Author's Note: I apologize profusely for the long wait…I seem to be doing that a lot. It's my own fault, really. Anyway, I wish to inform you that this is the next-to-last chapter in this fanfic. After that, Marie and I may post an epilogue; we'll see when the time comes. In the meantime, let's get on with the show! Oh, and btw: writing a wedding is hard as crap!

By My Life, I Will

Lucy took a deep, steadying breath. She was nervous. No, that wasn't the word. She was terrified. Utterly and completely terrified. Why, you ask, was she terrified? Oh, that's easy: she was getting married. In less than an hour, to be precise. The arrangement had actually been fairly simple. To symbolize the joining of the cultures, Lucy and Jack were having a traditional hand-joining ceremony, the common practice in Middle-Earth among the nobility.

Nobility. It was strange to think that that was what she was, but it was true. Due to her association with May/Lothorn and Legolas, Lucy and Jack were counted among the nobility in Minas Tirith. Jack had had a good laugh when he found out about that one. A pirate as a noble; who would've thought it?

The queen herself had overseen the designing and construction of Lucy's dress. Truthfully, she felt a tad ridiculous wearing it. Oh, it was beautiful, to be sure, and she looked well in it. However, she had not worn a skirt once since arriving aboard the Pearl around a year ago. Having grown so accustomed to trousers, the dress felt strange.

Luckily, it was not an overly girly wedding dress, meaning her sword didn't look out of place, for which she was grateful. Lucy wanted to remind everyone present that she was a pirate, and pirates—as far as she understood—married while wearing their swords.

The dress was not white, but then again she had expected Middle-Earth to have different marriage customs. The dress was actually green and yellow, meant to symbolize spring, the season of fertility. It made sense. The design of the skirt was fairly simple, but it was the bodice and sleeves that were meant to be the most elaborate.

The bodice was fitted, showing off her figure. The neckline was, thankfully, a modest one, and only showed the barest hint of cleavage. Small yellow and green gems were sewn all around the waistline to form a pattern of interlocking sunflowers. The sleeves did not correct directly to the body of the dress; rather, they were held onto the garment by a few thin strips of fabric, exposing her shoulders. From there, they started out yellow, but gradually faded into a rich grass-green just below the elbows.

"Ye ready, lass?" Lucy turned and smiled at Mr. Gibbs, who had graciously agreed to give her away at the wedding. It was, at least, one part of the ceremony that both cultures shared.

Lucy took a shaky breath and smiled. "As ready as I'll ever be," she replied. She rested her hand in the crook of his elbow just as the doors opened. Light, airy music floated out from the hall, making her smile grow even wider. They began to walk down the aisle at a steady, measured pace.

Instantly, her eyes were on only one person: Jack. He was waiting at the other end, standing beside Aragorn. His clothes had been washed, his jewelry buffed, and his boots polished to a shine. His sword, like hers, hung gleaming at his side, and his trademark hat rested in its usual place atop his head. Jack had clearly also taken extra care to remove every single speck of dirt and sea salt from his body, especially his face.

He was the handsomest man Lucy had ever seen in her life, and she saw Legolas on a daily basis. He was made even more handsome by the heartwarming smile he directed toward her. She didn't think she'd ever seen him happier.

Finally, she reached the end of the aisle, where she and Jack turned to face each other breathlessly. Gibbs took her left hand and gently pressed it into Jack's right, smiling at the both of them. Lucy was surprised to see tears in the old pirate's eyes; he was a big softy, after all.

The couple turned their attention to Aragorn, who gave them both an encouraging smile before addressing the gathered crowd. "My people! My friends. My family. We are gathered here to celebrate not just the joining of two lives, but the joining of two cultures. The sailors of the majestic ship, the Black Pearl, arrived on our shores little more than a year before." Jack gave a small grin at the phrase "majestic ship."

Aragorn spread his hands, gesturing to the assembled masses. "And yet, look. Look around you. You see them scattered among you, no longer as strangers, but as friends. If any of you have any doubts as to that, I will only say that anyone—be they from Middle Earth or not—who helps to repel an attack on my people will be counted as my friends."

There were many nodding heads and murmurs of approval from the crowd at this. Many citizens of Osgiliath turned to their friends from the Pearl, smiling and making small remarks to go along with Aragorn's declaration.

Aragorn smiled once more. "But let us not forget what has brought us all together today: a wedding!" This brought applause and a few cheers. "Since they have arrived, I have watched the love between these two blossom and grow like the first flowers of spring, so it is with great pride that I join their hands today, in the sight of all of you gathered here today."

He held up a red ribbon, hovering it above the couple's joined hands. "Jack Sparrow—"

The king was interrupted when at least twenty voices called out, "Captain!" Aragorn chuckled. "Yes. Captain Jack Sparrow…will you take this woman to be your wife? Will you swear to love and protect her to the end of your days? Will you swear to be faithful to her for all time? And will you swear to ensure her future, should she outlive you?"

Jack fixed Lucy with a solemn look. "By my life, I will."

Now, Aragorn turned to Lucy. "Lucy Bronx, will you take this man to be your husband? Will you swear to love and serve him to the end of your days? Will you swear to be faithful to him for all time? And will you swear to ensure his future by bearing his children, if you are able?"

Lucy smiled at Jack, but her eyes were serious. "By my life, I will," she declared.

Aragorn knotted their hands and wrists with the ribbon, joining them together, where they would remain until the end of the day, so that all would see the joining of hearts represented by the knot.

"By the power granted to me as the king, I now declare you husband and wife." Jack immediately leaned forward and pressed his lips to Lucy's in a gentle kiss, which brought much cheering from the crowd. When they pulled apart, Aragorn called out, "May I present to you all, Captain Jack Sparrow and his wife, Lucy Sparrow!"

They turned toward the crowd and raised their joined hands above their heads, grinning like idiots. All the members of the Fellowship were on the front row, and May was there as well, wiping tears from her face.

Unable to resist, Lucy locked eyes with her friend and mouthed, "You're next." She had the satisfaction of seeing the Elf's eyes go wide with terror for a brief moment before she composed herself. Oh, yes, this was going to be good.