Hey, everyone!

Now, for the past year or so, my good friend DontBeAZombie has been really awesome in introducing me to the CATS fanbase (including the vast world of Slash), getting me into writing fanfiction, making fan videos, and is now teaching me to draw (Getting better!). She's also been really great in drawing pics for me when I re-adjusted my OTP from Tugger/Misto (Though I still lurve them :3) to Munku/Misto, even though she thinks Munku's boring and doesn't really care for them all too much ;)

Recently, she drew an AWESOME picture .com/messages/#/d3in5pj Go check it out :D It's a Munku/Misto Mpreg birth scene!

So she came up with this idea of a Munku/Misto mpreg fic and, since she cannot write on account of her computer being down, I have offered to write it for her! Aren't I the bestest friend in the world! *Yes you are!* Thanks :P

"Please, Munkustrap, take a seat," Old Deuteronomy smiled from his wooden bureau in his hollow bookcase den. The silver tom nodded curtly and silently took a seat in one of the two red chaises in front of the bureau.

The younger tom stared at him humbly and with as much respect as was due to the Jellicle leader. "Is there a problem, Father?" he asked curiously, prompting the elder cat to speak in the growing silence.

"Yes, actually. We have a bit of a misunderstanding."

"...What is it?" Munkustrap inquired, picking nervously at his nails; a habit he'd never been able to quit.

The graying tom opened his mouth to speak, the tabby could see an ever constant stream of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth. "As you may have noticed; you are at an age now where you should be preparing for, if not raising, kittens of your own. This was about the age I was arranged to marry your mother and fathered your brother." He licked his dry lips absently, idly flipping through pages that lay strewn about on his desk.

This would have been much less awkward if they had any true familial relationship whatsoever. An awkward silence fell between the two heavily.

"Well... As you already know, I have been mated to Demeter. It was an arrangement based on your counsel-"

"Yes," coughed the old tom wearily. "But it has been almost a year and yet she fails to have delivered me a grandchild. I thought that allowing you to form a union with a queen whom you loved would help bring about kittens without much influence on my part. Is she not living up to expectations?"

Munkustrap coughed nervously, rubbing the moisture off from the back of his neck. "No, she's- she's fine."

"But she is not catching?"


Deuteronomy gave a sympathetic nod. It seemed as though the recent deterioration in the health of the Jellicle tribe had affected fertility; they weren't the only couple having trouble conceiving.

"I hope you don't mind," the wise leader began evenly. "But I've taken up the liberty to search the tribe for compatible mates that would help you become a father. Of course, they would be genetically matched to ensure healthy and strong offspring to take on your responsibilities when you become... infirm." He bolted up quite strikingly from his large, leather armchair to invite his candidates into the chamber.

"But, Father!" Munkustrap exclaimed from his place in front of the desk. "I'm already mated. Besides, Demeter and I can surely supply you with the grandkittens you need in good time..."

"Yes," the aged cat mumbled agreeably, nodding enthusiastically. "But this is just to enhance your chances of producing offspring before you find yourself trying for kittens late into your expected retirement." The tabby had to agree with his logic, more queens would definitely increase his chances of producing kin. It would be rather odd if a middle-aged leader could not have an heir to pass down his kingdom., especially if he's looking into possible retirement by the time his knees finally gave way underneath him.

"...Father..." Munkustrap began again, this time a little less compliance in his voice.

"That's enough!" Deuteronomy barked harshly, softening his tone when all signs of opposition had vanished. "You and Demeter can still have kittens of your own; when the time comes, I shall be greeting them with open arms. But for now, I'd rather increase the chance of at least seeing one inheriting son from you before I die. Cat knows your brothers won't be giving us any potential leaders anytime soon," he finished with a wink.

Munkustrap paused for a moment. The only other heir to the throne would be Mistoffelees, Macavity's son. Although he cared for his nephew and was very fond of him, he'd rather have Tugger's illegitimate child lead the tribe before the magician: who knew how much he'd take after his father.

Before he found the nerve to argue further, the candidates were being brought in to stand by the mantle beside the desk and chairs. He immediately recognized them as Exotica and Tantomile. He looked them over briefly, "How have you come about these two?" he asked curiously. He found it strange that his father would suggest two socially detached queens to bear his kits.

Deuteronomy smiled at his mild interest. "Actually, I chose them because of their magical properties. It would be more efficient to thwart enemies such as the Hidden Paw with a mystical advantage." Munkustrap had to admit that was a very clever idea.

Almost as if they were merchandise for purchase, the two toms began inspecting their options. After learning that Exotica's mysterious mannerisms were only a result of her dabbling in the unreliable theory of voodoo, she was excused from the room. All that was left was the quite queen, Tantomile.

The tabby did like the younger queen; she was very stable, reliable in her predictions, and certainly possessed several qualities that he would have no issues if they were passed to his young.

Unfortunately, he could see the physical traits of the lovely queen were stacking against them. For one; she was a stray. She would already be predisposed to disease and illness that could harm both her and the kits even more than on her own. Aside from that, her hips were underdeveloped and far too narrow for her to safely carry even one lone kitten to term.

Another queen was thanked and excused from the impressive den. Munkustrap didn't mind all too much that the option of a mystical queen was no more, but Old Deuteronomy seemed extremely discouraged and disappointed. "Victoria," he murmured, on the verge of an epiphany. "We could ask Victoria."

"Victoria isn't mystical, only her brother has magic," Munkustrap explained apologetically.

"Perhaps she shares more with her brother than we can imagine." With a sigh, Munkustrap nodded and proceeded to follow his father to the white queen and her brother's den.

Oo oO
Oo oO

Mistoffelees stretched from his nest in his corner of the shared den. Sniffing the air, he could tell that Victoria had aired out the pipe earlier that morning. Smiling slightly, he lazily rolled out of bed to stagger slightly out of his curtained off section of their home.

"Good morning," Mistoffelees yawned pleasantly. Looking around, he could see that she had picked up the den upon her return from her courting with Plato.

"Good morning!" Victoria chimed cheerily. He couldn't help the smile that crept across his face.

"You have a good time? Did he finally plant a good one on ya?" he grinned. A hot blush burned through the thin white fur of her face. She shrugged off his curious stare.

"Well, no..." She absently picked up a pile of his books that he had left lying out the night before. "Jellylorum escorted us last night- you know how she can get- but he did give me these."

She crossed the light den gracefully to dote a vase of beautifully arranged flowers. "They're nice," he noted admiringly. Plato seemed to be quite the florist. She hummed in agreement and sighed gently, he rolled his eyes playfully at the cheesy display. He took a quick look around the den; she must have had an extremely great time with her beau if she bothered to clean the stove.

"Look, I'm sorry about leaving the den a mess last night." Mistoffelees began apologetically, digging up a nicer pitcher from the dishes drying in the sink. "I meant to clean it but I was just so exhausted..."

She nodded as she transfered the flowers. "I remember; I was the one who carried you to bed," she winked, smiling coyly.

"Oh..." He was interrupted suddenly by the sound of loud knocking on the den's entrance. They both looked up to see Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy standing patiently, offering them kind smiles. Mistoffelees, being the tom of the house, met the other two and invited them inside.

He invited them in to sit down on the sofas while Victoria served snacks and drinks to the tribe's royalty. Mistoffelees took a seat on the sofa across from them, patiently waiting for them to be settled comfortably before inquiring about their unusual visit.

"So, if you mind my asking; what honour brings you here, sirs?" Mistoffelees asked politely. Deuteronomy made the first move to speak. He stole a quick glance at the white queen and motioned her to sit down. She complied and took a seat next to her slightly suspicious brother.

"You may not know this, but Munkustrap and Demeter have been having troubles conceiving. So, we have been reaching out to the tribe for help-"

Victoria's face lit up almost instantly. "Mistoffelees could help you, Munk!" she enthused. "He has done incredible things no one's ever seen before, I'm sure he could help you one way or another."

Mistoffelees blushed apologetically to their visitors before clamping a warning hand on his sister's knee. "Don't interrupt, it's rude."

"Well, actually, Mistoffelees," Old Deuteronomy began warmly, trying to put his proposition in a sense where Mistoffelees would be sympathetic and cooperative. "We came here to ask your sister if she'd be interested in-"

"Never mind, father. The conditions aren't right." Munkustrap shook his head solemnly. It wasn't that she didn't come off as mystically gifted; it was the too narrow hips, the lack of true fat and muscle on her body, and her age that eliminated her as a candidate.

The tux knew almost immediately what Deuteronomy was intending to ask; he wanted to ask his permission for Victoria to carry a litter for them. He frowned momentarily when he realized that his sister was just deemed not up to par for Munkustrap's kin. He cast an angry glare at the slightly conceited tabby.

His teeth clenched for but a brief moment. "Why isn't she good enough for you, Munkustrap?"

The tabby stared slightly dumbfounded at the magician. He recognized that he was caught inspecting the tux's littermate and felt somewhat ashamed. "I-It's not that she isn't good enough, Mistoffelees. It's just, as I said, the conditions aren't right; I wouldn't want her to be endangered." It was then that the tiny tom realized that he did not want to even discuss the topic of his sister carrying any kittens, let alone having to bed the tom. He shuddered slightly and brushed away the mental images. Ew.

Deuteronomy, meanwhile, was busy comparing the white queen and her slightly contrasting brother. Unlike her, Mistoffelees had the broad hips Munkustrap probably took note of initially. He certainly had a healthy bodyweight to support a litter, and not to mention his muscles were stronger than those of most of the queens in the tribe due to biological development. He couldn't help but notice that the tom's height wasn't the greatest, but he did show many personality traits that would be welcomed by his son for the kitten's development.

While the two were bickering fruitlessly over Victoria's inadequacies, the old tom turned his attention to the white queen. "Victoria, what kind of incredible feats is your brother capable of?"

Making sure that she was actually being spoken to, she blinked blankly for a minute before realizing what was being said. "Oh! Well, sir, I've seen his magic do incredible things! Once, he pulled several kittens right out of a hat! Not too long ago, I saw him make a copy of a mouse! I think that he could easily help out Munkustrap and Demeter, most definitely."

"Victoria, stop," the tuxed tom chastised. He hated being the center of attention, especially when he wasn't intentionally seeking it out.

"So you have a skill for dealing with living creatures?" Deuteronomy asked the black and white tom, intrigued by the unfolding of events.

"Well, I haven't really ever had any problems with it before..."

"Do you think you would be able to apply your skills to this situation?" Munkustrap glanced at the old tom from the corner of his eye; what, exactly, was he getting at?

Mistoffelees considered him a moment, carefully planning his response. "Well, I can't really help Demeter personally, it's far too complex."

"That wasn't what I had in mind."

"I'm sorry?" Mistoffelees became severely perplexed. Despite his natural insight, he could not fully comprehend where the graying tom was headed.

Deuteronomy slowly cracked a smile, it was slightly unnerving for the tux and his equally confused sister. "Would you be interested in carrying Munkustrap's kittens?-

Munkustrap immediately choked on the air he was breathing. "WHAT!"

Mistoffelees' white face bleached to an unhealthy shade before the tops of his cheeks burst in bright red. His voice was even but careful nonetheless.

"Victoria, can you please leave us a moment?" The white queen, who also seemed to lose a bit of colour in her white face, nodded vacantly before raising herself to her feet and walking out the den. A quick glance at the Jellicle Protector showed a vacant stare at the coffee table in front of him, staring down into his complementary tea.

The magician shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Umm..." He looked between the two as the cogs in his brain worked furiously. He had never thought of being able to deliver kittens, it never crossed his mind in all honesty. He had to admit that the idea was certainly one to consider, but he couldn't see his magic pulling though with such a long-term and uncertain task. "To be honest, Deuteronomy, I don't think it will work. It's a very... unusual request that I can honestly say would be extremely difficult- if not impossible- for one of my caliber."

The leader's face fell slightly, disappointment poised on the deeply wrinkled bags under his eyes. "Would there be any chance that you would be willing to give it a try?"

The young tom looked to the silver tabby, who continued to sit quietly next to his business dealing father, for help. No help came to his side so he found himself facing the potentially intimidating leader alone. "Sir, you need to understand; although I may be able to... carry the kittens, the true danger lies in how I'd be able to deliver them. Unfortunately, my body isn't built for this type of work."

Finally, Munkustrap was roused from his state of concentration. He opened his mouth to speak several times before actually making eye contact with the true intent of voicing his mind. "Mistoffelees," he mumbled, trying to gather courage. Needless to say, he felt as awkward as Deuteronomy was bold. "I know that this isn't something you're interested in pursuing, and I appreciate that you'd rather not try; but we really need your help. There aren't any queens who are fertile and as you can see we're desperate for an heir. If I cannot produce a son within a few years' time, I may never be able to properly pass on my responsibilities as Jellicle Protector and leader for future generations; this isn't entirely a learn-on-the-job experience."

Meeting his gaze, Mistoffelees could see that this was not the tabby's first choice and it certainly wasn't his ideal circumstance. A silent exchange left them both feeling even more awkward and insecure, obviously he felt ashamed and stupid for asking. He was somewhat comforted when a glimpse of Munkustrap, his friend and comrade, shone through the veil of embarrassment that was now put up between the two. He could see the desperation and slight panic in his teal irises. It would be somewhat unfair of him to so blatantly deny him this favor, especially when Munkustrap worked so hard to keep him and the junkyard safe. Still...

He drew in a deep breath, feeling the two intent gazes burn at him through his dark fur. "... I'll think about it," he nodded hesitantly. The two other toms nodded; Deuteronomy pleased with the progress, and Munkustrap looking even more worried now that they were that much closer to possibly becoming parents.

Chapter 2 is being written as we speak! I can't wait to get it posted up here! Wooooooooooooo!