This is my first fanfic so please tell me what you think :)

This is based after shadow kissed, but Dimitri wasn't turned...Enjoy! 3

I woke up, with a splitting head ache, and sweating, even though I was freezing. I rubbed my head and sat up. Lissa had been up all night with Christian, and with that going on, I couldn't sleep. Sometimes, I hate this bloody bond. I had a quick shower, dried my hair and turned up to training, late again. Dimitri didn't look happy.

"Hey Comrade! Ready to kick some ass today?" I said, scraping my hair into a high pony tail. Dimitri tensed and put his guardian mask on.

"It's Guardian Belikov. And we not going to 'kick some ass', you are going to run laps." Dimitri replied, turning around abruptly and stalking off, probably to get one of his western novels. I stood there with my mouth wide open. Had I done something? I went outside to the track, dumping my gym bag on the floor. The cold was biting my skin mercilessly. I saw Dimitri watching me with those deep brown eyes from the window of the gym. I turned away from him and started to run. Round and round the track, trying to figure out why Dimitri was mad. I played back last night's events in my head.

Tasha was waiting at the cabin with Lissa and Christian. Dimitri and I burst through the door and I saw Tasha's aura light up with affection. Well, Lissa did.

"Dimka!" Tasha cried, jumping up from the bed they were sitting on. Being in this cabin with Dimitri made me uncomfortable, but Dimitri didn't show any emotional connection to this place. He hugged Tasha and they started yapping to each other. I had never seen Dimitri act so friendly with someone before.

"Hey Rose." Lissa said. Something was troubling her, but Tasha and Dimitri were distracting me, so I didn't delve deeper into her mind.

"Yeah..Hi Lissa…Christian…" I said, lost in my own thoughts.

"Rose…Earth To Rose!" Christian's sarcastic voice brought me back. I grinned back at them, pulled up a chair and glanced one more time over to Dimitri and Tasha. They were whispering, eyes locked. Jealousy rose inside of me, not helped by the darkness from Lissa. We were all chatting about nothing in particular. When me, Dimitri, Lissa and Christian walked back to dorm, Dimitri seemed cold and hostile. He didn't even say good bye. I passed out on my bed, only to be woken by Lissa and Christian creeping out the Chapel.

Did Tasha say something? Maybe I just had a grudge against her, because she likes Dimitri. I finished my laps. I was glad they were over, I felt so weak and tired. My legs were shaking. Dimitri stood on the other side of the gym.

"You're dismissed." I nodded, picked up my bag and walked off to the showers. I must have done something... There was a buzzing in the back of my mind, and I felt so cold. I was about to step into the shower when I caught sight of my body in the mirror; I had lost loads of weight. Usually weight loss was good, but I looked scary. On my back were purple and black bruises. I just assumed they were from class, but these bruises had been there for months. I stepped into the shower, and tried to clear my mind. I was fine. I hadn't had any sleep last night, or for the last couple of nights. I dried myself off and headed for breakfast. My stomach was rumbling. I needed a doughnut. I walked down the hall, my legs feeling like jelly. My headache was excruciating by now. I shivered; i was shaking with the cold...How could no-one else feel it? My head was searing in pain and-

"Hey Little Dhampir!" I turned around, my eyes rolled backwards and I blacked out...