A/N: wowie gee first fanfic ever! o.O I'm a little nervous about how yal people are going to like this, but oh well I disliked Shen's death and couldn't stand the way the movie killed him off, so here is how I wished the movie would've gone (jk I just wanted to write an angsty Po and Shen story =]) So anywho I hope yal enjoy! Constructive criticism and reviews are loved



Alternate Ending: Lord Shen vs. the Zen Ball Master

Po looked at the destruction before him; his friends, mentor, and idols strewn about like worthless heaps of trash floating and broken in the dark waters. Shen's ships were making their way into the harbor, their ominous yet majestic sails seemed to only further add to the reminder of Po's defeat.

Po's eyes then caught the sight of the still form of Tigress. Gathering what little strength he had left, Po maneuvered himself over to her. Po swam up close enough so that she could hear his strained whisper. "Tigress." Said warrior gave Po a weak look and only replied with four shaky breaths, each seeming more pained than the last, before hiding her head in her arms. Po's heart broke at the sight of his friend who he had considered 'so hard core that she couldn't feel anything' so spent and vulnerable.

At that moment, Po glanced up to see Shen smirking wickedly at the scene playing out before him. Po felt a new found hatred serge within him one that could outdo even the once feared Tai Lung's. He glared at Shen with as much malice as he could possibly muster but tore his gaze away when he heard another shaky breath let out by Tigress. Po looked down at her sadly before lightly pushing her away from anymore danger. Tigress struggled to look up and reach out her paw at Po's retreating form.

Shen gave a victorious laugh as he watched the panda climb onto a rock that stuck out and disrupted the flow of the water. Staring at Po intently, Shen waited calmly for the panda to make his move against him. Surely the famous Dragon Warrior wasn't giving up just like that. Displeasure flooded through Shen as his enemy closed his eyes in a sign of defeat. Shen sighed. "As you wish." He then ushered to his men. "Let's finish this."How disappointing.

Po heard the order but for some reason did not feel alarmed. A new found calm took hold of his body and he moved his hands and feet based on where instinct told him they needed to go. Shifu gasped when he saw his student do this. He couldn't possibly be doing what I think he's doing… Could he? But when Shifu saw Po open his eyes there was no doubt about it. Shen also witnessed as the panda opened his eyes and was taken aback by the serenity they held. Regaining his composure quickly, Shen gave another wicked grin and barked a single order to his men."Fire."

Time seemed to slow down for Po as he watched the cannonball hurtling towards him. Inner peace. He chanted within himself, closing his eyes and imagining the cannonball as a single raindrop. He opened his eyes, a new found fire in them and acting basely on instinct, grabbed the cannonball and flung it over his shoulder. Everyone stared at Po with a mixture of awe and wonder or in Shen's case horror. Again renewing his composer the bird gave Po a vicious glare and before barking out, "Again."

Cannonball after cannonball hurtled at Po and cannonball after cannonball the panda evaded with ease. Two more shots were fired at him and he dodged them easily, laughing as he did so. Never before in his life had Po felt so, well, awesome! Even his fight with Tai Lung could compare to how incredible he felt right now, and he wasn't about to pass up this chance to flaunt this fact in the face of his enemies.

"Kill him! Somebody kill him!" Lord Shen screeched, his fear rising with each cannon fire the panda managed to deflect. Shen quickly began to realize that the panda was taking out his ships, and the look on his face told him that his was next. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. Jerking his head down to look at the gorilla who was about to light another cannon and cost them both their lives, Shen shot two knives at the big oaf and quickly turned the cannon around about ninety degrees away from the panda. Po looked up at Shen in confusion but then it quickly turned into horror when he saw where exactly he was aiming at. Tigress!

"Maybe you can block my attacks, panda. But she can't." Shen smiled evilly and lit the fuse. Po and the rest of the five ran as fast as they could towards her, but the cannonball was shooting out towards the injured Tiger faster than any of them could blink. Po let out a strangled cry as his friends made it to Tigress just in time for the cannonball to hit its mark.

"NO!" Po yelled and ran towards the smoke filled area where his friends had been. "Guys? Guys! Monkey? Crane? Viper? Mantis? Tigress?" Po yelled between chokes as the smoke filled his airways. He choked back a sob as the smoke began to clear and the furious five lay broken and barely alive before him. "Guys?" He said hoarsely when none moved. He nearly cried in relief when Tigress' eyes cracked open and the rest of the five began to twitch to life.

"Po. Shen is…Shen is getting away. You must s-stop him before…" Tigress grunted and clutched her side which was sticky with blood. Po looked at the blood in horror. This was his fault. He had gotten too cocky. If only he had take out the ships sooner. He fell down on his knees and held back the tears that threatened to escape. Po was still kneeling there sorrowfully when he felt a warm paw grab his arm. He opened his eyes in surprise to see Tigress looking into his eyes with reassurance. "This isn't your fault." She said struggling to not stutter from the pain and keep a brave face on for Po. Po felt a tear fall onto his cheek and he quickly wiped it away and nodded. "Tigress I…" Po never got to finish the thought however because two knives were flung into his back.

"Po no!" Tigress yelled as the panda began to lose consciousness. The last thing he heard before his world went black was the wicked laugh of Lord Shen and the sound of cannon fire hurtling towards them.

A/N: Uhh yeah don't ask lol I just prefer it when evil wins especially when that evil person(peacock) is Lord Shen. :D. tehe. I'm still debating whether or not to continue this or just leave it a one shot. Hmm tell me what yal think? Remember my muse and I love reviews