
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

AN: Another one-shot? Whaaaat?

Now on to this story that is completely random. It came to me while listening to my iTunes at 3:30AM. And then I started writing it at 3:30 AM. And I finished it eight hours later. So please forgive the absolute laziness of it!

Naruto scooted further back into his couch, changing the channel on the TV and waiting for his instant ramen to be done in the microwave. His cat, Kyuubi, was curled at his feet and he looked disgruntled when Naruto adjusted his legs. It was dark outside, but the lights of the city turned the sky into a dark purple. But that was okay, no one needed to know that it was night time. After all, this was The City That Never Sleeps.

"Under…hills cover neatly…"

Naruto lifted his head from where he had it propped on his hand and vaguely wondered if he was hearing his cell phone ringing, but the thought was dismissed when he glanced at the coffee table in front of him to see the Droid there. But he was hearing someone singing, and they had a beautiful voice. Thinking it was coming from the hallway of his floor, he quickly got up, leaving Kyuubi to glare after him due to the heat being gone, and placed his ear near the door. However, the voice only grew fainter and he became extremely perplexed as to where it was coming from.

The microwave's beeper went off and Naruto found himself annoyed with the fact that his ramen was done. The sound was distracting him from the melodious singing that he couldn't quite pinpoint yet as either a male or female. He walked back to where he had been sitting on the couch, the beeping from the kitchen ceasing.


Naruto furrowed his eyebrows and checked the window, but no one was on the street below. It couldn't be from outside anyways, the voice was too soft for someone to be singing loud enough to reach him on the fifth floor. He walked towards the diminutive hallway in his apartment that consisted of three doors. In the middle, at the end, was his bedroom. To the right was his bathroom and across from that was a cramped storage closet.

"It's cold…lord in the bedroom…lord at your feet, the lord's shaking the headboard with nothing to eat…"

Naruto opened his bathroom door, flipping on the light and smiled to himself when he found that the singing was the loudest in there. Stepping inside, he drew closer to his shower which was a vintage lion's foot tub and the bronze pipes of the shower were exposed on the left wall. He knew that his pipes were connected with other residents', but he had never heard someone singing through them before. And by the way it sounded slightly muffled, and by the way the pipes were vibrating gentle, Naruto could tell that it was someone singing in the shower.

Naruto looked up at his shower head and almost snickered to himself. "Hello?" he called up to it and the singing stopped abruptly. There was silence and the pipes stopped their vibrations. Whoever had been showering turned off the water. "Oh, they stopped…" Naruto whined out loud to himself. He stood closer to the edge of the tub and waited hopefully for the singing to start up again, but it never did and he pouted.

"Is someone there?" a male's voice asked; it sounded echoic and dark and, oddly, very attractive.

"Ah, were you the one singing?" Naruto asked his shower head; glad he was alone otherwise he'd feel pretty foolish.

"Who is this? Where are you?" the voice asked, sounding irritated and Naruto could swear that he heard the person on the other end yank back his shower curtain, the metal rings racing across the bar they were connected to, but it was very faint. Naruto wondered if maybe the other man thought that there was someone in the bathroom with him.

"I'm Naruto! I live here in the building and I can hear your singing through the pipes. You have a very nice voice!" He was met with silence and Naruto sighed, bouncing up and down on his tip toes before he noticed that the shower had started up again. "Oh, you're still there!" Once again he was met with silence and it dawned on him that whoever was on the other end was now ignoring him. "Wow, what a dick." He made sure to say it extra loudly, hoping that the other man could here it over the running shower water.

He was quickly met with something that sounded like an insult and he frowned. "What'd you say to me?" he shouted.

"I said that you're a fucking pervert." The voice called back, sounding like it was underwater.

"What?" Naruto growled, glaring daggers at his shower head. "I'm not a pervert! All I said was that you have a nice voice!"

"Will you please stop talking to me through my shower?"

"Gladly!" Naruto yelled and stomped out of his bathroom, turning the light off as he left. He went into his kitchen and removed the now lukewarm ramen from the microwave. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks from the sink, he shuffled out of the kitchen, turning the light off behind him, and then turned off the TV and then the lamp in the den. He whistled for Kyuubi (the cat had some strange psychological thing about him and he came to Naruto whenever the blond whistled the tune of "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion) and the two entered his bedroom and he closed the door behind him.

"Kyuubi, you are going to meet people in this world who are total assholes and you don't even have to meet them in person." Naruto announced to his cat as he dove his chopsticks into his ramen.

"Tell Kyuubi that they will also meet complete dip shits who don't realize that I can still hear them."

Naruto jumped and turned around, just now remembering that the pipes were on the other side of the almost paper-thin wall, right behind his bed. "He doesn't take advice from falsely accusing buttheads." Naruto said a little louder than necessary. A sound came from the pipes behind his head and he realized that the other man was laughing at his comment. He smiled and decided to back off on the insults. "Hey." He called.

There was a brief pause. "What now?"

"I really did like your singing. It's really awesome even though I'm hearing it through pipes. Your voice is so smooth and calming…it's practically orgasmic." He gasped, unable to believe he just said something like that.

"Medicine man, you danced me across the country…"

Naruto's head perked up and oddly enough, so did Kyuubi's. The man on the other side of the pipes was singing again and Naruto found his voice was slightly different from the first song he had heard. Before he couldn't tell if the voice belonged to a girl or boy, but it seemed that the man had been singing in a higher pitch. Now his voice was deep and almost husky and Naruto found it oddly relaxing.

"Medicine man, you danced me across the sky. Medicine man, now my feet are dragging. Medicine man, can you hear my cry?"

There was a loud creak above Naruto's bed and it took him a moment to realize that it was someone turning off the water to their shower and stepping out of the tub. Naruto blinked. So the man's bathroom was above Naruto bedroom…which meant that this man lived directly above him.

The singing turned into a dull humming and then stopped altogether and Naruto sighed softly, realizing that the man probably left his bathroom.

"What was your name again?" the voice asked, catching Naruto by surprise.

"Oh! Um, my name's Naruto!"

"Goodnight, Naruto."

A blush crept up Naruto's neck and fanned over his face. "Y-yeah! You too – um…hey, what's your name?" He was met with silence and he sighed deeply.

Kyuubi looked at him and he looked back with half-lidded eyes, "I like the way he says my name. Don't you? It's almost like he sang it, did you catch that?" The cat stared at him a few moments before sitting up and beginning to clean himself.

Naruto grimaced and he turned his body to the side, placing his still full ramen cup onto his night stand, behind his alarm clock. He reached towards the end of his bed and pulled the sheet and almost threadbare blanket over him and Kyuubi, causing the cat to dart out from under the covers and onto the floor, turning back to glare at Naruto with dark eyes.

"Night, Kyuubi." Naruto said, turning off the lamp next to his bed.

The beeping Naruto heard registered in his head as his alarm clock and he was forced from his dream world earlier than he wanted to be. Naruto leaned away from the noise, but Kyuubi was already up and meowing at the door, ready to be fed a pay a visit to his litter box. Naruto groaned, realizing he had subconsciously closed the door to his bedroom, which he rarely did for the main purpose of Kyuubi being able to go to the bathroom during the night. "Kyuubi…" he groaned. "If I find any presents in here later, I will drop you off the balcony and then we'll see what they say about cats landing on their feet."

Naruto sat up and blindly reached for his alarm clock as he yawned, his jaw popping at the action. His hand pushed the small square clock backwards, knocking over the cup of ramen he had abandoned last night. Stale ramen noodles and broth covered the area next to his bed and nightstand and Naruto let out a loud growl. "You have got to be shitting me!"

"Well good morning to you, too."

Naruto looked up, his brain didn't work well in the morning and he glared at the ceiling for a bit before realizing that the man from last night was in his bathroom. "Oh! Good morning!" he said quickly, feeling rude for not answering immediately.

"Is everything okay down there? I didn't need the pipes to hear that shout." The man sounded both irritated and amused at the same time.

Naruto could hear him a lot clearer than he did last night and he wondered if perhaps the man was talking louder and if he was speaking louder, then maybe he wasn't as annoyed with Naruto for talking to him through the shower last night.

"Yeah, I just filled – blah, I mean…I spilled some ramen on the floor. I have to clean it up now." He trotted out of his bedroom, frowning when he could have sword he heard the other man call him an idiot. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed a role of paper towels off the counter before he rushed back to his room, and began putting layers of paper towels over the spill. It took him about seven minutes to wipe everything before he realized he now only had ten minutes to feed Kyuubi, eat breakfast, shower and get ready to go to work. "Mother fucker!" he cried as he dashed around the room like a mad man, running into his closet and yanking out an outfit to wear, then to the kitchen where he poured his cat some food and apologized to himself for not being able to eat this morning, and then he rushed into the bathroom where he turned on the shower and did the fastest wash down in the world.

He was out of the door in nine minutes, shouting to his neighbors Nara Shikamaru and his girlfriend, Sabaku Temari, to hold the elevator door for him. He leaned against the wall inside the elevator, laughing victoriously when the elevator doors closed behind him. "Thanks." He smiled at them.

"Rough morning?" Temari asked as she finished pulling her hair into its usual four pigtails.

Naruto nodded and glanced past her at a tall man leaning in the corner of the elevator opposite of Naruto. He had dark hair and creamy pail skin and his eyebrows looked as though they were waxed due to their perfect shape. His pale pink lips were pressed together in a tight line as he looked over a packet of papers in his hand. He tucked his bangs behind his ear with his free hand only to have them fall back into place. Naruto couldn't help but think that the guy should be a model, he was beautiful. Deciding he had stared enough at the stranger, he turned his attention back to the couple standing before him. "Temari, did you always have your nose pierced?"

Shikamaru looked annoyed, obviously displeased at the fact that the girl's nose was punctured. Temari smirked at Naruto and shook her head. "No, I did it myself a few days ago. Like it?"

Naruto opened his mouth to say something, but Shikamaru cleared his throat loudly and when Naruto looked at the older man, he was glaring at him. Returning his attention to Temari, he stumbled to find the words to say. "Oh…uh…it's nice. But! Um! Maybe you shouldn't get anything else pierced?" He looked at Shikamaru to see if what he said was acceptable and while his eyes traveled, he noticed that the other male occupant of the elevator was looking at him with dark, perplexed eyes. Naruto decided to ignore him and he breathed a sigh of relief when the elevator reached the first floor.

"I'll see you guys around! Come visit me at work today, kay? I'm working the lunch shift."

Shikamaru and Temari smiled at him and waved as confirmation to the invite before going to the parking lot of the apartment complex.

Naruto turned around slightly and saw that the other man that had been in the elevator was gone and he frowned to himself. Turning, he jumped slightly when he saw that the raven-haired man had simply slipped past him while Naruto had been focusing on the couple, and he was gathering his mail from his box. Naruto moved past him and began his two block walk to the bus stop that would bring him to his first origin of work. To pay off student loans and his bills, Naruto worked morning through afternoon in a well-to-do café located downtown. Then after his shift there, he treks a few blocks to the bookstore where he stocks shelves and helps customers find books, sometimes he even has to fill in at the register.

The day passed rather quickly, Shikamaru and Temari kept their promise to come visit him at work while on their lunch break and before he knew it, it was two o'clock and he was walking through town to get to his 2:30 shift. His favorite part of the day was when the schools let out and the bookstore became bustling with teenagers looking for books for classes or just to read in general.

"Hey Naruto!" Two, high-pitched voices called to him and Naruto grinned at Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka, a pair of high school girls who have been best friends since they met in summer camp seven years ago.

"Hello ladies. Need anything in particular today or did you just come to see your favorite person in the world?" Naruto said with a winning grin and the girls smiled back, their cheeks coloring in a pink hue.

Sakura giggled and she fiddled with the hem of her school skirt as she looked up at Naruto who was currently using a step stool to rearrange books on history's greatest inventors. "We got a new Literature teacher."

"Oh good." Naruto said approvingly. "They finally fired that crazy woman who accused you of plagiarizing Shakespeare all because you forgot to cite a quote from Romeo and Juliet?"

"Yeah, and now we have a new teacher! His name is Uchiha-sensei and-"

"And he's so gorgeous!" Ino interrupted. The two girls squealed, placing their hands on their blushing cheeks.

Naruto laughed. "That good-looking, huh? But is he any good as a teacher?"

The two girls nodded, but then frowned. "He's kind of harsh." Sakura said. "He pretty much came in, told us what he expected of us, and then got straight to work on talking about Romantic poetry."

"He moves fast and expects us to keep up while writing notes and then he got mad at us when we couldn't answer his questions." Ino supplied.

"Aw geez," Naruto said, laughing slightly. "Well, there's always an upside. He's gorgeous (apparently)."

"Yeah!" Ino said quickly and began to giggle.

"So Naruto," Sakura said with a knowing smile. "Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

Naruto smirked to himself, pulling a book out and scooting a few over in its place before placing it back in a new slot. "Nope."



"Have you been dating at all?" Sakura asked, looking concerned.

"Nope. Sakura-chan, I don't have time to being dating. I'm fresh out of college, trying to pay off student loans, and I have bills to pay. Work is the only thing I'm allowed to date right now."

Sakura looked sadly at him. "What about that one guy you were seeing? The red head?"

"Gaara?" Naruto's face became somber. "He…found someone else. But at least he broke up with me first instead of cheating on me."

"Always the optimist." Ino muttered, making Naruto smile.

"But doesn't he live in your building? That has to get awkward." Sakura said, not realizing that she was driving the nail deeper into the topic.

Naruto sighed. "No, his older sister lives in the building. He was just living with me, but he moved in with the other guy."

"Ouch." Ino deadpanned, earning a slap on the shoulder from Sakura.

"Naruto!" The blond turned his head to the left to look at his boss Jiraiya. "I don't pay you to chit chat with your girl friends. A new pallet just came in, get to work on unloading it."

Naruto said goodbye to Sakura and Ino and jogged to the storage room of the store. After he was out of sight, Jiraiya looked at the two high school girls and waggled his eyebrows. "So how old are you lovely ladies?"

The two teenagers grimaced and excused themselves.

Naruto groaned as he entered his apartment, Kyuubi walking up to him an immediately begging for attention. "Not now, boy. I'm exhausted." He walked into his bedroom and peeled off his shirt.

"Well just because she feeds me well and she made me talk dirty in a pink hotel doesn't mean she's got eyes for me; she might just want my bones you see."

Naruto paused for a whole minute and then laughed to himself when he realized that what he was hearing was the man above him singing. He continued to undress, stretching out his back when he was in his boxers before flopping face first onto his bed. The singing stopped and Naruto heard the creaking of the shower being turned off. "Encore! Encore!" Naruto said with a laugh, turning his head so that hopefully the other man could hear him. Then again, he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to be heard. He was tired and he kind of wanted to sleep.

"Hello again, Naruto. This isn't a concert hall, you know."

Naruto smiled to himself and decided that he could stay up a little bit longer to talk to the guy. "Hello…um…Chuck."


"I don't know your name, so I'm going to call you Chuck."

"Please don't."

"Then what is your name?"

"Hm, should I tell you?"

"Um…yes? I mean, you know my name." Naruto looked up at the ceiling and for the first time he wished that he could see the other man.

"My name is Sasuke."

Naruto's lips parted and he felt his heart beat a little faster. "Sasuke." He repeated. He licked his lips, and his heart continued to pound against his chest. Shaking off the feeling, knowing he was being ridiculous, Naruto grinned and let out a quick laugh. "So, Sasuke…do you have a girlfriend?"

"A what?"

"A girlfriend. You know…a lover?" Naruto sat in the silence before realizing that he was being messed with. "You know what I mean!"

"Of course I do. Why do you want to know?" Sasuke replied with a suggestive tone. Or at least it sounded suggestive.

Naruto couldn't tell if the 'of course I do' was directed to him having a girlfriend or to him agreeing that he knew what Naruto was talking about. "N-no reason! I was just wondering if maybe she thought you were weird for talking to a guy in your bathroom…" Naruto trailed off. He didn't know why, but he felt a little jealous to the fact that Sasuke had a girlfriend. He really liked hearing Sasuke sing and the fact that someone else got to hear it too bothered him. He wanted Sasuke's voice to be something special that he had to himself.

"I'm sure she doesn't care." Sasuke said after a moment.

Naruto felt his heart sink. "I dunno…I think that if I had a girlfriend, she'd be pretty weirded out that I was talking to a voice from my bed."

"Naruto." Sasuke said in a forward manner. "I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh." Naruto said, blushing even though no one was around. "W-why? Are you ugly?" He heard Sasuke scoff and he slammed his palm to his forehead. "I didn't mean-"

"I know what you meant." Sasuke cut him off. "I don't have a girlfriend because I don't like women."

Naruto sat up in bed and he felt his heart hammering away in his chest. So this guy, who had the voice of a god, was gay? How lucky could Naruto get? Playing it cool, Naruto lay back again and looked at the ceiling in a cool-like manner. "So…what? You're into dudes?"

There was silence for a while and then, "What of it?"

Naruto caught Sasuke's defensive tone and he quickly corrected himself. "No, don't get me wrong! I'm bi! Actually…my boyfriend dumped me a few months ago. He left me…for someone else."

Once again, there was a long period of silence before Sasuke spoke again. "I'm sorry. You...sound like a nice guy. If I were your boyfriend I wouldn't even look at anyone else that way."

Naruto held his breath and he felt his entire body tingle. Sasuke had just placed himself in a theory of being Naruto's boyfriend. He rolled over onto his side and hugged his pillow to his chest. This was insane! He didn't even know what Sasuke looked like! Nor did he know anything about Sasuke. He just…really liked hearing Sasuke's voice and his singing was the best thing to ever reach Naruto's ears.

"Naruto, how old are you?" Sasuke asked suddenly.

Naruto grinned deviously to himself and returned to lying on his back. "Sixteen." When he was met with silence, he laughed loudly. "I'm kidding! I'm twenty-two, but I'll be twenty-three in October."

"Ah, so you've graduated already?" Naruto couldn't tell if Sasuke sounded relieved or not.

"Yeah. What about you?" Naruto said.

"I graduated a year ago. I'm twenty-four." Sasuke stated.

Naruto smiled to himself. So they were in the same age group. Was it just him, or did this guy sound like a perfect, date-able man? "Sasuke, did you just move here recently? I'm just asking, 'cause I've never heard your singing before."

"I moved in yesterday." Sasuke replied.

"Oh, shit. I must have freaked you out big time, then! I mean, first time using your new shower in your new place and you start hearing voices? Freaky shit." Naruto said, beginning to feel like such an asshole. He didn't get an answer from Sasuke, so he changed the topic. "Um…where did you live before?" Again, he was met with silence and he wondered if Sasuke had left. He sighed and stared down at his feet, hitting the side of his right one against his left.

"Sorry, I went to grab some clothes. What did you say?" Sasuke's voice said quickly as if he were worried that Naruto was gone or something. It made Naruto smile.

"Oh, um…" Naruto started again, remembering what he had said. "I asked where you were living before here."

Sasuke's voice suddenly sounded exhausted and annoyed. "I was living with my boyfriend, but we broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Naruto said, slightly concerned that he was talking to a guy who just recently had a break up. There was no way Sasuke was ready to meet someone new…not that Naruto was thinking about that, no. Why would he even begin to consider dating a guy who he just met last night through his apartment's pipe lines?

"Yeah. The worst part about that story is that I had to continue living with him for over half a year before I saved enough money to move out on my own."

There was clearly a higher power working in Naruto's favor. "Oh, really? That does suck." Okay, so Sasuke wasn't fresh out of a relationship. This could go real well…other than Naruto had no time to get into anything serious and he didn't even have enough money laying around to take someone on a date. He sighed loudly, upset with himself that he even let his mind wander and occupy such a silly thought.

"What do you do for a living, Naruto?" Sasuke asked suddenly and Naruto sighed once more, feeling like this could possibly count as a date.

"I'm a waiter at Akimichi's and I also work in Headers."

"I work close to Akimichi's."

"Then you should come by one day for lunch. I can give you a discount." A thought occurred to Naruto and he wasn't sure why he was just noticing this. "Sasuke, did you say earlier that you went to grab some clothes?"

"Yeah?" Sasuke sounded defensive.

"So…you're just sitting in your bathroom talking to me?"

There was a pause. Then, "Yeah…I guess I am."

Naruto smiled to himself and he pictured in his mind that, whatever Sasuke looked like, he was smiling too. For the rest of the night, Naruto ended up talking with Sasuke about almost everything. They talked about their teachers in middle school and the kind of towns they grew up in, they told the stories of their first kiss and the first time they figured out they liked the same sex and who their first boyfriend was.

Naruto couldn't remember when he fell asleep, but he woke up to his alarm clock the next morning and he smiled at his ceiling, feeling some sort of invisible bond with the man living upstairs.

Naruto stood in front of the elevator doors, waiting for the elevator to arrive from the sixth floor. He checked his watch out of habit even though he wasn't running late. He felt a little down because he didn't get to say hello to Sasuke this morning. It wasn't like he expected the other man to greet him every morning and night, but he just thought that maybe it would be a routine thing.

The elevator buzzed and the doors opened slowly, revealing the same raven-haired man from yesterday morning. He was in the same corner with his leather messenger bag dangling off his left shoulder, and just like yesterday, he was dressed in casual wear that Naruto couldn't quite pinpoint, but he was pretty sure that he looked kind of like a teacher (then again, he looked a little young to be a teacher). They made eye contact, but Naruto broke it almost immediately when someone called for him to hold the elevator door. He turned and kept his arm in the way of the door until the person arrived. Naruto's mouth fell open when a familiar red head strolled into the elevator.

"You dropped something." The slightly shorter said and he pushed Naruto's chin back up with his index finger. "You act surprised to see me."

Naruto gathered himself up and turned to face forward. "Hello, Gaara. Kind of early to be visiting Temari, don't you think?"

"Kind of late to be growing a pair of balls, don't you think?" The red head challenged. "You don't have to pretend that you're over me."

Naruto's eyes narrowed. Ever since Gaara left him for a man named Hyuuga Neji, Gaara has become very self absorbed, thinking that everyone wants a piece of him. It was an affect that Neji had on him. But what he had said was kind of true; Naruto didn't have the confidence to try and convince Gaara not to leave. He just couldn't. He saw Neji and immediately felt beat. The man had an air about him that said that no one got to him and Naruto did nothing but let Gaara leave with him.

Naruto scoffed. "Please. The only way I'd still want you is – GAH!" Naruto's face turned beet red when Gaara reached over and cupped his groin. He quickly shoved the hand away and backed up against the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

The elevator doors opened on the first floor and Gaara strolled out, smirking to himself with his hands in his pockets. That was Gaara for you. No words because he knew and he liked to be the only one that knew.

Naruto watched the other incredulously. "Son of a…fuck." He stormed out of the elevator, but then turned around and glared at the raven-haired man who was looking at him with a blank stare. "You never saw any of that." The other man blinked in return and Naruto growled in the back of his throat before heading out the building.

Naruto turned off the water and began to peel off his clothes before stepping into his bathtub and sinking his body to the bottom, the water caressing the bottom of his ears. He felt sore all over and all he wanted to do was soak in the tub and then watch TV for the rest of the night. He didn't want to have to pay bills and he didn't want to clean his apartment even though he really should, and he didn't want to brush out Kyuubi even though it would lessen the amount of shedding the cat did. All he wanted was to forget the world ever existed…

"Well it's a big, big city and it's always the same. Can never be too pretty; tell me your name. Is it out of line if I were simply bold to say "Would you be mine"?"

Naruto sighed and leaned his head further back, smiling to himself as Sasuke's voice drifted through the pipes, which were vibrating with the shower water rushing through them. He closed his eyes and tried to picture what Sasuke looked like. Probably a tall, lanky man with dark hair and eyes, who wore plain white t-shirts and ripped, faded blue jeans and leather flip flops. He could pull off a fedora well and he carried around an acoustic guitar when he would go on walks so that he could play whatever was on his mind.

The image settled in Naruto's head, then suddenly took a one-eighty turn and before he knew it, he was imagining his fantasy Sasuke singing to him while slowly taking off his clothes. And Naruto would kneel before him and see just how long Sasuke could keep singing before it all became too much.

Naruto cursed under his breath as he reached down and began to slowly pump his half-hard cock.

"So if you're lonely why'd you say you're not lonely? Oh you're a silly girl, I know I hurt it so it's just like you to come and go. And you know me, no, you don't even know me. You're so sweet to try, oh my, you caught my eye; a girl like you 's just irresistible."

"Fuck..." Naruto hissed as he began to speed up, some of the water splashing over the edges of the tub from the motion of his arm, but Naruto didn't care. Sasuke's voice was such a turn on and it made him forget about all the bad things that happened to him today at work or even ever. Sasuke's voice was a void that he wanted to wrap himself in it to stay safe from bad memories.

"…and it's you, woo hoo, that's got me going crazy for the things you do. So if you're crazy, I don't care, you amaze…me…" The voice seemed to fade for a minute, but Naruto didn't notice as he cried out at feeling his orgasm approaching, the image of his fantasy Sasuke touching him every that felt good.

"Oh, you're a stupid girl, oh me, oh my, you talk, I die, you smile, you laugh, I cry. And only, a girl like you could be lonely. And it's a crying shame, if you would think the same. A boy like me's just irresistible."

"Sasuke…Sasuke…" Naruto whimpered and he cried out loudly when he came, water spilling over the walls of the tub and soaking his bathmat and the clothes he had dumped on the floor. "Jeezus…" Naruto moaned, grinning slightly in his euphoric state. He hadn't done that in a while and it felt pretty good. He sat in silence for a moment before opening his eyes and realizing that Sasuke had stopped singing. Sitting up in the tub, he stared ahead of him, seeing nothing, with wide eyes and a heated face. After a minute, he cursed himself out and yanked out the rubber plug that was wedged in the drain. He grabbed a towel and stepped out, only to have his wet mat slip under his feet and he fell forward, crying out loudly in his surprise.

"Are you okay?" Sasuke asked from the pipes and Naruto felt his face grow even hotter.

"I-I'm fine, thank you! I…I just slipped!" He scrambled up, his feet sliding over the wet tile floor, before dragging his now damp towel with him out of the bathroom. He ran into his bedroom put on some boxers, not caring that he was wet, and curled up on his bed, flinching slightly when he heard the creaking of Sasuke getting out of the shower.

"Naruto." Sasuke said sensually and Naruto buried his face in the crumpled sheets on his bed. He refused to answer the other man. After a few moments passed, Sasuke spoke again. "I see. So you're just going to ignore me now."

"Pretty much." Naruto replied, squeezing his eyes shut and mentally yelling at himself for replying.

"Wow, that's mature. Well, if you won't talk to me then I'm just going to have to talk to you until you respond." Sasuke sounded irritated.

"Good luck with that." Naruto growled up at his ceiling.

"So you were masturbating to me. Tell me, what do you think I look like?" Any irritation that was there before was now gone and the other man sounded almost playful now.

Naruto pouted and tried to think his way out of this conversation. "I-I wasn't masturbating to you. I was just…masturbating."

"To your ex-boyfriend, Gaara?"

"What? No! Ew, no! It's fucking impossible for me to even conjure up a pleasant scenario of that guy. It's gross and, honestly, I kind of wonder to this day how I ever got it up for him in the first place!" Naruto cried out, feeling his stomach become queasy at the thought of him ever finding Gaara attractive again. It just couldn't happen.

"So you were masturbating to me. You really can't hide it. I heard you call my name." Sasuke stated.

"I…I…I was masturbating to your voice…" Naruto admitted, defeated.

"I'm curious as to how you pictured me." Sasuke said and Naruto could practically hear the amusement in his voice.

Naruto remained silent, looking off to the side where his balcony doors were covered by thin, blue curtains. He could jump off the balcony and never have to deal with this humiliation ever again. But then there would be no one to take care of Kyuubi and he would probably miss Sasuke's singing a lot.

"Were you top or bottom?" Sasuke asked suddenly.

"Excuse me?" Naruto said, feeling his blush come back.

"You were obviously picturing in your head us having sex. So who was top?"

Naruto placed his hands over his eyes. "I…we…we never got to that part." He answered honestly. "We were just messing around…"

There was silence for a moment. "Who would have been top, then?"

Naruto smirked and removed his hands. "Me, of course." He never bottomed before, anyways. Gaara was bottom, and the only girl he ever slept was clearly bottom.

"Oh, that just won't do." Sasuke said disapprovingly. "Considering it's you, I would definitely be top."

"What?" Naruto said with a laugh. "Yeah right! Like I would let you anywhere near my awesome ass. I would have you on your hands and knees, screaming my name with that gorgeous voice of yours." He blushed when the image came to mind and he felt the stirs of being aroused creeping up on him.

"You are sorely mistaken, dobe. After I'm done with you, you won't even have a voice to scream my name with as I pound you into the bed." Sasuke's voice was husky now and Naruto could tell that he was starting to get turned on as well. But he had to keep up his superior attitude.

"You won't even be able to handle me through foreplay! I'd have you so nice and messed up that you'd submit to me in no time and then we'll see who no longer has a voice!"

Sasuke scoffed. "Naruto." He said in a husky voice. "I have you in a panting mess just by singing. You really think you have anything on me?"

Naruto glanced down at his semi-erection and groaned.

"I bet you squirm a lot, and I'd love to see that." Sasuke said. "And the way you say my name when you're turned on is so sexy…"

Naruto gasped out and he sat up, staring at his ceiling with pleading eyes. "Sasuke! I want to meet you! My apartment number is 20! I don't care what you look like and even though I don't know you that well, I want you so badly! I promise that I'm at least decent looking! Please?" He was met with silence and Naruto felt his heart racing in his chest. He felt like an idiot, but he couldn't stand this. He and Sasuke had a great connection and it seemed like Sasuke felt the same way too.

Sasuke's chuckle reached his ears and Naruto blushed. "Dobe, you're not decent looking. I've seen you around the complex and in my opinion, you're gorgeous."

"What…? When have you-"

"Blond hair, magnificent blue eyes, and the greatest complexion I've ever seen. I've seen the scars on your cheeks, the ones you told me about, and you're always dressed in jeans and a tight fitting shirt, and forgive me for saying this, but god damn, it hugs you in all the right places."

Naruto's heart was about to explode out of his chest. "You-you've seen me? Where? What do you look like? Have I seen you?" He knew he asked way too many questions at once, but he was feeling left out, oddly. Sasuke has seen him but he never got to see Sasuke.

"And as much as I'd love to come down to room 20 and ravish you," he said, ignoring Naruto's questions. "I can't."

"Why not!" Naruto demanded, throwing his pillow at the ceiling.

"I want you to figure it out on your own, because yes, you have seen me." There was a pause and then Sasuke said, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Naruto."

Naruto groaned and he called after Sasuke, but he never got a response back. Whimpering, he dragged his pillow back to the top of his bed and curled up to it. He was frustrated and still slightly turned on, and he wanted to see Sasuke so badly. He closed his eyes allowed sleep to consume him, hoping that he could figure out who, out of the many faces he sees everyday, Sasuke was.

When he stepped into the elevator that morning, he was greeted with the same raven-haired man who was leaning in his back corner of the elevator. It had been over a day since he last spoke to Sasuke, mostly due to the fact that he'd been moonlighting at the bar Shikamaru owned and came home after midnight and then had no time to greet Sasuke in the morning. He still couldn't figure out who Sasuke was, mainly because the only people he ever saw in his apartment complex was Shikamaru and Temari, an elderly woman who lived next door to him and adored his cat, and landlord who lived on the first floor. Oh, and the raven-haired man who always kept to himself in the elevator.

Naruto didn't bother saying hello to the other passenger in the elevator when he noticed that the man had an iPod in his hands, the white ear buds in both ears. He was becoming frustrated. He was almost having withdrawals from not being able to speak with Sasuke and that's what bothered him the most; that he allowed himself to become so attached to a man…to his voice. And he felt like he had fucked everything up by practically begging Sasuke to come to his apartment. Naruto leaned against the opposite wall of the other man, waiting near the door impatiently. He thumped his head against the wall a few times in his own frustration. "Fuck…fuck…" he whispered to himself.

"Everything all right?" the other passenger asked and Naruto tensed, not wanting to deal with anyone at the moment.

"Just peachy." He said in an almost defensive tone. He didn't mean to be rude, but he was just tired and anxious and with those two combined, only one person was able to calm him down. Or…one voice, really.

"Are you sure?"

Naruto's ears perked and he turned to look at the other man, but the elevator doors opened and his name was shouted.


The blond groaned and stepped out of the elevator to greet his landlady. "Good morning, ma'am…" He said politely.

"Where's your rent? It's late!"

"I'm getting my pay check today, so I'll have my rent in tonight." Naruto said, feeling the other man walk behind him.

"Good, you better! I'm sick of your late payments!" With that, the fat woman turned and went back inside her apartment.

Naruto looked around for the man who had been in the elevator with him, but he had already left the building. Naruto could have sworn that the man's voice was Sasuke's…

Naruto sighed in relief when he stood before the elevator that night, waiting for it to arrive to the first floor. He had just dropped off his rent to his landlord and was now ready to go to bed. He got off early at the bookstore today due to it being a slow day. Sakura had come to visit him, explaining that she was wasting time because today was Parent/Teacher conferences and she was waiting for her parents to finish up before going home with them. Naruto pretended to listen to what she had to say about her Literature teacher, but he honestly couldn't care less. And when Jiraiya told him to go home because he didn't want to pay him money to sit around when there were no customers, Naruto all but fled the store.

He turned to look to his right and raised an eyebrow when the raven-haired man from his morning elevator rides stepped into the brightly lit apartment building from the dark street. Naruto had never seen the man other than in the morning and he wondered if this was the time he always got off work.

The raven simply looked exhausted and annoyed, as though he had been given a lot of shit from other people. Naruto recognized that because he would end up looking like that after having to deal with terrible tippers and asshole customers.

The man pulled out a key and checked his mailbox before sighing and locking it back up. He turned and looked at Naruto before straightening his back and walking to stand next to him, also waiting for the elevator.

Naruto took a chance to really examine the man and saw that he was about two or three inches taller than Naruto. He was pale and his eyes were even darker than his hair, practically black. Naruto couldn't help but think that this could be what Sasuke looked like, even if this man was a little too clean cut for how Naruto imagined Sasuke. Then a thought occurred to him. Sasuke had seen him. And not from afar, but up close, close enough to see his scars and his "tight fitting t-shirts".

The elevator buzzed in its arrival and the two men stepped onto the machine. Naruto pressed the 'five' button on the large dial and a long, pale arm with a dark blue sleeve rolled up to the elbow reached past him and pressed the 'six' button. Naruto stared at the two lit buttons for a few moments before turning and looking at the dark-haired man who was lounging back in his corner.

He bit back a smile and looked at the man who was staring back at him expectantly. "Sasuke…?" he inquired slowly.

The other man raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry; I think you're mistaking me for someone else." He was composed and cool. But there was something else. His voice.

Naruto frowned at him. "Oh." He said in a cold tone. "I'm sorry." He turned back and glared in front of him. That had to be Sasuke. That was definitely Sasuke's voice! But if it was Sasuke and he was lying about not being who he really was, then that just meant that Sasuke wasn't as interested in him as Naruto had originally thought. The door opened on his floor and he moved to the opening. He stepped into the hallway only to be yanked back inside the elevator and shoved against the back wall where his wrists were pinned to his sides by strong hands. Blinking rapidly, he stared at amused obsidian eyes and felt a blush spread across his cheeks.

"You're such an idiot." The man said with a smirk and the elevator doors closed.

Naruto grinned and put on a confident face. "I knew it was you."

"And you were just going to walk away?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto opened his mouth to retort back, but decided to remain silent. They stared into each others eyes for a few seconds before Naruto finally decided to say something. "Are you going to kiss me? Because if you're not, then I-" He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence due to a pair of soft lips claiming his. The kiss was gentle at first, but then they started moving against each other, becoming more aggressive and passionate.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened and Sasuke pulled away from Naruto, yanking the blond-haired man with him. They escaped the elevator and Sasuke turned them around before melding their mouths together again, guiding Naruto backwards, down the hallway. His used one hand to tangle with Naruto's hair while his other hand pushed on the small of Naruto's back, bringing them closer together and making it slightly more difficult to walk.

Naruto clutched at Sasuke's shoulders, crying out in surprise when his back collided with a solid surface and he realized that he was in front of Sasuke's door. He gasped when lips latched onto his neck and he leaned his head back to give Sasuke more room. "H-hey…" Naruto moaned when Sasuke found a particular sweet spot below his jaw. "Do you think – ha – that maybe…maybe we're moving too fast?"

"No." Sasuke said quickly, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his key for the door. They stumbled inside and Sasuke left Naruto to close the door and abandon his messenger bag.

"Sasuke, I'm serious!" Naruto whined when the raven-haired man turned back to him and Naruto took a step back. "I mean…I don't even know your last name."

"I don't know yours," Sasuke said as he kicked off his shoes. "But I do know how you got those scars, and what grade you were when you broke your first bone and how you found your cat Kyuubi and so much more."

Naruto blushed, realizing that the night he and Sasuke swapped life stories was practically their first date. They knew about each other. Naruto knew that Sasuke hated sweets and his favorite foods were onigiri and tomatoes. He knew that Sasuke had wanted to act and sing for a living, but his father had threatened to stop paying for college if he took on a theatrical major. They really did know each other and now that he thought about it, he felt like he had been friends with Sasuke for years.

Sasuke didn't let Naruto have any more time to think as he grabbed Naruto by the hair and kissed him deeply, licking the crease between Naruto's lips and being granted immediate access from the blond. Their tongues battled, twisting and pushing against each other furiously while hands grabbed at each other. Naruto began to unbutton Sasuke's shirt, but the man grabbed his wrists and led him to the bedroom where Sasuke shoved him back onto the bed.

Naruto licked his lips as Sasuke shrugged out of his shirt, their eyes locked the entire time.

"So, Naruto," Sasuke's voice was deeper than before as he pushed Naruto to lay back and crawled over his body, his hands on the sides of Naruto's head. "Is this what you pictured me to look like?"

Naruto blushed and looked down at Sasuke chest, which wasn't exactly muscular, but it was fit. "I…" Naruto said, looking back up at Sasuke's face. "I was very lenient…"

Sasuke's smirked and he pressed his lips against Naruto's once more, reaching down between them and unbuttoning Naruto's blue jeans.

Naruto sat up, forcing Sasuke to sit back on his knees, and slipped out of his shoes as he removed his t-shirt. He scooted further back on Sasuke's bed and the raven-haired man followed him, leaning down and running his tongue from Naruto's abs to his collar bone, earning a shudder in response. Naruto looked down and met Sasuke's eyes before gathering the strength to flip them over and Naruto slid down Sasuke's body to undo his black dress pants, tugging them down his hips along with his boxers and bit his lip when Sasuke's half-hard member sprang out. The man was, to say politely, well endowed.

"Jeezus…" Naruto muttered and he looked up at Sasuke who was lounging back, his hands behind his head. Naruto swallowed before forcing his pounding heart to calm down and leaning down to kiss the top of Sasuke's member. It twitched in his hands and he smiled before opening his mouth and taking the head in. The moan that escaped Sasuke's lips was so harmonious and Naruto was determined to make even more beautiful noises spill from him.

"Oh fuck…" Sasuke gasped, removing his hands from behind his head and gripping at the bed sheets beneath him. Naruto's mouth was so hot and when he sucked on him, he felt like he was going to scream in pleasure. Naruto was amazing at this to say the least and it made Sasuke feel out of character, having to hold back so much. He groaned when Naruto began to hum around his member, sending sweet vibrations through his nerves and causing his body to tense up. "Stop." He commanded and Naruto did as he was told, licking his lips when he pulled off. "Pants off." Sasuke said next and he removed his pants and socks as well.

Naruto ditched his pants and boxers on the floor and crawled across the bed to lie on his side next to Sasuke. "How are we going to do this? I told you that I don't bottom."

"Well that's going to change tonight." Sasuke hissed as he rolled over to his side, giving Naruto a clear visual of his rear as he opened the drawer on his night stand and pulled out a plastic tube of lotion. "I don't have any condoms. Can't say that I was expecting to be in this situation any time soon…"

Naruto smiled to himself and sighed, taking one last glance at Sasuke's perfect, round ass before he rolled back over. "That's fine. I'm clean."

Sasuke nodded. "Me too." He sat up and moved to position himself between Naruto's legs.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Naruto sat up as well. "I don't think so!"

Sasuke pushed Naruto back down and glared at him. "I think so."

"Sasuke, I've never-" Naruto was cut off by Sasuke kissing him gently.

"I won't hurt you." Sasuke mumbled against his lips.

Naruto squeezed his eyes shut and forced his body to relax. "Okay…okay…kay"




"Okay, Sasuke!" Naruto glared at the raven-haired man, his lips pressed in a tight line. When Sasuke chuckled, Naruto realized that the older man was only trying to get him to relax. He smiled and lay back, allowing Sasuke to spread his legs wider. He closed his eyes and listened as Sasuke opened the bottle of lotion and squirted some into his hand. He felt one of Sasuke's hand, now slick from the lotion, massage his inner thigh. He smelled the scents of Sasuke's bed, which mainly smelled of shampoo and fabric softener. He could hear Sasuke telling him to simply relax, that he didn't want to hurt Naruto. And even though Naruto's eyes were closed, he could see Sasuke in his mind.

"Ah!" Naruto gasped out, squeezing his eyes shut even tighter as a finger slowly pressed inside him. His eyes shot open when a hand grasped his erection and began stroking it and massaging it. "Sasuke…"

Dark eyes didn't look up from what they were doing and he continued to push his finger inside Naruto. "Relax." He ordered when he was met with some resistance.

Naruto did his best to relax. He was simply reacting on instinct to the foreign feeling, not because it hurt. Nonetheless, Sasuke looked concentrated and concerned. He grit his teeth when a second finger was added and then was pulling at the bed sheets when the third and fourth came in. Naruto twisted his head to the side, his body slowly becoming used to the intrusion.

Had never bothered to prepare Gaara this much and for this long. It was always two fingers and then they got down to business. But Sasuke was taking his time, making sure Naruto wouldn't get hurt, taking care of him…

Naruto realized at that moment that he really, really liked Sasuke. A lot.

Sasuke pulled his fingers out and scooted closer to Naruto, taking hold of the back of his knees in his hands and pushing them back. "I'm going to…"

"Got it." Naruto said quickly, waiting for the feeling of Sasuke's cock to enter him, but it never came. He turned his head to look at Sasuke and found that the other man was staring at him and when their eyes met, he smirked. "W-what?" Naruto asked, his face heating up.

"Nothing." And with that, Sasuke thrust his hips forward and Naruto's eyes, still locked on Sasuke, widened and his mouth fell open. Sasuke leaned forward, bending Naruto's body with him, and claimed Naruto's lips. He captured his bottom lip between his teeth and tugged gently before releasing it and grazing his teeth over Naruto's smooth chin.

"B-bastard…" Naruto growled, reaching up and threading his fingers through Sasuke's hair, tugging at the raven and kissing him. "You can move now." He said after they pulled apart. As soon as Naruto said that, he instantly regretted because it seemed that, to Sasuke, the word "move" meant to immediately begin pummeling the target before him. He was exaggerating, of course, but not that much.

Once Sasuke got the OK, he pulled out almost all the way and then shoved his way back in. He repeated this over and over again, though he rotated his hips now and then, in search of something.

At one particular thrust, Naruto cried out louder than before and let out a low moan. "Sasuke! There…keep going…right there…"

The older man didn't need to be told twice and latched onto Naruto's tan neck, littering it with red marks, while his right hand reached between their bodies and began pumping Naruto in time with his shallow, fast thrusts.

"Oh god, Sasuke!" Naruto muttered, arching his back to the left and right, his hands on Sasuke's shoulders and squeezing tightly. He squirmed under the excellent attention some more before a familiar sensation formed in his stomach and he tensed his body, causing Sasuke to moan when he tightened around him. "Oh god!" Naruto cried. "Yes!"

Sasuke pulled away from Naruto's neck and bit his lip, feeling his orgasm approaching quickly. The way Naruto moved and screamed his name were bringing him over the edge and all he could do was continue to thrust into the other man who was squeezing around him tightly. He could hear the bed hitting the wall and creaking loudly and he was grateful that it was Naruto's apartment below his and that they weren't disturbing anyone.

"Sasuke…so close!" Naruto moaned and after a few more thrusts, he arched his back and screamed out the raven's name as his seed shot out and coated both their stomachs and chests. He felt Sasuke come inside him and he cringed slightly at the foreign feeling. That was definitely not his favorite sensation ever. However, he was too exhausted to care and collapsed back on the bed, Sasuke still moving inside him slight as he rode out his own orgasm.

Sasuke groaned and pulled out slowly, some of his seed coming with him and he moved to lie next to Naruto on the bed.

"It feels gross…" Naruto grumbled.

Sasuke let out a breathy laugh in return. "But it was good, right?"

"Very rough." Naruto commented.

Sasuke turned to look at him. "Is that….bad?"

Naruto grinned and shook his head. "Very, very good."

"Are you tired?"

It was weird how sometimes you don't feel like something is wrong unless someone asks you. Naruto felt fine until Sasuke said that and then, suddenly, he was tired. Sighing, he nodded and turned to look at Sasuke.

The raven-haired man was staring at him with intense eyes, his hair sticking to his forehead due to the sweat that had formed there during their earlier exercise.

Naruto reached forward and pushed his bangs out of the way. He felt his face heat up when Sasuke grabbed his hand and simply held it to his chest. "I think I could get used to this…" Naruto said. "I mean…talking to you through the pipes and all…"

Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would you talk to me through the pipes when you have me right here?"

Naruto stared at him for a minute. "You're right. I don't know what I was thinking."

"You weren't. Go to sleep."

Naruto sat up slightly and looked down at the other man. "Do you have work tomorrow?"

"No; it's Saturday." Sasuke said, blinking at him.

"Oh. Okay! Good, good. Neither do I." Naruto smiled and fell back onto the pillow.

"Thought I was going to leave you in the morning?" Sasuke asked in amusement.

"Well, I don't know. I was just hoping to wake up with you, I guess…" Naruto placed his hand on his stomach and flinched when it landed in something wet. "Oh…ew…"

"I'll get you a towel to clean up with." Sasuke said and practically rolled off the bed. He stretched as he walked out the bedroom, knowing full well that Naruto's eyes were glued to him.

Naruto rested his hand out to his side, making sure it didn't touch anything. He decided to close his eyes for only a few seconds, until Sasuke returned. It wasn't like he would fall asleep…

"…the first face that I saw…I think…before I met you…"

Naruto sighed deeply and turned on to his back, feeling that his legs were caught in the sheets of his bed. He didn't remember setting his alarm clock to the radio, but the voice that was singing was so soothing he didn't even want to wake up.

"…don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been, but I know where…"

Naruto squinted as he opened his eyes, curious as to why the voice sounded far away and why it kept cutting out. Looking to his side, he frowned when his alarm clock wasn't even there. He turned back onto his side and inhaled deeply, taking in unfamiliar scents from his pillow…which, clearly, was not his pillow. He pushed himself up with his arms and looked around the bare room that had cardboard boxes stacked neatly around the floor, conveniently blocking the sun from shining in his eyes through the balcony door.

Remembering the events of the night before, Naruto sighed in relief and fell back against the bed. He sat up again almost immediately, gripping his head when he began to feel dizzy.

"…and so I thought I'd let you know that these things take forever, I especially am slow, but I realize that I need you and I wondered if I could come home…" The voice became louder and then faded out when Sasuke entered the bedroom with a ceramic mug in each hand. "Oh, good, you're awake." Sasuke said and sat on the edge of the bed carefully, twisting his body around to face Naruto. "Coffee?" He offered one of the mugs to Naruto as he took a sip from his own.

"Thanks," Naruto said, reaching for it but frowning when it was pulled out of his reach.

"Should I even let you have caffeine? I remember what you told me about what sugar does to you…" Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Teme." Naruto growled, taking the mug carefully when it was offered back to him. "That was a long time ago."

"Oh, that reminds me. The landlord called your phone, saying that you're fifty dollars short in your rent, but I took care of it. Also, Temari called to warn you that Gaara and Neji will be staying with her and Shikamaru while their condo is being renovated. She also wants you to tell her why you never told her about me. And-"

"Okay, stop!" Naruto said, holding up his free hand and looking at Sasuke with annoyance. "What do you mean you took care of the thing with the landlord?"

Sasuke shrugged. "I went down there and made her count it again and she realized her mistake. All is well."

Naruto flushed, feeling very appreciative towards Sasuke at the moment because if he had been approached by her instead, he would have simply given up the fifty dollars rather than take a stand for himself even though he knew he paid the right amount. "Th-thank you…"

"Of course." Sasuke shrugged and took another sip of his coffee.

"What are you doing answering my phone anyways?" Naruto said, frowning.

"Well you certainly weren't going to with the way you sleep so heavily. Now get up and get dressed. I'm taking you out for lunch." Sasuke said, patting Naruto on the thigh once and standing up. He himself was already dressed in dark blue jeans and a white and blue two-toned shirt.

Naruto looked around for a minute before calling at Sasuke who was leaving the room. "Wait, what time is it?"

"12:34." Sasuke called back.

Naruto blushed, feeling embarrassed for sleeping so long. He set his coffee mug on the nightstand and got out of bed, groaning as he stretched. He turned around to see where his clothes were and jumped when he saw that Sasuke was standing in the doorway.

"I wanted to see you in the light." He said, his eyes raking over Naruto's toned body.

"Y-you're such a creeper!" Naruto cried, placing his hands over his groin.

Sasuke smirked and left the doorway.

Naruto watched the empty space a bit longer to make sure that Sasuke didn't return before finally getting dressed. He put on his clothes from yesterday and shuffled into the living room of Sasuke's apartment, carrying his shoes. "Hey, it got kind of dark outside while I was changing…"

Sasuke was sitting back on his leather couch with the remote to his flat screen TV in his hand. "Yeah, it's going to rain; might as well not go out. So much for our date…"

Naruto smirked and placed his knee on the couch, leaning closer to Sasuke. "That's okay…I prefer to stay in anyways."

Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist and pressed their lips together and then pulled back, looking up at him with something of a hint of a smile. "I vote going to your place, then."

Naruto looked at him before grinning. "I second that motion, I guess. I need to brush my teeth anyway." He stood up, yanking Sasuke with him. "Let's go!"

"Are you sure you forgot it in the car? It's starting to drizzle." Neji muttered, looking out the window at the end of the hallway on the fifth floor of the apartment complex.

"Yes." Gaara replied curtly, pushing the button for the elevator. The doors opened almost immediately, revealing a raven-haired man pushed up against a blond man, their hands inside each others shirts and roaming over their skin.

The couple stopped and turned to look at Neji and Gaara standing in the hallway.

Naruto cleared his throat and pushed Sasuke off of him, fixing his shirt and strolling out of the elevator with a forced, dignified look, followed by the raven-haired man. He glanced at Gaara briefly and couldn't help but smirk, feeling like he had ended up on top after their break up. He let out a loud laugh when Sasuke tripped into him, wrapping his arms around the blond's abdomen and kissing his neck.

Neji cleared his throat and Gaara realized that he was staring after the couple. He quickly followed Neji into the elevator.

"Wasn't that your ex?" Neji asked.


"Looks like he found someone new pretty quickly."

Gaara shook his head. "I was here the other day and the man he was with was in the elevator with us, but he wasn't even speaking to him. I think they just met."

Neji shrugged. "They have good chemistry."

Gaara looked up at his boyfriend and took the others hand discreetly. "Yeah."

"Hey Sasuke…" Naruto said, turning his head in his arms from where he laid on a comforter on the floor, a quilt covering his and Sasuke's naked bodies.

"Hm?" Sasuke turned his head as well, the rain droplets on the window making shadows on his face.

"My name's Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said, his intense blue eyes staring into the endless void of Sasuke's. "What's yours?"

Sasuke smirked and turned his head back to look at the ceiling. "Hn…it's Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha."

"Cool." Naruto smiled and rested his chin on his arms, staring ahead of him where one of Kyuubi's toys was sitting on the ground. His eyes widened when he remembered something and he sat up, immediately regretting the action and collapsing back on the ground. "Jeezus, mother fuck, ow!"

"What the hell, dobe? What did you do that for?" Sasuke growled, though he was actually concerned.

"You…!" Naruto groaned loudly.

"What about me?" Sasuke replied in an equally loud voice.

"You're Sakura and Ino's Literature teacher!"

Sasuke's eyes widened a fraction. "You know my students?"

Naruto rolled onto his back and started laughing. "Oh my god, I'm sleeping with my customers' teacher! They always come into Headers and they've been telling me about their oh-so-gorgeous Literature teacher! And it's you!" He couldn't stop laughing, and he wiped away tears that formed in his eyes. "Oh my god, they're going to kill me."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, obviously not as amused, before closing them gently. "Get some rest. Round four is coming soon."

Naruto gulped, already finding it hard enough to endure the last three rounds, but obliged anyway, curling up against Sasuke's warm body. To think that this, this unnameable relationship, started with Sasuke just singing in the shower; it was rather mind boggling to Naruto, but amusing at the same time. And he could only hope that it escalated into something so much more.

You can tell when I'm ready for a story to end, huh? I get so lazy…

This one-shot goes onto the list of worst lemons ever! But I've been working on this for over 12 hours and I have no intention of fixing anything any time soon so deal!

"Embezzlement" is the next chapter story to be update!

Songs Sasuke sang:

"Waiter" by Portugal, The Man

"Medicine Man" by The Hush Sound

"Flathead" by The Fratellis

"Whistle for the Choir" by the Fratellis

"First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes