Perry Cox POV

Newbie was late again. This is three times the kid has let me down. He was supposed to be here this morning because i needed him too do the 8am rounds as i was swamped, but those were 4 hours ago. His original clock in time for today was 10am but he is over two hours late, its not like Miranda to be two hours late as he loves his job. Even though i'm thrilled to not have that girly voice whine at me all day i'm still curious.

Right now the time is 6:45pm and newbie is still not here. I have been trying to locate his friends Barbie, Ghandi and Latino but i cannot seem to track them down either. I instantly spotted the Chief of Surgery so i eagerly glided up towards him, determined to dig up some desperately needed answers.

"Say there have you seen Ghandi anywhere ?", i asked as nicely as i could.

"Um, so you havn't heard then ?", he replied.

I instantly started to worry. "Wait a sec, what happened ?"

He looked at me with tear filled eyes, immediantly i coaxed him to hurry up and tell me the news. So as serious as he could he said in a deep and confuesed voice, "Look in room 345 in the ICU, there you will find your answers.
As fast as my legs could carry me i sprinted up to the fourth floor and bashed my way through the doors of the ICU. I carried on down the corridor untill i hit door 345.
I knocked three times and out came Latino.

"Say there Carla, Whats going on here, why is everybody so depressed ?" i asked, worry hiding within my voice.

", it's J.D", Carla replied, and then she started to sob.

Carla pushed open the door and went to sit down. I took a deep breath and then headed into the room. There, in room 345 was Barbie, Ghandi and Latino all crowded round a limp and lifeless newbie. Tubes were coming from every inch of his bruised and deformed body. He was linked up to an I.V filled with rosey red liquid which i assumed to be blood and he had a ventalator mask around his face to help him breath.

For the first time, in the history of Dr Perry Cox,i didn't want to embarrass or hurt the feelings of Dr John Dorian. Then as the emotion of pain and saddness overwhelmed me,i started to weep with Newbies fellow friends.