A/N: Moshi moshi, mi-na! It's been awhile since I posted anything. Well, the power is out currently and I've had this idea in my head for awhile now, so what better time than now to type it up on the computer's reserve power? I know it's pretty short and simple, but I thought it would be amusing and maybe even worth a chuckle anyway. On with the fic!

Disclaimer: I love love love this series but I don't don't don't own the rights to it.


"No... no... get away from me! AAAHHHHH!" a woman screamed as she began to be eaten alive by a pack of flesh hungry zombies. At the same time as her, somone outside of the television emitted a shriek as well.

Usagi chuckled. "Scared?" he asked with a sly look in his eyes.

"No! It just... surprised me is all..." Misaki replied as he buried his crimson face in a pillow.

The writer chuckled again as the credits rolled and he shut off the dvd player and television.

"You know, you're really cute when you're scared- maybe we should rent horror movies more often."

Misaki growled and threw the pillow he was clutching onto at his lover.

"I am not scared!"

"It's ok to admit it, Misaki. Big, strong Usagi is here to protect you!" the older man said as he wrapped his arms around his younger lover.

"I am not some girl who needs protection!" Misaki yelled whilst struggling to break free of his stronger lover.

After some time and stolen kisses by Usagi, he managed to break away and stomp up the stairs, shouting, "Baka-Usagi!" along the way. When he got to his room, he flopped down on the bed and grumbled his frustrations to himself.

"Baka-Usagi... Not scared... Not a damsel in distress... Can handle myself..."

Eventually, he was sound asleep.

- The next day-

Misaki awoke to groaning coming from downstairs. The usual morning grogginess was thrown out the window as he recalled the movie from last night. He was officially in panic mode, which only got worse as the groaning got louder and banging and crashing were added into the mix.

Suddenly, all the noise stopped. Misaki checked his heart to see if it was still beating, then slowly got out of his bed and inched towards his door. Just as he was about to open it, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Immediately, he retreated under his covers and began trembling in fear.

Oh Kami... now what? Maybe I'll get lucky and it won't notice me under the covers? Nope it would be just my luck if did... Time to devise plan B!

The door slowly creaked open.


"Miskaiiii... where's the coffee?"

The student peered out from under the covers to find his lover standing there with an empty coffee mug in his right hand. Due to all the stress he had put himself under followed by the relief that all the noise wasn't caused by a flesh eating zombie, Misaki promptly fainted, leaving a still coffeeless Usagi to stare and scratch his head as he questioned what the hell just happened.

A/N: This could quite possibly be my shortest fic yet o_O Forgive me if I screwed up the baka/name order at any point by the way. I'm still trying to learn Japanese grammar. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! Please R&R! Ja ne!