You all probably hate me...I haven't updated in, like, 2 MONTHS!

Its just been so hard getting on the computer, and then I get writers block, but this chapter is kind of long, so I hope it will make up for it :)

I re-wrote this chapter so many times, and to be honest, I'm still not that happy with it, but I couldn't keep you waiting any longer!

I have already started on the next chapter so that won't be too long to come (HOPEFULLY!)

I am saving up for a laptop, and if I get one, updating will be so much more easier :).

Thank you SO MUCH for reading this far, and I hope you don't get bored :)


Chapter 5


"Rose, you have acute promyelocytic leukaemia." I choked out. I saw the hope shrink in her eyes, and she curled up and started to sob in Adrian's arms. Christian put his arm around her and whispered reassuring words to her. I wish there was a way I could have prevented this. Her Character was too strong, she had so much life, and I knew that over the next months, I would see that life fade away. I locked eyes with Adrian, and he nodded. I started to leave, to give them time alone, when I noticed tears rolling down Christian's and Adrian's faces.

"I'm sorry…" I whispered, and I placed a hand on Adrian's shoulder before I left. Once again, Rose's future was uncertain.

Earlier That Day…


"Christian, I'm not anorexic or bulimic…we don't know what it is yet, Dr Olendzki's waiting for results." And relief flooded me, just for Lissa's sake. Don't get me wrong, I was still worried about Rose, but no news is good news, right? I hugged her again, for the second time that day.

"I'm scared, Christian…I don't know what to do…" She mumbled into my shoulder.

"Well, you should start by telling Lissa. She really needs to know something like th-" She pulled back, and cut me off, as usual.

"No. This will stress and upset her to much! You don't know what she's like!" She exclaimed, running her frail hand through her hair. I grasped her wrist, only gently, and locked eyes.

"I do know what she's like. She isn't a baby, Rose, and you shouldn't treat her like one." I released her wrist and walked back a few steps. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she sank to the floor. She gently lent her head against the wall and closed her eyes.

"I can't do it Christian. I can't put her through that." She whispered, "Just promise you won't tell her something is wrong until we know, okay?" I sat down next to her, and wrapped my arms around her. Again, I didn't mean it romantically, I was her friend, and she needed to know that I was there for her.

"Okay Rose. I promise." I mumbled. I hated lying to Lissa, we both did. But Rose knew her better than anyone, and I had to trust Rose on this one.

LPOV (Lissa's Point Of View)

Hatred welled up inside of me, and I tried to repress these feelings. I couldn't get the image out of my head: Rose, my best friend, and Christian hugging, about to kiss. Damn this bond! If Rose hadn't of sensed me, then I would've known for sure. Christian and Rose were perfect for each other. They were both sarcastic, snarky and passionate, while I was boring, weak, and useless. How could I have not seen this coming?

"Lissa, are you okay? You seem kind of, agitated…?" Eddie asked, placing a warm, reassuring hand on my shoulder. I whipped round, and gave Eddie a look that I instantly regretted. Why was I so angry today?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Peachy." I choked out. Those feelings of hatred disappeared, immediately replaced by hurt, and pain. Why did they have to hurt me like this? A reluctant tear squeezed out, and I wiped it away. "I think…I think Christians cheating on me." Eddie's expression turned into shock, and he quickly put his guardian mask back on.

"With who? Who would want to hurt you like this?" He said. He was my guardian, and he wanted to protect me from everything, not just physical pain.

"Rose." And I burst into tears. Eddie comforted me the best he could have done, but he wasn't my best friend. It's ironic that the only one who could make you feel better is the one who hurt you.

A couple of hours later I was in Slavic Art, and Camille decided to sit next to me.

"Hey Lisa-"She started,

"It's Lissa." I corrected. I couldn't believe I was actually friends with this bimbo. Ugh, what's wrong with me today, I'm being really emotional and mean?

"Yeah, Lissa, whatever…Why aren't you sitting with Christian?" She asked, twiddling her hair. This means she's trying to find out some more gossip. Oh, the perks of being an ex-best friend!

"Well, because you're sitting here." I really was not in the mood to talk.

"Well, I heard that Christian was cheating on you…" She smirked, and paused to let that sink in, "With Rose!"

My head whipped round and I replied, "Where did you hear that?" She flipped her hair behind her shoulder, and leant towards me.

"Uh, it's been going around for weeks! They are sleeping in the same room and everything, so I guess it would happen anyway. Don't you think they're perfect for each other?" She giggled. My head told me that she was provoking me, and she wanted to get me angry, but that voice was getting repressed by those dark feelings I had.

"Whatever. Christian would never cheat on me." She looked at me, shrugged and then completely ignored me for the rest of the lesson.

Eddie and I walked over to our dinner table where some freshman was talking to Rose and Christian. I had to get this set straight, they have been avoiding me all day, and I needed to talk to them. I stalked over there my head high, Christian looked up, and I could see the guilt swimming in his eyes. They both immediately stood up and ran out the door.

"How immature!" I said to Eddie, louder than intended. Damn. "They should talk to me instead of storming off!" I sat down and banged my fist on the table.

"I know…I just can't believe Rose would do something like this…" Eddie sighed,


Christian and I were freaking out about Lissa; she wasn't speaking to us, and she probably thought Christian was cheating on her. It made me feel crap inside, and she had put a wall up in the bond. I was almost in tears when Suzie, some Dhampir freshman walked up to me.

"Dr Olendzki wants to see you immediately in her office." She stuttered. She was probably terrified of me. I had red eyes, and with the rumours going around about me, she probably thought I was going to beat her up.

"Don't worry; I'm not going to hurt you. You shouldn't believe all the rumours you hear, Suzie. I will be there in a minute." I smiled. Suzie relaxed and breathed out. I grabbed Christian's arm and dragged him out of there.

"Lissa was in there. She looked like she was about to explode!" Christian murmured. He was hurting; He was losing his girlfriend. I moved to hold his hand, but my conscience told me that doing so would make it worse.

"I'm sorry Christian. I really am, but I have to find Adrian." Christian looked up and his ice blue eyes swimmed with sadness.

"Hey Little Dhampir…" A voice whispered softly in my ear. I turned round and threw my arms around his neck. "Whoa, Rose, what's up?"

"I'm scared Adrian, Dr Olendzki has the results…" I whispered, choking up. I could feel his chest rising and falling against me, and it felt natural.

"I know, she called for me too. What is Christian doing here?" He murmered, stroking my hair.

"He knows. He guessed something was wrong with me, and he is worried." I waited for Adrian to get angry or something; everything I did was wrong nowadays. Instead, he pulled away and smiled weakly.

"Come on, Dr Olendzki's waiting for us…" My hand reached for Adrians, and his beautiful jade eyes stared at it then into my eyes. My fingers curled around his, and his squeezed back. I looked over to Christian, and his crystal blue eyes seemed to convey many messages.


"Rose, you have acute promyelocytic leukaemia."

Not Rose. Anyone but Rose.

Thanks for reading, and please review, and tell me what you think and be honest!
