Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky
Rating: NC-17 DIRTY!
Warnings: light bondage, blindfold, rough sex
Future fic AU after Furt
Written for this prompt:
Kurt goes to an establishment that offers anonymous hookups. He's sexually frustrated because he's been single too long and just wants a really hard fucking.
Karofsky is lonely and has never really wanted to date anyone because they weren't Kurt, so he goes to the same establishment.
Cue Dave walking into a room to find Kurt, naked and blindfolded and just waiting to be fucked. They start having sex, and Dave is really slow and just trying to enjoy it, but Kurt keeps telling him to go faster and harder so he does. (Throughout the sex, Dave kisses Kurt's neck and chest but won't kiss him on the lips)
Kurt thanks him and then kisses him and when Dave kisses back he realizes who it is. He takes his blindfold off as Dave tries frantically to pull out so he can run, but Kurt wants to keep going, so they do, slower or faster or whatever you want.
*Bonus points: Kurt is really nervous at first and just keeps talking about anything, how he hasn't had sex in a while, how every guy he's been with hasn't been big enough to throw him around or hold him up, which is what he secretly wants.
It had been 9 months 2 weeks and 4 days since he'd last felt the warm press of a man's body over him. He'd broken up with his boyfriend of about 6 months, another in the long line of semi-serious men who'd come into Kurt's life with good intentions and mutual interest whose flames had fizzled until eventually someone left. Kurt was an aficionado of dramatic exits and so took it upon himself to end each one with a final performance.
The last had been Jeff, a man of equal height to him and slightly avant guard tastes. It had started over Kurt's collection of tiaras and their symbolic place in the house. It had ended with Kurt ordering Jeff out like the queen bitch he was. Kurt conceded as he redecorated the apartment, that the displaying of his tiara collection in a glass illuminated case in the bedroom might have justified Jeff's anger.
After he had thrown Jeff unceremoniously out on his derriere, Kurt changed the entire apartment's color scheme. Kurt was a winter and Jeff had been a spring. As he no longer needed to accommodate the other man, he'd spent a good two months just on those projects. He'd dated at 3 months, but found the prospects both dull and uninspiring.
At 6 months he'd gone through his collection of toys and thrown out anything that wasn't to his kink and had been bought with Jeff's tastes in mind. Out went the horrifically cheesy pleather costume of a cop. Kurt never could pull off that look. Out went the pink fuzzy handcuffs. Out went the sounding rod that he'd never been able to bring himself to use no matter how many videos Jeff made him watch, and on that note, out went those videos. Kurt sorted through the others and found one of a bondage porn with anonymous partners that he'd actually liked. That stayed. The vast scarves for tying and blindfolding and teasing of the skin also stayed. Most were his retired scarves anyway and deserved to remain with him. Plus they all matched his skin tone so prettily. Most of the dildos and vibrators had been his to begin with, so there was little need to throw any out. One that didn't leave, despite how many times Jeff had attempted to dispose of it, was the clone-a-cock that one of his VERY former boyfriends Harold had left. Harold had been Russian with huge cock. He'd met him in a leather bar in college. He'd been blitzed out of his mind and when he found himself against a wall with that monster pushing at him, he knew he wanted more. Unfortunately, Harold himself only lasted about 2 months into the relationship before proving that some cultural differences were impossible to surmount. His clone-a-cock, however, was one of the few toys that satisfied Kurt's more raunchy moments. It was a great thing to watch all of the men who came after compare themselves to it.
8 months and 3 days post Jeff, and Kurt had given up on dating. 33 seemed to be the end of his dating life. He scrutinized his image, finding lines of age and flaw that his moisturizing simply could not stop. He still looked like a man no older then 25 and his father's baldness thankfully hadn't been passed on to him. His chestnut hair was a bit shorter then in his younger years, but it was still thick and he usually kept it in a wild but purposeful up-sweep. It helped him maintain his youthful appearance. His torso was thin, his muscles defined. Yoga, pilates, cardio, and his work running here and there at top speed had kept his body in perfect shape... well not perfect, he sighed as he ghosted his fingers along the ever so slight cushioning on his nearly perfect stomach. Some signs of age and an adoration for tiramisu simply could not be gotten rid of... Thankfully he was pulled away from his scrutiny by the arrival of his family who'd flown in to San Fransisco to be with him. Burt, Carole, Finn, Rachel and the twin demon nieces were enough to distract him for the week they would stay. He was very happy to see the whirlwind leave, but he also ached at the empty apartment.
At the 9 month and 5 hour mark, he found himself sitting on his bed on his laptop, scanning hiis entire porn collection. Now he didn't own a lot of porn, but he'd watched almost all of them about a million times in his longest ever stint without a boyfriend. His eyes ghosted over the video he'd saved from Jeff. He let it play, watching the blindfolded tied and gagged twink be taken over and over by faceless nameless men who just used his body. He came almost painfully around his silicone bend. When he'd recovered he started searching for more of the same idea. Anonymous hook-ups. By happenstance he found a location in the city where he lived that offered the real thing.
9 months and 1 week after he'd become single again, he looked up all the reviews he could find on the supposed 'bathhouse'.
9 months, 1 week and 5 days of celibacy, and he made an appointment and read through every advice column he could find. At 9 months 2 weeks and 1 day he faxed his STD test results proving he was clean along with a list of what he wanted and absolutely did not want. At 9 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days he was faxed the STD clean bill of health for a man whose name was blacked out as per the agreement of anonymity as well as the list check marked in each item to prove the man read and understood all of his comfort levels. A masculine and slightly jagged scrawl made a few notes as to specifications. One was an insistence that his partner have cleaned out his passage thoroughly before engaging, another was he have handled intrusion of at least 8 inches and at least 6 inch circumference. Kurt was surprised and after okaying the demands with his own checks had to frantically masturbate. Thank Gaga for Harold.
9 months 2 weeks and 4 days since he'd had sex and he was about to do so with a complete stranger who he'd never know the name or the face of. He bit down on his plump lower lip as he paced the very elegant Victorian room. He had to admit the bathhouse was of the highest quality. The fees were high as far as these type of services went according to his internet searches, but they also were the most trusted and high class. All of the staff had been courteous and unobtrusive, just on the edge of beautiful so as to not detract from their clientele. They had shown him where the water, sports drinks, and protein high refreshments were for afterward. They also assured him that everything was confidential. He was given a safe word that the security system would pick up should he wish to stop the session at any time. The other client also knew the word. So that was it... He was given time alone to examine the room and make sure he was satisfied. He was so nervous, he was perspiring profusely!
One of the ever so polite and professional female staff had helped him into the restraints. He'd spent an hour cleaning and shaving his body before arriving, and another hour preparing his entrance. He was now blindfolded by an elegant scarlet silk scarf that accented his porcelain skin tone perfectly. He could see nothing, not even motion.
His hands were tied with matching scarlet scarves to the posts on the deep rosewood headboard. The massive bed had enough room for four men of about Finn's size. As the wedge pillow was placed under his back to support his jutting hips and wide stretched anus, he abruptly strangled all thoughts of his step-brother. That was so not the image he wanted when he was about to be fucked by an unknown stranger. Oh Prada! He was about to give up all of his power to some random man with an apparently massive cock. He'd never even had a one-night stand! He could feel his heartbeat racing. The staff woman left and soon it was just him and the silence. It could have been five minutes, it could have been an hour.
9 months 2 weeks and 4 days since he'd last been touched his ex-boyfriend and suddenly the sound of the heavy wooden door opening and then shutting was enough for Kurt to go from limp to semi-erect instantly.