Ok, so this is an author's note for anyone who checks back to see if I've finally gotten around to posting the prequel! After like two years I've finally gotten enough written that I feel I can start posting without abandoning it halfway through. So the prequel will be called My Only Desire. It will be from Rose's perspective. The first few chapters will be a lot of background. I currently have 6 chapters written, and will start posting once I reach around 8 or 9. I'll also post a short preview of the prequel below. So, if you're interested I hope you'll check it out!

Also, I just had a review commenting on the dorm thing, and I had this posted in the actual prequel, but I'll post it here too: I'm not too sure where I picked up the whole Head Boy and Girl sharing a dormitory thing. I don't remember it actually being mentioned in the books, and I can't find it on the Internet anywhere, so I'm assuming it's just what I've picked up from years of reading fanfiction. However, the fact that they share a dormitory plays a pretty big part in my story in getting them to actually interact, so please excuse any inconsistency with what is actually true in the books.

A week later, I woke up to Dad bellowing up the stairs. It took me a moment to realize what he was yelling.

"They're here! They're here, Rosie!"

Struggling to shake off the sleep clouding my brain, I finally registered the full meaning. The Hogwarts letters were here. Meaning I might get my Head Girl badge. Before I could hyperventilate, I took a couple of deep, calming breaths. Just because I was top in everything didn't mean I would automatically make Head Girl. Nothing was ever for sure.

I cautiously made my way downstairs to where Hugo sat, examining his OWL results. Hugo wasn't one for excessive studying, a habit he picked up from our father, so his OWLS weren't great, and I'm sure our parents expected better, but they weren't terrible. I knew it had to be hard for Hugo, watching me open my letter while Dad waited with baited breath. My letter, not Hugo's OWL results, was the real thing he was waiting for. It was always my letter.

With trembling fingers, I slit open the envelope, gasping in surprise as the golden badge fell into my open palm. As much as I'd been hoping for it, I had given myself a healthy dose of doubt to go with my expectations, just in case. Being the daughter of two-thirds of the Golden Trio came with its share of pressure, and I didn't want to disappoint. I was constantly expected to live up to my parents' reputations, which included being top in everything, never getting into trouble, and never doing anything unexpected. Despite my parents' constant reminders that I was my own person and didn't need to pay any attention to what people expected of me, I cared what people thought about the Weasley reputation. I knew my parents did, too, on some level, at least in that they didn't want their children to be drop outs. Especially Dad, since he never actually did finish his schooling. It was like he was reliving his Hogwarts days through me, and I didn't want to disappoint him by failing to achieve the utmost success. The difference between my brother and I was that he took my parents' talks seriously, and couldn't care less. He said I cared too much, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't bear to disappoint my parents by living up to anything less than my full potential.

"Excellent! Just brilliant Rosie! Well done!" Dad immediately snatched the badge out of my hands, beaming proudly. Mum was more discreet in her congratulations, which I appreciated. Dad tended to go a bit overboard at times.

As Dad retreated to the kitchen, probably to owl the entire family like he did when I made Prefect, I read through the letter accompanying the badge.

Dear Miss Weasley,

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that you have been chosen to represent Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as our 1136th Head Girl. I believe that you will set a fine example for your fellow students, given your conduct thus far in your education. I expect you to continue to conduct yourself in such a manner, as this is not an appointment to be taken lightly. I have included a schedule of events for the school Heads along with this letter. Please be advised that it would be beneficial for you to meet with the newly appointed Head Boy, Scorpius Malfoy, before the start of term to reach an agreement on how you plan to approach the necessary responsibilities. I have every confidence that you and Mr. Malfoy will represent Hogwarts with the grace and dignity it deserves.


Headmistress Cecily Vanhousen

The last sentence and a half of the letter was a blur. As soon as I read Scorpius's name, my brain shut down. How in Merlin's name was he made Head Boy? And, more importantly, how was I going to be able to live with him for an entire year? This year was the most important of my schooling career, and I had to do it while trying to cooperate with the one person I could not get along with for five years before Al asked us to call our truce. Even after that, the only way we got along was ignoring each other with the occasional pleasantries for Al's sake, and even then we occasionally slipped back into our old routine of biting remarks and angry departures (mostly on my part). How were we supposed to cooperate with each other when we were barely able to be friendly?

I could hear Dad's booming voice from the kitchen, and my stomach clenched as another thought occurred to me. What would my parents say? How would they feel when they found out I was to share a dormitory with Scorpius Malfoy, of all people? Probably around the same way I did. Great.