SorrysorrysorrySORRY! I've been so busy with exams I haven't had time to reply/update!

So to all those who I haven't replied to: Your character will be put into the story later. Because piling in a whole bunch of characters in the beginning would get messy, I'm gonna first start with five and add in about one to two characters per chapter till they're all added. No more than 15 characters will be in the story, sorry to others. :( It would just get messy.

So, the characters in the next chapter are:






Sorry for the owners of Syren, Natheniel, Merceline, Maggie, and Alfred. Please forgive me?

Anyways, I'm working on the actual writing as I type this. It's about 75% done.

But just so you know, I'm extremely busy this summer so bear with me! About an update a month is how I'll go. Maybe two.

But during the school year, an update will probably be no longer than two weeks a wait.

Thanks for reviewing sooooo much and the good stuff will be up soon!