Iggy&Gazzy Randomness #4
Iggy: okay Gazzy! Set the timer for 2 minutes!
Gazzy: -sets timer for two SECONDS-
-cloud explodes-
Iggy and Gazzy: AAAAAAHHHHH!
-Iggy and Gazzy fell out of the sky, toward a huge boulder-
Iggy: -smashes head into rock-
Gazzy: Oops... -groans and falls into unconsciousness-
-20 minutes later-
Gazzy: -wakes up- Iggy? Iggy, you okay?
Iggy: -waking up- ? Who's there?
Gazzy: Its me!
Iggy: hmm I feel so much...smarter! More intelligent!
Gazzy: Oh no...what have I done?
Iggy: You know what? You must have your name changed. Gasman. So immature! It should be something like...George! Yes, George is a very pleasant name!
Gazzy/George: Ew, GEORGE? That's the kind of name for an uncle or something!
Iggy: Well, an uncle was a child at one point!
Gazzy: What are you talking about?
Iggy: Ahhh! And i should now be known as the intelligent Igmund! Ah, what a remarkable name. Do you agree young fellow?
Gazzy: -picks nose- Man, it sure is good that u r blind, bcuz this booger is HUGE!
Iggy: -sigh- Wht am I ever going to do with you?
Gazzy: I know what I'm gonna do to YOU! -smashes brick over Iggys head-
Iggy: Ow... -passes out-
-another 20 minutes later-
Iggy: Wow I had this weird dream where I was SMARTICLES and I wanted to name Gazzy, George!
Gazzy: Weird -nervous cough- Igmund... -mumbles 2 self-