Nine amazing girls just graduated from my school, and I feel rather depressed. Graduation was yesterday and today was thier last day of school. It was really sentimental and there were so many unspoken words that passed between all of us. I'm a little overcome with emotion right now, so I thought I'd write to release a little. As the principal said, it was a new beginning. This story is about a new beginng, and is dedicated to the 2011 Graduating Class of WSMC. Isabel, Grace, Dana, Lilly, Lauren, Bari, Nicole, Schuylar, and Hunter: You're probably not reading this, but if you are, THIS IS FOR YOU!

Annabeth First Few Days of School in Californa, between The Titan's Curse and The Battle of the Labyrinth.

Disclaimer: I don't own Anything, and have never attended a public high school, so sorry if something is wierd.

I wandered the halls, little map in hand, trying to find my locker. 712...713...714...Yes! 715. I opened it and began loading in my books. I checked my schedule, and removed Math, Social Studies, and English supplies. I quickly reviewed the map, decieding it would be best not to return to my locker until after fourth period.

I rushed off to homeroom, room 237. I quickly took my seat, and took out my books to make sure I had everything. I opened my English binder, because it was my worse subject thanks to my dyslexia, fully expecting to prepare for class. Instead, a picture tumbled out onto the desk.

I picked it up, and realized I'd meant to leave this at home. It was Percy's school picture, which he'd e-mailed to me shortly after I'd arrived here. My eyes strayed to his hair, pure darkness. It was so contredictory to his pure white soul. My gaze locked onto the strand I knew now distruped the perfect midnight black with a silvery streak of gray.

Subconsciously, my hand drifted up one of my mulitple metalic locks.

My thoughts were jarred by a noisy group of talkitive 'popular' people sitting near me. I noticed one girl had a hot pink streak in her honey blonde hair. She probably paid twently dollars for that, if it was permanant. (I overheard the Aphridite girls, okay?) I thought about the price we paid for mine, and involuntarily shuddered.

My thoughts began swirling of that night. I couldn't believe it... Luke had betrayed me yet again. And, Percy. . . Thalia told me he had crashed the quest. That took guts. I still can't really grasp that all of that took place. Secretly, I had I slight crush on him. Okay, maybe a little bigger than that, but, Gods Forbid, don't tell the Aphridite cabin. Ugh. It seriously touched me that he had gone to such lengths. For me.

I shook my head to clear it, and tucked away my picture, as the bell distuped the lighthearted chatter.

"Quiet, class!" Our teacher instructed. "Now," her stern face instantly molded into a caring smile, "I'm so excited to spend the year with all of you, understand that. However, it is time for anoucements."

The class silenced quickly. A cheery voice rumbled over the intercom, "It's great to be back from Winter Break! Please Remember that the rules haven't changed. You still cannot bring weapons on school property, or..." The principal's voice faded into the background. No weapons on school, huh? I thought, smirking, Detention for me, then. I shifted, and felt the flat blade of my dagger concealed up my sleeve.

Anoucements finished, and we all hurried off to first period. Math. Maybe coming here wouldn't be such a bad idea... I slid into a seat, and waited as the rest of the class filed in. Two boys sat to my right, and one of them turned to me.

"Hey," he greeted, obviously trying to be 'cool.' I had to keep from rolling my eyes.

"Hey." I echoed, absentmindedly sketching a building I'd love to build at Ground Zero in Manhatten.

The boy, not appeased with my reaction, pressed on. "How come I haven't seen you around before?"

I glanced at him, and saw hazel eyes and dirty blond hair sweeping just slightly over his eyes. "I'm new."

His eyes flashed with irratation. "Where're you from? Heaven?"

This time, I did roll my eyes, "New York."

He smirked, "Ooh... City girl. I like it."

"I'm from Virginia, orginnally." Why couldn't he just SHUT UP?

"Well, now you're in Californa, city girl."

"Don't call me that." He gets more vexing with every phrase...

"Then you'll just have to tell me your name, city girl."

"It's Annabeth." Oh no. Fatal mistake.

He smiled in victory, "Annabeth. I like it." What he didn't know was he has no chance whatsoever. "The name's Brad."

I didn't response and instead watched the clock tick to the bell. Please, please, please...

"Brannabeth..." He beamed, and I scowled, completely revolted. "I like the sound of that."

"I hate it." I countered.

His eyes sparkled like the Stolls' when they had shaving cream. "For now."

Just then the bell rang, and I was lost in the wonderful world of surface area. As soon as that bell rang, I whipped past 'Brad' and was out the door. The rest of the day sort of past in a blur. Social Studies, PE, Biology... Even in English nothing unsual happened. Still, I was on my toes. This near to Mt. Orthys, monsters had to swimming around somewhere. I'd acomplished a lot demigod-wise, and sent out a powerful scent. They would come for me.

I closed my locker, all my homework packed up in my backpack. I got outside and hestitated. My dad would expect me to take the bus, but it would be nice to walk. I don't why he doesn't understand I don't need to be pampered. Considering all I've been through, walking home (even in the rain- Gasp!) won't kill me. However, it will take longer to get home, and Dad would be worried that I'd run off again.

Just then, a familiar mess of dirty blond hair breezed past me, "I'll save you a seat right next to me, city girl."

Decision made.

Alright, This is the first day. Interesting new aquaintance, hm? Tell me what you think! The more reviews I get, the more chapters they will be later on! Not saying how long that might take, but there will me more! And to my eighth graders: We miss you already. Please visit soon!

Please Review!

Peace, Love, & Life
