Disclaimer: I don't own any materials or character's belonging to Mass Effect or BioWare. I simply borrow ideas for my own pleasure and hopefully bring some entertainment to others; at no benefit of my own.

Female Shepard/Paragon/Spacer/War Hero/Soldier/Favorite Weapon Assault Riffle named Maggie.

Coupling with Liara. If you don't like that sort of thing, please don't read any further. Thank you and enjoy the ride!

*Feedback welcomed*

Commander Shepard's Personal Data Log Entries prior to her 1st death in 2183.

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Commander Katherine Shepard Personal Data Logs

Commanding Officer SSV Normandy: Frigate - Battle Class

Systems Alliance Starship - Earth

Data Log Entry: 21830612

I, Commander Katherine Jane Shepard, formally Executive Officer of the SSV Normandy officially assumes command as acting Commanding Officer of the SSV Normandy.

Authorization Code: K9018725-MT - I now have the con.

This afternoon I was designated as the first human Spectre for the Citadel Council. Being a Citadel Spectre comes with great advantages; they gave me the Normandy. I feel exhilarated yet sadden that I have assumed the position of Commanding Officer from Captain Anderson. I spoke to him moments before I assumed command of the Normandy and he told me that being conflicted about these new responsibilities meant I was exactly the right person for the job. He assured me he would be fine helping promote human interest on the Citadel. I wouldn't be surprised if he just said that to ease my mind. He always knew what to say to me. He has been my mentor and friend. Captain Anderson, I hope I can live up to your expectations and I don't let you down. You have taught me well. My mission; bring the rogue Spectre Saren Arterius to justice.

Commander Katherine Jane Shepard, Alliance Soldier/ Spectre

Commanding Officer, SSV Normandy