(Applejack and Rainbow Dash are property of Hasbro, Lauren Faust, and whoever else made Friendship is Magic. Prepare yourselves.)

Chapter Three: When Two Mares Collide

Applejack sighed to herself the next morning as she returned to the orchard for more apple-bucking.

'Rainbow…' she thought, frowning. 'I know I care about ya, but… Can I really be sure it ain't somethin'… else? I mean… No, better not t' think about it right now. Got work t' do,' the earth pony nodded, setting herself up for a tree full of ripe red apples.

'Darn it!' Rainbow Dash cursed internally as she cleared the morning clouds over Ponyville. 'I never shoulda acted that way to Applejack! She probably thinks that I like her, and I'm almost certain that she doesn't feel the same way about me. I'm just going to get myself hurt again, and this time it's all my fault!'

The pegasus with the rainbow mane and tail let out a desperate scream of frustration in the sky, startling the town-ponies below.

'I've gotta go apologize, before this turns from bad to worse,' Rainbow decided, and immediately flew off to Sweet Apple Acres.


"Applejack! Hey Applejack!" the light blue pony flew over the orchard, searching for her friend.

"Down here, Rainbow!" AJ responded, recognizing the pegasus' voice.

"Hey AJ, listen," Rainbow Dash landed amongst the trees beside the apple-bucker. "About yesterday… I-"

"Aw shoot, don't worry about that, 's fine," she interrupted, smiling. "Really, I… I'm alright with it."

"Okay, but listen, I just wanted to say, I mean, before anything happens between us, I just need you to know that, um, I totally respect your feelings and would never want to hurt you."

"Oh Rainbow," Applejack sighed. "I know that. Yer my friend. I'd never wanna hurt y'all neither."

"Yeah, I know, but…" the trick flier squirmed. "I don't want you to feel… uncomfortable around me. I mean, just because I'm a… a… f-fillyfooler doesn't mean we… um…"

Applejack smiled softly and leaned her head against Dash's neck comfortingly, causing the pegasus to blush in surprise.

"Rainbow…" the farmer breathed, inhaling the other mare's scent. "I could never feel uncomfert'ble 'round you. Yer my best friend, and the most amazin' pony I've ever met."

"A-Applejack…" Rainbow Dash blushed deeper. "I-I… don't know what to say…"

"Y'all don't hafta say anythin', sugar cube," she smirked, pulling away to look into her eyes. "Just know I'll always be here fer ya, no matter what."

"O-okay AJ," Rainbow smiled back, still with rosy cheeks. "And I'll be there for you, too. I… I l-like you… a lot…" she turned away, mentally kicking herself in the face.

'Just say what you mean, or don't say anything, dummy!' the pegasus berated herself. 'If you can't be honest about it, Applejack won't trust you, and that's no way for friendships or any other kind of relationships to work!'

"Hey, I like y'all too, Rainbow," the orange mare looked concerned, and tilted the other's face towards hers with her hoof. "It's alright. Y' don't hafta be embarrassed."

"I'm just… s-scared, AJ…" Rainbow Dash admitted, a tear falling from her right eye.

"Oh Dash, don't cry," Applejack leaned the left side of her face once more against Rainbow's neck, trying to console her. "It'll be okay, you'll see. It'll get better, I promise."

"Okay, Applejack," the pegasus sniffed. "Okay…"

The two mares stayed like that for a while, cloaked in the cool shadows of the apple tree canopies above them.


Finally, Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"Applejack? I think it's about lunchtime… You wanna go eat somewhere?"

The orange pony didn't respond, so the pegasus became a little worried.

"AJ?" she lightly nudged the blond mare, eliciting only a soft snore.

Rainbow Dash laughed lightly, and carefully lay down, helping Applejack onto the ground as well.

They both reclined together, huddled close in the shade.

For the first time in her life, Rainbow Dash felt content to remain static and peaceful. All urges to fly and work on her aerial acrobatics negated by the serenity and warmth she felt inside her by being with Applejack.

"I love you, AJ," Rainbow whispered, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Applejack woke first, yawning and smiling at the sound of birds chirping in the trees above. She noticed something soft pressing against her and looked down at a snoozing Rainbow Dash.

The earth pony smiled. 'Dash… Yer cute when yer sleepin',' she thought, nuzzling the top of her head gently. 'Almost makes me wanna leave ya be… But there's still work t' be done, fer both of us…'

AJ nudged her more forcefully. "Rainbow, wake up, sugar cube," she said softly as the Pegasus blinked her eyes.

"Applejack?" Rainbow Dash asked groggily, yawning. "What…?"

"Shh, it's alright, Rainbow," she smiled, stroking her neck. "Y'all just fell asleep… Well, I reckon I did first, actually," Applejack giggled a little.

"Yeah, you sure did," Dash grinned. "So… Time for work, huh?"

"Yep," Applejack's smile slipped a little. "I'll uh… see you later Dash," the orange mare stood.

"Yeah… I'll see you too…" Rainbow looked down while standing and shaking out her wings. "Um… I need to say something, that I need you to hear, okay? Before I go… I… I love you, Applejack."

The pegasus shook, staring fixedly at the dirt around her hooves, pawing at it nervously.

The earth pony remained silent for what seemed like ages to Rainbow, also unable to look the other mare in the eye.

"I… I don't know…" AJ finally said quietly. "I mean… I've never felt… that way fer another mare… I'm not sure if… if I even feel the same…"

Rainbow looked up at her, questioningly, tears forming in her violet/crimson eyes. "W-well… um… What do you feel?" she asked, trying to keep herself calm as her heart felt like it was about to break.

"I feel… somethin'… I just don't know what it means…" Applejack explained, her heart aching. "Rainbow…? Yer not… mad, are ya?" she looked at her with wondering, worried eyes.

"No… I'm not mad, AJ," Rainbow Dash said softly, looking away. "I… understand. You still need to… work it out, in your head. Right?"

The orange mare nodded; a gesture the pegasus returned.

"Alright. I'll… let you do that, then…" the cyan stunt-flier swallowed. "See you… later…" Rainbow sighed, taking off into the clear sky.

'She's so beautiful… I hope I didn't hurt 'er… Rainbow, I wish I could tell you… I'm not even sure, but… I kinda… want it to be true…' Applejack thought, letting tears trickle down her cheek.

"I love you too, Rainbow," she whispered, turning back to her apple trees.