an end to their spat. Tony put his backpack over his shoulder, grabbed his box of pizza and headed for the elevators. Ziva grabbed her things and chased after him, sliding through the elevator doors just before they closed.

"I'll see you tomorrow Boss," Tim said. He shut down his computer before he too headed for the elevator.

"Abs, I could use your help with something," Gibbs said.

"Anything Gibbs!"

"You know anything about clothes?"

Abby let out a laugh. "Of course I do Gibbs! You need help picking out a new wardrobe?"

"Not me," Gibbs said. He rubbed Grace's back. "This is all she's got. I had to stop at Sears on our way out of town because her shirt had blood on it from the accident. It took me an hour to pick out one shirt."

Abby controlled the urge to giggle at the thought of Gibbs walking around Sears for an hour searching for a single shirt. "Don't worry about a thing Gibbs! I know just the place to go."

"Thanks Abs." Gibbs kissed Abby's cheek as he walked by her on his way to the elevator.