Anime: Hellsing.

Pairing: Seras Victoria and Alucard.

Disclaimer: I own nothing…but you already knew that. LOL! ^-^


Chapter 4; Surprise!

"Good morning, Seras."

Seras jumped at the arm flung over her waist, successfully banging her head on the lid of her coffin. As she nursed her sore head, she was startled by the dark chuckle that vibrated through her being by the arm over her waist. She noted it as the first time her master had sounded remotely happy at her childish quirks and in her moment of thought, she failed to see the trap laid for her as her master leaned close to her neck and nipped just deep enough to leave a small cut and display the smallest trail of blood that slid down her neck towards the crevice of her shoulder. It was not until she felt something warm and wet on her flesh that the blush of all blushes appeared on her face, earning yet another dark chuckle.

"My, my, Seras," Her master chuckled into her ear. She blushed as her name fell from his lips a second time that night. "You look the color of a sweet evening meal."

"Umm, t-thank you?" She asked, afraid this was a double sided compliment. "S-Sir, wh-what brings you h-here?"

"My own chambers are quit drafty." He smirked as he added the next part. "Not to mention boring." Seras almost squeaked when he curled closer to her. "So, I thought I would come cure my boredom with your presence."

"My p-presence?" Seras stared as her master nodded with a small smirk as he lay his head next to hers. "M-master?"

"What is it, I thought you were tired, Police Girl." He asked mischievously. "You left my chambers in such a hurry after all."

"Uhh, yes!" She flipped over with her back to him and tried to fain sleep. "Good morning, Master."

"Hmm, you seem awfully…tense, about something." Alucard mulled beside her ear, his voice making her shiver. "Could it be you were caught off guard by my idea of making you my mate?"

"N-no, sir." Seras tried to pull the blanket over her face.

"Hmm, I can't help, but to notice, Police Girl." Alucard mulled turning her to face his own crimson gaze which mirrored her own. "You have not asked me, a male, to leave your, an unmarried virgin girl's, room."

It's not like you will either way. "Oh, umm….i don't think you're a threat…so I umm."

You are too trusting, Seras.

With that statement, Alucard attacked her lips, forming them to his own. Seras was pinned to the mattress by the weight of her Master as he ran his hands up her sides, igniting uncontrollable giggles from her as she twisted and turned beneath hm. There was no escape as he repeated this, holding their kiss the entire time. Seras did not notice when he had grabbed her wrists and guided them to his shoulders, nor was she aware that she held onto him so passionately as the kiss deepened and his tongue was allowed to slither gently into her mouth. It was not until his fangs brushed the side of her mouth and dragged down to her neck that she allowed the strange noise from earlier to rip from her lips again. Alucard stopped at the base of her neck and suddenly was hovering over her glaring at her.

"I could have ripped your throat out just now, Police Girl." He stated. "You would not die, but you would be disoriented, allowing a target to escape." Seras was caught off guard as he suddenly pulled away from her, the deadly glare remaining as she sat up. "You can let nothing, NOTHING, distract you from a mission." This speech would have been enough had he not added on. "You are hopeless."

Seras felt his words rip through her. This man, this monster, had ignited a small spark in her and fed it ever so little only to dash it out in a few mere moments. Seras nodded as she stared hopelessly at the floor, wishing to disappear. That was stupid of me, she thought in agony at her mistake. To think my master, the No-Life-King, could love a filthy mess up like me. She surprised by a hand on her cheek as she looked up to the eyes of her Master.

"You are not filthy, Seras," Alucard stated. "I told you this so it may never happen to you by another. I am trying to teach you."

His lips were upon her again, rekindling a blaze of…something, in her heart. No other may do this. He was at her neck, kissing away the already healing wound he had caused. I do this so you will never be deceived by another. Suddenly he had her by the waist and her arms had somehow flung around his shoulders again, allowing him to breath into the crevice of her neck as he kissed up her jaw line. I do this, because you are precious to me, Seras. Seras gasped as he sent this into her mind and she nodded as he met her eyes, his softened yet mischievous eyes that called out both the child and the woman inside her, igniting her mind with a sense of overwhelming confusion, all the while burning into her soul.

Yes, Master…thank you.

Hello, i am so sorry to keep you all waiting! It has been so hard to find time to actually sit down and type a story. This last chapter kind of flew from my fingers as i put it down and i think it turned out better than i thought. However, the opinion and final judgment is left in you, the readers, hands. Please review. I would appreciate any feedback, but please keep it clean. I am hoping someone will message me with a request. Video games, anime, movies, books. you name it and if i know i will do any pairing or any subject you ask (exept yaoi and anything disturbing). If i dont know i will research it and find out! Thanks again! ~Asher