Author's Note: I've always liked this pairing ever since watching the show but there aren't enough fics about them! So I decided to write one myself. This is my first fic so I am not really sure how it would turn out…but whoever stumbles upon this, I hope you can have fun reading!

Pairing: Sugata x Takuto, Samekh (past Sugata) x Tauburn (past Takuto)

Warnings: The characters might be slightly OOC and the storyline might be a bit AU with made up histories and stuff. But if you don't mind any of these then please continue on!

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Driver


There once was a wise and benevolent emperor, who ruled his kingdom in prosperity. He was well-known for his intelligence, the kindness and respect

he showed toward his people, and also for his prowess in battle. With his ruling war was rare but whenever there was a battle his skills with his sword

was a sight to behold. He was also a very handsome young man with golden eyes that showed wisdom and maturity beyond his years and hair that

seemed to remind people of the ocean. He was pale, not in a sickly way, as well as he was tall, with strong, broad shoulders and lightly toned muscles.

Like his appearance he was very calm and reserved, only showing his anger when it was needed. To some he might have looked too cold and indifferent,

but to his people and those who knew him, he was anything but. To his people he was known as the Emperor Samekh.

Just like there once was an emperor, beside him was his ever faithful knight. Unlike the emperor that seemed to remind people of the moon, the knight

reminded people of the sun. Contrast to the emperor, the knight had hair that was like fire and eyes of flames. He was a beautiful young man with

slightly tanned with his love of outdoors and he was tall, not as tall as the emperor but still tall enough. He was also slim and had a more lithe body

structure and just by glancing at him there was no way he could fight, let alone lift a sword! However, he was not to be underestimated. Once in battle

both his allies and enemies can't help but watch in awe at the grace and the magnitude of skills he showed with his two swords. While the emperor was

calm and reserved, his knight was outgoing and social. He would always have a bright smile on his face and just by seeing his smile people couldn't help

but smile or feel happy as well. He was known as the Knight Tauburn.

The emperor was most often aloof and collected but there was an exception. Toward his knight, he would always wear a gentle smile and look at him

with eyes full of tenderness. You see, before they were emperor and knight, they were childhood friends, always never too far apart from one another.

Since young their bond was strong and that bond only got stronger as they grew older. The moment Samekh became the emperor, out of all the

candidates laid out before him he summoned for his dear friend. Despite the elders' protest, he was determined to have Tauburn as his knight. The

elders and the other knights' protests dwindled as they stood witness to the young man's skills and also with his warm and friendly personality he was

able to capture their hearts as well. Samekh couldn't be any happier with Tauburn by his side, for the emperor loved his knight with all his heart.

As individuals they were like a piece of art but together, they were something out of the realm of mortals. It was rare to see them apart and whenever

people saw a glimpse of them, they couldn't help but smile and thank the gods and goddesses above for sending the two down to earth. Tauburn would

always smile and laugh as he talked about things while Samekh would nod and smile as he listened with utmost attention. Sometimes the emperor

would have his arm wrapped around his knight's slim waist as his knight rested his head on his shoulder or sometimes the knight would hold on to his

emperor's arm. Yes, the two were in love and in their kingdom no one opposed. For the people loved both their emperor and his knight and all they

wished for were the two's happiness. Basked in the blessing of their people Samekh and Tauburn lived their life in peace enveloped in the warmth of

love. Until that faithful day…

Dark clouds covered the once clear blue sky across the horizon and the terrible news of a brewing war spread throughout the land both far and wide. It

was rumored that this war would be unlike any other and that it would bring forth more destruction and death. The battle started out in a far away

kingdom but soon it started to spread out and affected the other kingdoms. Now it was near the doorsteps of the Emperor Samekh's kingdom and it

could no longer be avoided. No one really remembers the reason why the battle started in the first place but all they knew was that no matter what the

cost they must put a stop to it. For days Tauburn was feeling restless and his once bright demeanor was dampened with worry and others couldn't help

but feel saddened by their helplessness to see him so full of worry and sadness. Even with the trouble that lay ahead, Samekh couldn't help but worry

about his lover. Whenever he could find the time amidst the chaos and the concern from the upcoming fight, Samekh would hold Tauburn in his lap as he

worked on some papers that needed to be signed. Tauburn would tightly clutch onto his shirt and sometimes sigh, making Samekh to tighten his hold

and to lay a gentle kiss upon knight's forehead. Often at times the knight would open his mouth to say something and when the emperor would pay

attention he would quickly look away. Every time he did so, he looked as if he was about to cry and the emperor's heart would always ache for he never

wants to see such expression on his lover's face. And their days continued on like this until their fate came knocking on the door.

Emperor Samekh valiantly led his troops against the enemies and Knight Tauburn fought beside him. The two created a beautiful dance as they cut

down through their foes. All was going well until something headed straight at the emperor. Before anyone could realize what was happening Tauburn

fell onto the ground. Soon everything seemed to slow down. Samekh immediately kneeled down and gently held his lover's head and looked in horror as

the knight's once pristine white and gold uniform turned red. Both the allies and foes couldn't help but halt their fight to see the scene in front of them.

Even though soaked in his blood, Tauburn looked like an angel with his bright hair and white uniform now dyed in red while Samekh looked like the devil

or the fallen with his darker hair and black uniform. Despite the onlookers all Samekh could see and hear was his Tauburn. With shallow breaths and the

heaviness of his body, Tauburn slowly raised his arm to stroke the emperor's face and wiped away the tear that seemed to have fell without the emperor



"Shh, save your breath my love. We will get you to a healer quick. You will be alright."


"After this we can go see the sakura in bloom. You love them, right?


"I will tell the cooks to make your favourites and-"

The emperor couldn't finish as a finger gently pressed against his lips and he couldn't help

but gasp at how cold it felt.

"…I am sorry…I want to be with you…my dear Samekh…if we are to see each other again…I-"

Tauburn coughed violently as the pain from his wound worsened.

"Samekh...I was very happy to have met you…and don't forget…I love you…keep...promise..."

"No! No! Open your eyes! Please, call my name again…no…"

The eyes that he loved so much, so full of life and love was now closed forever, never to open and gaze into his own ever again. Others could only

watch as the emperor tightly held onto his now dead lover and both the allies and foes alike couldn't help but feel a deep sadness as the powerful man

cried and cried until his tears dried out clutching the now cold body.

Just like no one knew how the war started in the first place, no one could recall how the same war had ended as well. All they knew was that after it

was over the kingdom ruled by the Emperor Samekh was never the same. Oh, it was still prosperous and it wasn't ruled by a cruel emperor but once the

bright and vibrant kingdom felt less so. The knight has not only been the emperor's light but also to the people. With him no longer, it was as if the sun

no longer existed. The emperor became more reserved and others could only watch in deep sorrow to see him in such despair. Oh, the knight's funeral

was grand with everyone attending to pay their respects. There were sounds of sobs and cries everywhere and everyone both young and old, men and

women had their face streaked with tears. Tauburn looked heavenly in his white robe with gold and red edges and laid inside a coffin full of white lilies

and a single white rose in his hands. Even the heavens seemed to be affected by the loss as rain poured down. Throughout the whole service, the

emperor remained impassive but if anyone were to have looked more deeper despair could be found in the depths of his eyes.

Ever since his love's death, he found out what his lover was hiding. Even though the secret was shocking and he felt somewhat betrayed he didn't care.

All he wanted was his lover back in his arms. Years have passed and soon the emperor was on his death bed. Throughout the years he had not married

for he could love only one person and hadn't sired an heir. Luckily, he had a relative whom he knew would become a wonderful ruler so he wasn't

worried for the future of his kingdom. With peace of mind and the hope of seeing his love once again he closed his eyes, forever. Upon his death

everyone mourned the loss of a wonderful king and with it they once again mourned for the knight. To honour their memory the people have

created two magnificent sculptures and placed them facing face to face, guarding the two graves that were next to each other. With the help of priests

and the magicians these two sculptures were infused with complicated runes and magic that if anything of danger were to happen to the two graves

they would become alive to guard them.

As centuries have passed people began to forget the history long past and the story of the emperor and his knight and the two guardians watching

over their graves became a mere myth. Some say that such kingdom never existed, while others went on a journey to search for it. But whether the

kingdom had existed or not it seemed to have vanished into thin air as years passed by.

However, as they say history always repeat itself and whether the outcome would be the same or not it depends. A new legend will began in the

isolated island in the middle of the ocean separated from the rest of the world. And the evil that appeared and disappeared without anyone's knowledge

will once again show it's presence as the two souls are reborn.

How was it? This is just the prologue but should I continue?