A/N: The wait for this chapter wasn't meant to be so long, sorry. I had it written but then it got wiped and it was just a mess. This is the last chapter, I hope you all enjoy it and it was what you had hoped for. Thank you all for sticking with me through the journey of this story. It's my first story ever and it is finally finished!

It felt like hours before Brittany reached Santana's room, the doctor kept getting stopped by nurses and paranoid patients on their way, and her patience was wearing thin. Once Brittany was outside room 216 she paused for a long moment, her feet frozen to the spot. Ever since Santana was taken into surgery, it talk all Brittany had not to burst through the doors, but now she has the opportunity she can't bring it to herself to move.

"It's okay, you can go in." The blonde doctor encouraged.

Brittany took a step forward and reached her hand out towards the door. Light from the main hallway shone through the darkened hospital room and Brittany took a deep breath before walking in. A pain shot through Brittany's chest when she spotted Santana hooked up to an IV machine, and her feet automatically guided her to the seat next to the Latina's bed.

Before Brittany sat down, she looked over her girlfriend with sad eyes. Even in the hospital robes, with the iv tubes attached and the life almost drained from her, Brittany still found Santana breathtakingly beautiful. With a warm smile, the blonde moved a strand of the Latina's hair from her eyes and leaned down to leave a delicate kiss on her cheek. Afraid that she will somehow break her, Brittany took hold of Santana's hand and situated herself in the chair for the evening.

The night passed painfully slow, from hour to hour, Brittany would wake when the nurse would come in to change the iv, in hope of finding Santana's two beautiful brown eyes looking back into hers. But nothing would change. Each hour Brittany would wake up hopeful, just to be given a sad smile by the same nurse each time.

The blonde situated herself upright to try and prevent herself from falling asleep again, but when she realized that wasn't going to happen, she got up to get a coffee from the machine just outside Santana's room. Just as Brittany turned around from closing the door, she felt something hit her legs, along with a small sound of pain from below her. The blonde looked down and saw a little girl in hospital robes, holding a toy car.

"Sorry Miss, I should have looked where I was going." The little girl blushed and looked down at the toy, twirling it between her fingers.

"That's okay, I also should have looked. What have you got there?" Brittany asked with a grin.

"A car, my big brother gave it to me when he visited me earlier." The little girl said with a toothy grin. A small look of pain shot across the little girls face and Brittany bent down to her level to make sure she was okay.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, but I am not meant to be out of bed this late, and you shouldn't be either. But that's okay, we can hide together." The little girl whispered as she looked from side to side.

"Oh, I'm not a patient here. My friend is sick and I am waiting for her to get better." Brittany said with sadness in her voice.

"I'm sick too. I will be better soon, my Mommy says."

"That's good to hear." Brittany said with a sweet smile.

"My name is Sugar." The little girl said as she held out her hand.

"Sugar, I like that name. Nice to meet you Sugar, I'm Brittany."

The two spoke for about another hour before one of the nurses found Sugar and took her back to her room. Brittany had learned that Sugar was fighting Leukemia, and was inspired by how happy the little girl seemed despite her struggle. Sugar was so full of life, innocent and kind and Brittany realized that the girl was similar to herself when she was a child, and couldn't seem to get that name out of her mind.

"Sugar. I really do like that name." Brittany mumbled to herself before she made her way back to Santana's room.

The blonde made her way back to her seat quietly and looked over Santana, her mind filled with images of their future. Santana, the head chef at some fancy restaurant, herself as a professional dancer for a major dance studio and a big house with a family. These images filled Brittany's mind until a yawn shook her from her daydream. Brittany looked at the clock as it read 5.16am and her eyes began to droop to the silent ticking. The blonde rested her head against the linked hands of her and Santana and let exhaustion overcome her.

It was still fairly early when Santana woke for the first time since the accident. The Latina was disorientated and a slight panic took over her once her eyes open to the unfamiliar room but when Santana went to bring her hand to the pain in her stomach, she felt a warmth there that she would never forget, and ease instantly surrounded her. Santana's eyes caught on to the site of Brittany asleep next to her, in what look like an extremely uncomfortable position but she dared not to disturb her girlfriend's sleep, instead, she watched, captivated.

After a while Santana put the pieces together, her thoughts flashing back to the previous nights events and the pain in her stomach became more noticeable. Brittany is okay, that was all that mattered to Santana, they were both okay. After a long moment Santana's eyes widened and she looked down. Her pants were gone, and fear rushed through her veins as her eyes scanned the room for the pants that held Brittany's engagement ring.

Santana froze when she heard a small noise come from Brittany and her grip tightened around the Latina's hand, but the blonde was still in a deep sleep. Santana stopped looking at that moment, the ring didn't matter, and nothing did but the woman asleep, right beside her. Santana brought her free hand over to play it through Brittany's hair, softly and Brittany slowly began to stir from her sleep. The Latina's heart began to race, the last time they both looked at each other, Santana though she was going to die, but here she is, getting a second chance and there is one thing running through her mind.

Brittany's eyes opened and she leaned to kiss their linked hands, unaware that Santana was awake and watching her every move. The Latina moved their hands to stroked the blonde's cheek and tears instantly began to form in Brittany's eyes and they shot up to find loving smile waiting for her.


"Marry me." Santana blurted out as her deep brown eyes locked with the beautiful pools of sapphire blue that gave her butterflies.

There was a long silence between the two and Santana started to get nervous when Brittany just sat there, looking at her, with barely any signs of emotion. Brittany forgot how to breathe, the Latina knocked any train of thought from her mind and all the blonde could do was stare at the love her of life while her heart was screaming at her to open her mouth and say yes, while her mind was saying I love you, over and over. Brittany began to nod because of her thoughts flying through her like a rollercoaster, but Santana sat there biting her lip.


"Yes! Yes of course I will marry you!" Brittany almost screamed when she finally found the words, and Santana's smile lit up the whole room as she pulled the blonde down on to the side of the bed and pressed their lips together in a passionate, undying kiss.

"I love you." They said together against each other's lips. Brittany hadn't noticed how numb she had felt since the accident, as soon as her lips hit Santana's, she was amazed by the effect it had on her. That kiss held absolutely everything both of them needed to feel. Love, relief, promise, joy, hope and peace, and with feeling what they felt then, they knew that life by each others side was going to be the perfect life.

Brittany moved her body closer to the Latina's during the kiss, and Santana let out a small whimper of pain against Brittany's lips and the blonde almost threw herself backwards, her eyes scanning Santana's body for any sign of further injury. A small chuckle left Santana's lips at Brittany expression and beckoned her girlfriend towards her once more but Brittany shook her head.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Well you're hurting my feelings by being so far away." Santana replied with a smirk. Brittany rolled her eyes and moved back to the hospital bed.

"Wait, do you know where my pants are?" Santana asked.

"Yeah they are hanging over the chair in the corner of the room." Brittany replied in confusion.

"Can you give them to me please."

Brittany walked over to the chair, completely clueless and grabbed Santana's trousers like she had asked. As she walked back over, the Latina held out her hand and Brittany hung them over Santana's arm.

"Thanks babe." Santana held out her other hand for Brittany to take as she fished through the pocket for the ring. A wave of relief rushed through the Latina when the small velvet box hit her hand and she pulled it out slowly and carefully.

"So I was meant to propose with the ring, but it just kind of came out." Santana blushed as she opened the small box, showing a beautifully eloquent diamond ring.

Brittany's eyes sparkled as her eyes fell upon the ring, putting the diamond to shame, Santana thought as she watched the blue eyes of her one and only love light up with delight.

"San, it's beautiful."

Santana released her grip on Brittany's hand, and took the ring from the box.

"I am madly in love with you Brittany Susan Pierce, and I promise to spend the rest of my life being everything I can be for you and to love you unconditionally, always."

Brittany leaned in to kiss Santana, as the Latina was just about to slide the ring onto her finger and the door to Santana's room slowly creaked open.

"OH MY GOD!" Camilla screamed ecstatically as she watched the engagement ring being placed on Brittany's finger.

"Mama?" Santana said shocked as her head shot in the direction of the door.

"Xavier! Lara! We have a wedding to look forward too!" Camilla continued in the same tone.


"Here I am, worrying myself to death, not knowing what happened. And you are proposing." Camilla continued dumbfounded.

"Hey, well at least I'm okay, right?"

"Oh Mija, of course!" Santana's mother made her way over and looked over her daughter with the same worried eyes that Brittany had.

"It's okay, you can hug me. I won't break." Santana said as she rolled her eyes.

"Double wedding!" Xavier said as he entered the room.

"Sorry Xav, but there is no way in hell that we are having a double wedding."

"Your loss. By the way, the gang is here too." As Xavier stepped to the side, Quinn and Rachel walked into, hand in hand. Quinn just looked at Santana with worried eyes and the Latina sighed.

"Q, stop looking at me like that." Santana said, slightly freaked out.

Quinn was by Santana's side in an instant and had her arms around the Latina's neck. Santana sat there with her eyes wide, unsure of what to do. Quinn and Santana rarely shared that kind of closeness.

"I love you San."

"Wow, Q. No time for confessions, I just got engaged. Plus your hobbit is standing right there."

Rachel rolled her eyes, use to Santana's insults. The diva just took it as a good indication that she was okay and hid her smile. Santana felt Quinn sigh and begin to let go, so she put her arms around Quinn.

"I love you too Q."

"Where is she?" Puck said as he entered the room, still unsure of her condition.

As soon as Puck spotted Santana, he relaxed instantly and made his way over to the Latina.

"Seriously, all of you look like you were hit with the great depression. Have you killed him yet?" Santana asked casually.

Puck smirked. "Still trying to get past the cops so I can get to him."

Santana pulled Puck down for a hug and whispered into his ear.

"Oh by the way, you're my best man."

"YES! Lesbian wedding!" Puck said with a massive grin. Santana punched him in the arm and shook her head.

Not long after, Santana's doctor arrived with a warm smile as he held Santana's chart. He told her that she would need to be in the hospital for a few more days at the least and how server the accident was. The doctor's eyes moved to Brittany in that moment.

"Brittany here saved your life."

Moving all of her attention back to her fiancé who hadn't taken her eyes off of her the entire time. Santana pulled Brittany down by the collar of her shirt and kissed her softly.

"I know." Santana replied as she looked into Brittany's eyes.

A week had past since the accident, and Santana was finally on her way home from the hospital with Quinn. The Latina recovered quickly, physically, but each night she woke in a cold sweat from nightmares of the incident. Santana tried to hide it from everyone, but when they would visit and see her zombielike state, they put two and two together.

Brittany was worried, she wanted Santana to feel safe, so the blonde had a surprise waiting at home for the Latina that would not only keep her occupied but start their lives together as a family. So on the drive home from the hospital Santana was extremely confused and a bit upset that it wasn't Brittany who had picked her up.

"Why can't you tell me?" Santana asked Quinn, irritated.

"It's a surprise. Just go with it."

"I hate surprises."

Quinn smirked "Oh I know. Be prepared."

Santana's heart sunk at Quinn's smirk, and the fear she was now feeling was for something completely different.

When Quinn pulled up outside Santana and Brittany apartment, she pulled Santana's bags out from the back and grinned widely at the brunette. Santana rolled her eyes and cautiously made her way into the building as though each step was a risk to her life.

"This is going to be perfect." Quinn mumbled.

"I hate you" Santana said as she glared at the blonde next to her.

"Oh lighten up. You will love it."

Santana sighed, and pressed the button to the elevator. As she watched the numbers go up, her heart raced faster each time. Once the doors opened to her floor, Quinn had to actually push the Latina out of the elevator, as Santana's feet were glued to the floor.

They walked to the door and Quinn knocked loudly, biting back her laughter. Santana looked confused for a minute, but then her eyes shot wide once she heard a familiar noise behind the door.

"No Toffee! Shhh." Brittany said from behind the door.

"Oh no" Santana mumbled right before Brittany flung the door open.

Santana looked at Brittany with the same dumbfound expression as she had when she first heard the sound but as soon as her eyes moved to the ground, her heart melted at the tiny puppy that just slipped on the wooden floor. The puppy looked back up at Santana, and its tongue fell out the side of its mouth as it started to run over to the Latina, but it slipped once again. Brittany walked over to the puppy and picked her up, and walked over to Santana with a huge smile on her face.

"You bought us a dog." Santana stated in shock.

"Her name is Toffee, she is a bagel. Though she would be a good start to our family. Don't you think?"

"Beagle, B." Quinn corrected with a smile.

"She is perfect." Santana said as she took the puppy from Brittany's hands. Toffee licked Santana's face and the Latina groaned in annoyance.

"Other than that, ugh." Santana added. She held Toffee out in her hands and they seemed to be having a staring contest. Toffee let out a small bark and started kicking her feet, trying to get closer to the Latina so Santana brought her closer and kissed her on the head before the puppy rested in the nook of Santana's neck.

"I want to hold her." Quinn whined impatiently.

"Too bad, it's my puppy, not yours." Santana teased.

"San, give Toffee to Quinn, I haven't said hello to you yet."

"Ugh, okay, I don't want to see that, give Toffee to me." Quinn complained

Santana happily gave the puppy to Quinn. The brunette turned her attention to her fiancé and pulled her close, wrapping her arms around Brittany's waist and leaned in for a kiss.

"Welcome home San."

It was the beginning to the rest of their lives.


I am undecided on a sequel, may be an epilogue in the near future if not. Brittana forever! I love you all :3