Eleven Years Later

Teddy Lupin rushed through the crowd of muggles in Kings Cross Station along with his wife Lily, and their twin sons, Remus and David. Remus looked exactly like his grandfather. His natural hair color was a sandy brown and his eyes were a golden brown. He did not acquire the werewolf genes, instead he became a metamorphmagus like his father and favors short black hair. He is a prankster just like his father and his partner in crime is his brother David. David was not a metamorphmagus but not a werewolf either; however, he got the heightened senses that come with being one. His hair was bright red like his mom's and he had brown eyes.

"Hurry up you two, we don't want to be late for your first day." Lily said

"Mom, it's not our first day yet, we haven't even gotten on the train yet." David laughed.

"Besides, we have fifteen minutes before the train leaves." Remus pointed out

"That may be true but we still have to say goodbye and get on the train, it's a lengthy process." Lily said.

The family passed through the barrier onto platform nine and three-quarters. "Go put your trunks on the train you two, then come back here." Teddy instructed.

"Dad, do we put Moony and Padfoot on the train too?" David asked. Moony was a medium sized snowy owl with dark brown eyes, while Padfoot was a medium sized sooty owl with black eyes.

"Yes, Moony and Padfoot go on the train. You will get them back when you go to your dormitories." Teddy said. The twins smiled and went to put their trunks away.

"Teddy, Lily!" someone called. They both turned around to see James and Albus with their wives Sally and Angelina.

"Hey guys, where are your kids?" Teddy asked.

"They are probably putting their things on the train." Albus said.

"Have you seen Rose and Hugo? We were looking for them?" Angelina asked

"No, I thought they would be here by now." Lily said. Right on cue, Rose, Scorpius, Hugo, and his wife Valerie, came walking up to them.

"Hey there, sorry we are late, little Daniel was running late and Rose was our ride here." Hugo explained, he patted the small red headed boy next to Scorpius.

"Just think, in a few years, Daniel will be going to Hogwarts." Sally said.

"Luckily, we still have a few years before that happens." Valerie said. She adjusted the two year old on her hip.

"So Teddy, are David and Remus excited that you will be their Defense teacher?" James asked

"Yeah, I already told them that I am not going to favor them. They were disappointed." Teddy chuckled

"Well, keep an eye one Evan, he may not be a prankster, but he knows how to get in trouble." James warned.

"Same goes for Adam." Albus added.

"I'll be sure of that." Teddy chuckled. When the children came back it was ten till eleven.

"Be good for daddy David, you too Remus. Don't forget to do all of your homework and get along with everyone." Lily said.

"Okay mum, we'll write to tell you what house we are in." They chorused.

"Good" Lily kissed each of them and sent them off to the train.

They accompanied their friends quickly onto the train. When the train started to pull away, they appeared at a window in front of them and started to wave goodbye at their parents, who waved back.

"I'll miss them." Lily said, she leaned her head on Teddy's.

"We will all be home for Christmas. I still think you should take over Poppy's job, she needs to retire." Teddy said.

"Maybe, I'll think about it." Lily kissed Teddy before he left his own way to Hogwarts.

"See you soon" Lily whispered to herself and she followed her brothers out of the platform and went to work.

Thank you for reading my story. Some of it was probably not very good, but hey, it's my first one.

I hope you liked it and please review ^-^