A/N: I can't believe it, but this is the last chapter for "Locked In". You guys have all been so great for reviewing and favoring this. I wanted to thank all of you for giving me your options on dresses. I did pick a few of yours, some however didn't sign in, but I wanted to thank, "Kill you Twice," for Ella's dress. It's really pretty, thank you again. Now I hope you all enjoy the last chapter.

Twenty Three: Epilogue:


I clutch the powder pink fabric in my shut tan fist, the tail sticking out the other end, hopelessly attempting to squeeze it to death until it was nothing but pink dust. It wasn't working.

"Iggy?" I force through my teeth.

My, very soon, dead blonde friend peek his head out the bathroom door. "Yeahh?"

"What the hell is this?" I ask, shaking the ugly as shit tie in his face.

He laughs and points at the hideous thing. "That is what we call a tie."

I blew up. "A pink one! Why is it pink!?" I threw my arms in the air, frustrated "What the hell happened to the black one!?"

Iggy rolls his sky blue eyes. "Cool it. I'll be back in a sec."

Iggy's head pops back in the bathroom. A few seconds later I detect the faucet run loudly. I plop on my bed, swirling the pink tie around my fingers looking down at it like it was a poison pink snake about to bite. It looked like the one I was originally going to get except it was utterly pink. It was a skinny, silky, pink tie. I was going to kill Iggy for this.

I raise my head when the bathroom door opens.

"Alright man, what's your beef?"

I glare. "Why is my tie pink?"

He cast a quick look at it and smiles. "You don't remember buying it?"

I had to count down in my head before summing up a calm enough answer. "It was black when I'd bought it."

Iggy swagger over to me and sits down beside me. He starts pulling on his black dress shoes. "Well, yeah, you were going to get the black one. I'd asked the sales dude to swap the black tie for a pink one without you noticing as he was bagging our stuff. Jerk wanted twenty extra dollars, can you believe it?"

"I'm not wearing it." I said at once.

"Smh, yeah you are. I paid twenty dollars for that swap. Besides you have to wear a tie with your suit. It was the deal between you and Max, remember? "

Oh, yeah, I remembered all right. My new girlfriend used her girl willies on me. I'd planed to wear a pair of jeans and a regular t-shirt to the dance, but a few kisses, sweet words and some touching… I was leaving her house with the promise I would go out the next day with Iggy to buy a suit and tie floating over my head.

It was amazing how intoxicating Max is. She was like a drug, and I was the drug addict always wanting more.

"I'm not wearing it." I repeat.

"Fang don't be an ass. You're wearing the tie." Iggy snatch it out of my hold, openly viewing it.

"Why don't you wear it?"

Iggy chuckles. "Pink's not really my color." He hand it back to me.

I angry rip it out of his hands. "And, what, it's mine!?"

He shrugs. "Try it on."

I narrow my eyes. "What?"

Iggy stood. "C'mon man. It can't kill you to try it on!"

That's it, Iggy was so dead.

"Hurry up. We have to meet the girls at Max's house soon."

I grumble as I stood, seriously not happy about this. I smoothly slide the tie around my neck and under the collar; using the mirror I had in my room to smooth it down. Iggy watches me loop it around with a smirk I want to slap off.

I hate it.

And him.

"It suits you." Iggy said behind me.

"You're dead."

Iggy pat my shoulder lightly, his eye twinkling secretly. I didn't like it.

"Ah yes, Max got what she wanted like always..."

My eyes widen when it all click into place.



"Wow. Max you look stunning." Angel said.

I smile at her. "You do too. All of you do."

Ella's wearing a pretty short floral dress. The top was lacy and the bottom had splashes of light purple, blue and opulent pink, with a snug one bottom white blazer. Combine with the outfit she wore a pair of black lace bow pumps, showcasing her seemly eight mile long legs. Ella's make up was very light – all pink and natural browns with light pink lip gloss polishing her lips. Her hair was natural as well with big bouncy curls, framing her face with indefectible perfectness. Completing the look she had a pink studded envelope clutch, gold, pink and yellow bangles and gold knotted – with rose color swirl, earring studs, marring the outfit beautifully.

Nudge's wearing a short royal blue strapless dress. On the side of her left hip it was bunch up so there was a coil of blue fabric resting on her hipbone in a sloppy, ruffled, slanted bow, the ruffles descending down towards the bottom. She matched it with mid-heels in cobalt blue that had a slender bow. I love her hair. It was curly and all of it is pin to one side of her head so it all flows down in a waterfall of silk chocolate hair. The clips that pin her hair are light blue and sparkly. Her makeup was natural like Ella's; she had beige brown eye shadow, a little mascara and nude lip gloss enhancing the fullness of her lips.

Angel's dress was a light pink short dress. In the middle was a profuse black ribbon bow, with a bloom of lacy flowers sprouting from the bow. The bottom had tiny ruffles. Angel was short, but the high heel pink platform pumps gave her a few inches. She wore a pearl necklace, and matching pearl studs. Her hair's pin straight and she wore a pink wrap pushing her bangs out of her face. Angel's makeup was heavier than the other two. She wore dark apple-red eye shadow, and a few coats of mascara. Her checks are flush with light pink blush and her lips shine glossy red.


I'm wearing a dress too. It was in lavender, short, and had no straps. Underneath it had black lace. The bodice part had these little crystal jewel flowers that ran in a diagonal line towards the bottom half of the dress. For shoes, I wore… my chucks. Ha! I promised Fang I would wear a dress, and I am. Nowhere did I promise I would wear heels. Besides, if I did I would break my neck or something as awful. The girls had a problem with it however; therefore, I let them do my hair and makeup so I didn't have to hear it. My makeup, thank god, was light; a very stable purple for the eye shadow and lip gloss, giving my lips a pretty shine. Kudos to Ella, my hair was in a complicated twist, with a decorative artificial purple flower. A few wisps of hair framed my face.

"Girls the boys are here!" My mom yells from downstairs.

Squeaks are thrown all around my room as all the girls, jittery with nervous run around my room knocking one another down and doing last-minute checks. This was becoming ridicules.

"Guys relax!" I yell.

Like I had a remote for life and clicked pause, everyone suddenly stops.

I laugh. "They're just our dates." I said.

I point at Nudge. "You got the ties?" I ask.

She shook the box, "Yup."

I smile. "Good. Let's do this then."

In a line we left my room. I was the last to go, so I could shut my door.

We each took the stairs and I'll admit I was little nervous. The boys were in a line at the end of the staircase. Iggy, Fang, Sam and Kyle, all looking good in their suits and ties, stood with big smiles and wide, admiring eyes. Fang was the only one with the pink tie and took everything in me not to burst out laughing. I manage to keep the giggles at bay. For now.

"Wow." Fang said walking up to me. "Max… you look beautiful." His eyes sweep from my hair to my feet, he stops at my chucks and smiles. "Nice touch."

"Thank you. You look good too." I finger his tie. "Nice touch."

He narrows his eyes, but the tiny curve to his lips told me he really wasn't too mad about the tie. "About that… tomorrow we'll going to talk about that."

I smile and look at the plastic box in his hands "For me?"

He nods and opens it, and takes out the corsage. He slips it on my wrist, warm fingers brushing my skin.

"I asked Ella what color your dress was. I hope you like it." He said, a bit shyly.

I smile. It was pretty. It was a bundle of purple flowers, with a few gold ones. "I don't like it. I love it." I swiftly kiss his cheek. "Truly."

"Ella I can't wear it!"

Iggy's shout divert my eyes towards him. He was having a hissy fit.

"You will, unless you want to go to the dance alone!" she fired back.

"What's going on?" Fang asked me.

I smirk. "We want all the guys to wear pink ties." I told him.

"C'mon Ella! Real men don't wear pink!"

"Iggy stop being a baby. Sam and Kyle didn't give this much of a problem." Ella said, glaring at him.

"Because they're whipped!" Iggy yelled.

Both boys glare at Iggy.

"Not cool man." Sam said, crossing his beefy arms.

Nudge pats his arm. "Baby ignore him, he's a dimwit."

"Iggy wear the tie. Or we'll be late." I said.

Iggy glares at all of his, but snatches the tie from Ella.

Now they all had pink ties.

Kyle's tie match Angel's dress, which was what she was aiming for. Iggy's is a rose-pink and had white polka dots. Sam's is a blush pink with light pink checkers.

My mom ran into the room then. "Alright picture time!"

I groan. "Mom."

"Max sweetie, humor me." She said flatly.

I nod. We all took pictures with our dates, and then we took a few group ones by the staircase, the door, the stupid boat picture we had in our hallway… god this was taking way too long.

"Mom, can we go now?" I complain.

"Last one by the couch." she pleads.

I sign, and tuck in next to Fang. Fang put his arms around my waist, mouth close to my ear. "Just think…"

"On three…" My mom said, "One, two…"

"… We still have prom." Fang finish when my mom said, "Three."



That picture was the one that now hung in my hallway. Fang was holding me tight to him, and smiling for the camera. My mouth was open in outrage, eyes blazing in fury, and my hair crackling like a mad women… then yet I loved it, because I was in Fang's arms where I belong, forever.

The End

This was way longer then I thought it woulda been, sorry, if I you wanted the whole dance... I just loved how I ended it... but even though its under complete, I will, maybe later have some outakes of the dance itself. I just knew if I kept going it would have been extremely long. So, tell me what you think and if you'd later enjoy some outakes.

Thank you!