Hello there! This is my first ever Fanfic, which is a pretty big deal for me because I usually just write for myself and I've never actually shown anyone my stories before. Enjoy :)

In a small, stone government building across the street from the market, a thin line of young men stood waiting to sign up for the army. Most of them were over the required age limit, all in fact, except for one.

"Are you sure you're eighteen?" asked the recruiting officer who sat at the table at the head of the line. He was sizing the young man up at the moment. He was obviously much smaller than the clothing he was wearing, a heavy navy coat and grey trousers that looked far too loose to be staying up. He also had a hat covering his face, making the officer even more suspicious.

"Why, do I look older?" asked Edmund Pevensie. He spoke with a collected confidence that for a moment actually convinced the officer of the boy's honesty.

The officer gestured for Edmund to pass him the leather bound book in his hand, containing his information. The officer opened it up and ran his eyes up and down, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He raised his eyes to Edmund's, looking very skeptical. "Alberta Scrubb?"

Edmund was prepared for this question. "That's a typo-graphical error. It's supposed to say Albert. A. Scrubb," he said calmly. Actually, he had borrowed it from his Aunt, but the officer did not need to know that.

Before the officer could say anything else, a girl of about fourteen walked into the room, a wooden box in her hands and a bag hanging from her elbow. "Edmund, you're supposed to be helping me with the groceries," Lucy said sternly. She was mad at him for leaving her alone outside, toting around the heavy box of vegetables.

The men in the line burst into fits of laughter. Edmund scowled at them, and turned back to the officer. The officer raised his eyebrows at Edmund, passing him the book back. The man directly behind Edmund raised his hand and ruffled Edmund's head, nearly knocking his hat off. "Better luck next time, eh squirt?" he said, causing the others to laugh even more.

Edmund turned away from them, straightening his hat. He dragged his feet, defeated, across the old wooden floor, taking the box from Lucy's arms and following her out the door.

Syrena found herself aimlessly wandering through a meadow. There were bright yellow and orange and soft pink flowers surrounding her, and lush trees lining the outskirts. She was dressed in a plain, white gown with a ribbon tied around her waist. Her shoulders were bare, and her long hair tickled the smooth skin on her back. She knew she should feel exposed; Narnian were never to show this much skin in public. Oddly enough, she didn't mind now. She was wearing no shoes, but the ground was so soft she would have taken them off anyway had she been. The sun beat down upon her, warming her to her very core; it was immensely comforting.

She crouched down and picked one of the orange flowers. Raising it to her nose, she took a deep breath. Instantly, her lungs were filled with the sweet aroma and the shut her eyes, feeling at peace.

She heard footsteps behind her, and stood up, turning to see who was approaching. The shape was that of a woman, but Syrena could not see her face for the sun shone directly upon her. Syrena felt suddenly cold, and afraid. This was not a friend. She turned to run away from the meadow, but instead she was faced with a frightening sight. The flowers had disappeared and were replaced by dying, brown grass and rough dirt. The trees, which once held great life, were now grey and tangled, stripped bare of their leaves. Syrena screamed then, feeling more scared than ever. She felt the hand of the woman grasp her arm, nails digging into her skin and pulling her back. Arms were around her then, squeezing the very air from her lungs. She screamed again, squeezing her eyes shut, but the woman's hand covered her mouth, and began whispering in her ear.


And then her eyes opened, and she was sitting up in her bed, her hair tangled around her head and her throat raw from her nightmares.

Tah dah! I personally don't think this is too bad for a first chapter. Please review if you agree! Or if you don't, that's cool too. Constructive criticism is very helpful, but so is praise :)