How Far Is Too Far?

How far is Sikowitz willing to go to scare Beck? A small scare is understandable but this is getting out of hand. Sure most normal people would know better than to let Beck risk his life…but who said Sikowitz is normal?

So I was watching the iCarly/Victorious episode. (I work as a nanny and the kids are obsessed with Victorious...don't judge.) And I started thinking of how the show would go if it wasn't meant to be ok for elementary school kids. Lots of stories started filling my head but this one stood out to me; partially because I checked and no one has done this story yet (which surprised me) so I wanted to get it up before someone else did. Anyway I hope you like it. This is a short little chapter/preview and if you're interested I'll add more. This is more of a prologue and the rest of the chapters will be from the group's point of view. This just sets everything in motion. There is definitely more to add but it won't be an insanely long story. So let me know what you think!

Sikowitz sat in the hot tub sulking. He hadn't been able to scare Beck all day and was getting irked. What would it take to scare the boy? He knew it would take something really good. The snake he put in Beck's locker hadn't worked and that thing was poisonous. This had to be something way better…he just didn't know what. As he continued to stew, he saw Beck reach his arm around Jade's waist and pull her close. He watched as Beck and Jade began kissing deeper than they had in class. And he noticed Jade wrap her fingers around her boyfriends arm with a determined smile, a smirk formed on Beck's face. And that little display of teenage hormones gave him an idea. The key to scaring Beck was through Jade.

His first attempts were weak at best. Jade was always around to foil his scheme. Stunt practice in class was useless, despite the fact a few students peed themselves-which amused him to no ends. Jade was fearless and did her stunt perfectly so Beck didn't even break a sweat over it. Telling Beck that Jade was in a car accident almost fooled him and just as that tiny trace of terror was about to cross Beck's face, Jade sauntered in taking her seat in his lap before attaching her face to his. God could these two breathe without the other? They were always lip to lip or at the very least touching each other. If even teacher noticed the PDA it was going a bit too far. BINGO!

He thought he had finally found a way when he stashed a positive pregnancy test in Jade's bag during class. When it fell out Jade had been just as surprised as Beck, she spat her coffee in his face and assured him there was no way it was hers. Beck relaxed but eyed her suspiciously. He was doubtful not scared. Sikowitz finally thought he had found the trick. He kept up with the 'Jade pregnant'-theme but it didn't work. He called Beck's phone claiming to be from the clinic downtown to confirm the test results which sent Beck running to Jade, who this time dashed the plan with a simple laugh and harsh no. The next call was supposedly made from an abortion clinic confirming an appointment date. Sikowitz thought he had Beck on this one when he saw Beck pale slightly and he balled his fists. But just as he was about to pop out and reveal his actions, Beck went running off to Jade who huffed an aggravated sigh and dragged Beck away. They left campus for lunch and when they came back both were happily wrapped up in each other, still wiping the gel off of Jade's baby-free belly. Beck never seemed scared, only hurt and that wasn't the point of the acting experiments.

He was at his wits end and this mission he had become fixated on was taking over his life. He couldn't even sleep anymore. So he was sitting up one night drinking fresh coconut milk and watching CSI when he should have been sleeping. That's when he got the idea. He didn't know if it was from the coconut milk (which did give him some very strange ideas…don't think about it you lose focus) or from the very bloody episode on the screen. The idea of the episode was that a man was framed for murder and put in danger to get him to become less…blah. It gave him a great idea. It would take a lot of planning but he might just be able to pull it off. All he would have to do would be to have someone kidnap Jade and frame Beck. If that doesn't scar Beck then the boy has some serious issues.