
Rating: K
Fandom(s): iCarly
Shippings: Seddie, Creddie
Summary: After the events of iOMG Sam and Freddie start dating, but Sam is not convinced that Freddie is completely over Carly.

He just stood there. Soft lips claimed his as he bluntly stared in the distance, his mind still recapitulating what actually happened the past two minutes. Two minutes ago Sam was in love with Brad, the blond haired intern of iCarly and the blondes lips were forcefully attached to Freddie. It was only ten seconds, but for Freddie it felt like ten minutes before Sam ended the kiss with a soft kissing sound. Freddie still stood there. Confused.

"Sorry," he heard in a far distance from the blonde haired demon who just proclaimed her love for the 'nub that will never be loved'

"It's cool," Freddie deadpanned as he sternly shook his head. Sam looked rather embarrassed for a moment, but quickly recovered. Freddie took longer and Sam let him take his time. "So…" Freddie said slowly, still being confused, "…you like me?"

"I guess," Sam said awkwardly.

"Okay," Freddie decided it was best to sit down. He sat down at the same spot Sam sat a while ago. "How long already?" he dared to ask.

"Quite a while," Sam said fully knowingly that it wasn't really an answer. Freddie decided not to push it. He leaned his head against the wall behind him.

"But you hated me," Freddie spoke.

"Guess not," Sam said, as she sat next to him. "You want to go out sometime?"

"I don't know," Freddie said dropping his head. "This is kind of sudden, I have to think about it, okay?"

"I fully understand," Sam said with a little disappointment in her voice. "Well, see ya," she said while standing up. Freddie just raised his hand like a wave. Sam smiled and entered the school again, while Freddie brought his head leaning against the wall again.

Half an hour later, Freddie was still sitting on the same spot, aimlessly gazing into the dark, star filled heaven. He thought about what he was supposed to do with this. Freddie wasn't sure how he felt about Sam. He never considered Sam this way. He actually didn't know whether he should do this. Should he just try it or should he reject Sam? He thought back to the times where things were kept simple, where Sam hated Freddie, Freddie loved Carly and Carly didn't feel the same way about Freddie. But those last years, everything seemed so different, and vague. Sam didn't hate Freddie anymore, obviously. Carly did seem to like Freddie more than she used to. Freddie wasn't so sure about how he liked either Carly or Sam.

"Hey," a small female voice emitted from the door. Carly stood there with a worried face. "What are you doing here? Everybody is worried sick about you?"

"Everyone?" Freddie asked.

"Well, Gibby, Brad, Sam and me. I'm not sure about Spencer," Carly said.

"I understand," Freddie chuckled almost without using his voice.

"So, what are you doing here?" Carly asked.

"Thinking," Freddie said without looking at Carly.

"About what?" Carly asked.

"About a lot," Freddie replied. "Sam, you, me, iCarly, you know, everything that's really important to me," Carly smiled at that.

"May I join?" Carly asked, with a sincere voice. Freddie looked at her as if he asked "Why?" "I'm a good thinker." Carly joked. Freddie just petted some space beside him. Carly silently joined him. The silence remained for a couple of minutes before Freddie spoke.

"Carly, I'm not going to keep secrets from you," Freddie said. "Sam and me kissed," he looked at Carly and he saw a sympathetic emotion at his friend's face and he didn't even saw a hint of surprise.

"The two of you kissed?" Carly asked.

"Well actually, Sam kissed me," he said. He stood up and took a deep sigh, before looking down at Carly. "Sam wasn't in love with Brad," He squatted in front of Freddie so they were at eye level again. "She's in love with me" Carly just nodded. "It's really weird. I mean, what happened to: No girl will ever love you,"

"Well, I don't think it's weird?" Carly mumbled barely understandable for Freddie.

"Come again," Freddie said.

"All I mean to say is, you've grown a lot," Carly said with a sincere voice. "As a man, but mainly as a person. You aren't that childish little kid anymore in sixth grade. You're smart, wise, brave, nice and handsome and any girl would be proud to call herself your girlfriend. I guess Sam noticed you're not such a nub after all, but was too afraid to admit it,"

"I think you understand Sam very well," Freddie said.

"I guess I easily place myself in her situation," Carly said, dropping her head not trying to face Freddie.

"But what do you think I should do, though?" Freddie asked.

"Why do you ask me?" Carly asked.

"You're my best friend," Freddie said with a smile.

"So," Carly said awkwardly, "how do you feel about Sam?"

"Well, I think our relationship is a little complicated," Freddie said with an uneasy smile.

"Tell me about it," Carly deadpanned in herself.

"And this doesn't make it any simpler," Freddie said. "Look, you know I had a crush on you since sixth grade and well Sam was your best friend, so I was kind of forced to tolerate her and I think she was going through the same. I know we bickered a lot, but I never could be mad at Sam for too long. It was almost like I… pitied her and that I volunteered to be a living punching bag, just so she can forget her worries,"

"You never minded being punched,"

"Sometimes, sometimes not," Freddie said, "but it seemed to help. I always had the feeling that Sam and I warmed up to each other little by little and became as good friends as the two of us, even though we continued the bickering, but I can't deny that I care for her. And now she turns out to be in love with me and I'm not really sure what to think about it or what to do."

"Do you feel more for Sam than being friends?" Carly asked in sincere interest.

"I don't know. I'm afraid I might love her, but I'm also afraid I might not be. Man! This is confusing!" he yelled.

"I know," Carly said softly.

"Maybe I should just let her off gently," Freddie said softly. "I don't want to hurt her," upon that Carly grabbed one of his shoulder and turned him around to grab his other shoulder so both her hands are resting on his shoulders. Her eyes drilling through his, with truthful and comforting expressions

"Freddie," Carly said sternly. "As a friend, I should say: "Go for it,". Maybe she's the true one, maybe she's not, but you never know when you don't try. Just date with her sometime soon, if the two of you like it then I'll try to be happy for you and if you don't than I'll be right here for both of you,"

"Thanks Carls," Freddie said who was tearing up a little. "You're the best," Carly reached out her arms and pulled Freddie in a hug. "I'm going to wrap up the project with Brad. I see you tomorrow, okay?" he said

"Okay," Carly said, but she subconsciously trapped Freddie in her hug.

"Ehh, Carly, you can let me go now," Freddie chuckled.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Carly said with an awkward smile and she let go of Freddie. Then Freddie slowly disappeared through the door separating them from the school. Carly stared at the door and lost her smile and her tears. "What have I done?"

Sadly two of my fanfictions died with my laptops (they haven't been published yet, accept one chapter on the most awesome Creddie-forum ever), so here is my first episode of a new story iTry. If you're worried if it will end Creddie or Seddie, I answered it already in this episode. I hope you are now bold enough to keep reading ;)