Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters used in this story

Warnings: Arthur x Yao, descriptions of violence, vampires, character death(s)

So…before I knew it, I'm starting a new story… It all happened with a single pic I drew. Then it spawned into a short comic strip. And I have more pic ideas ahead, as well as story ideas obviously :D Ending is planned out already *highfivesbrain* If you're interested in seeing the pic, hop over to my DA, which I will be updating my profile with the link right now…

And now…I will throw you into the middle of the story. Explanations will come later.


- Chapter 1 -

Yao peeked into the hallway. Good. None of Ivan nor his coven were in sight. He ran the length of it until he reached a narrow set of stairs that led down to the cells. The lithe vampire hurried his way down.

At the bottom he found the man chained up inside one of the cells. Using the keys he stole from Ivan's room, he unlocked the metal grid. Upon hearing the metallic click of the cells' lock, the man lifted his blond head. With difficulty, green eyes scanned the figure before him.

"...you...what are you doing here...?"

Yao knelt so that he was at eye level with the man.

"I came to save you -aru"

The man's eyes widened, as much as their afflicted state could. "...you must be joking...there's at least 10 of them...how will you-" Yao cut him off. "I can turn you into a vampire -aru" He leaned forward, golden eyes piercing straight into the man's green ones with earnestness. The man stared back with equal intensity, then looked down, seeming to understand that if he remained he will only end up as food for the den of blood-feeders.

Taking his silence as a 'yes', Yao gently placed his hands on the man's chest. As he did so, the man whispered, "Why?" Yao glanced at him, catching the green eyes fixated on his, he looked away. "Because...you are too good of a man to waste -aru" Yao gave him a genuine smile. To his surprise, the man returned it. Slowly, Yao leaned his face forward. A wave of uncertainty hit him as he did so.

"I...I've never done this before -aru," he whispered almost silently into the man's ear. The man closed his eyes before opening them to look straight at Yao again. "It's alright. I trust you." Upon hearing the words, Yao worked up the courage to lower his head, and fangs, onto the man's neck. He bit. The taste of iron filled his mouth. It wasn't as unpleasant as it was supposed to be. Judging from the way the man was reacting, Yao knew the other was feeling the same ecstasy. In a trance he began to drink and drink until he became conscious of what he was doing again and restrained himself with every bit of his willpower.

When he pulled away, the man was already unconscious. Quickly, he slid his bare arm along his fang, cutting open his vein. Bright red oozed from the gash. Yao immediately sucked until his mouth was full of his own blood. He had never turned another into a vampire before, but he had seen Ivan do it, several times. Gently, he lifted the blond man's head. Lowering his lips into a kiss, he eased the blood into the other's mouth and prodded for him to swallow. When the back of the man's mouth trembled and the blood went down with it, the vampire released him. He whispered, "There. Now you are mine -aru."

For a moment, the man's unmoving body convulsed. Then with eyes shot awake, he threw his head back and began to scream in raw pain. His kicked his legs about on the ground and his arms flew against the restraints. Yao stood back and covered his face. In tears he tried to call to the man. "Just bear with it –aru. The pain will go away soon."

Suddenly, a hammering of boots was heard from the stairwell and Ivan along with two of his vampires appeared. The large man's expression rode between amusement and outrage. In a tone used to chastise a child, Ivan spoke to the beauty within the cage. "Yao Yao, you will betray me…? I expected better of you." Yao did not move, nor did he remove the glare his golden eyes were directing at the leader. The dangerous vampire slowly trailed his violet eyes to the other figure within the cage. Yao followed the eyes and widened his. However he may have reacted a second too late. "Kill him," Ivan had already signaled and in superhuman speed, the two darkly clad vampires charged at the cage towards the now unconscious man.

A sound of metal breaking reverberated in the hollow dungeon. With simple tugs, the former man broke the chains on his wrists and stood. The two underlings stopped dead in their tracks. The new vampire rose. He turned towards Yao and spoke. "My name is Arthur. What is yours?" Without hesitation the pretty vampire answered, "I am Yao." Arthur took a deep breath and announced. "Yao, this life of mine that you saved, it is now yours."

In an equally inhuman speed Arthur charged at the cage towards the two vampires and pushed the bars out of the ground, sending the metal grid flying at the two. It caught one, slamming the brunette into the wall. His head was caught between the impact of the metal and the wall, effectively knocking him unconscious. The blond one, who had dodged, seethed at the new blood. His green eyes were now colored with rage. He spoke while baring his fangs, "You'll totally pay for doing that to Toris!" He leaped straight towards the other blond, but Yao had moved in between them with arms raised in defense. When Ivan saw that, he immediately pushed a wave into the air that sent Feliks flying off-course to the side. "Don't hurt Yao Yao," he chided the fallen vampire. "I'm sure he is only confused."

"He will come back to me one day." An unnervingly child-like smile decorated the large man's face. It never left even when the upper corner of one of the walls blew in from a loud explosion. Sunlight was thrown into the vault along with a voice that called loudly...