Jacob's Decision

I'm sorry I took so long with updating this story... I was experiencing some sort of Writing block, but I guess I got over it.

Please Read & Review :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, there would be some major changes If I did. :D

The sky was changing; the sun was setting, and the sky was a deep shade of pink mixed in with red to generate a sort of peach color. Simply beautiful.

Jacob was currently in the driver seat of his car, on his way over to Bella's. She had called awhile earlier and asked him to join her and Edward at her house for a little get-together between the three of them.

'How cheesy does that sound?' Jacob thought while grinning at the memory. Jacob knew Edward would probably hear his thoughts by now which was why he wasn't overwhelmingly surprised when he saw both Edward and Bella already standing on the front deck of her house before he even began to approach it. Edward stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist in a playful mood. That would've bothered Jacob a week ago, but not now; ever since his imprint on Emmett he sort of lost all attraction to Bella. Jacob glanced at Edward and saw that his eyes had widened, his eyebrows shifted and he seemed to be deep in thought.

'Crap.' Was all Jacob could think at the time, he totally forgot that the leech was a mind-reader.

Jacob's P.O.V:

'Shit!' I thought as Edward regained his composure in time before Bella started to speculate what was going on. Edward glared at me, his topaz eyes were studying me, and it was as if he was making sure I was good enough for his brother.

"I wouldn't do that Jacob, That's not my place", Edward chided in a raspy tone, his usual. Bella turned her head to Edward and frowned.

"What was that? Jake didn't say anything" Bella pleaded, while looking up at Edward from in front of him. Edward dodged her question and kissed her and I didn't turn my head away, there was now no reason to. Edward grunted into his and Bella's kiss and when they separated-because Bella needed air- Edward glared at me. Bella caught on to this and lifted an eyebrow in direct speculation…

"Okay, what is going on here?" Bella beamed, I don't think she liked the fact that Edward and I were having more eye contact than normal. We'd be sharing disgusted looks and probably would probably be trying to kill each other with our glares. I shook my head and strolled over closer to the steps and frowned.

'You can always back out now Jacob' I thought to myself quietly, but then I began to contemplate my decision and thought 'Bella's my best friend. She deserves to know.'

What seemed to peak my curiosity was the fact that Edward didn't seem to be angry at all. It was his brother I imprinted on, I'm sure he knew that, and still he focused only on Bella. Maybe he already knew how Emmett would react if I ever built up the courage to tell him that I imprinted on him. Which still scared me down to the very bone marrow… at least I think.

"Bella, I have something to tell you." I murmured; one part of me wishing she didn't hear me so I could still walk away and the other part of me wishing she did hear me so I could do the right thing and get this over with. Obviously, the second option was more dominant. Still, I couldn't utter anything as Bella shifted an eyebrow in stellar anticipation. Bella saw that I was trying my hardest to talk but I seemed to have lost my words.

"Let's go inside." Bella exclaimed, I had no idea where she got her cheery spirits from, but I thought it would help me man up and tell her. Edward released her from his hold and she opened the door to her house, "Are you two going to stand there… or are you going to come inside, because I'm getting cold."

I laughed and walked into the house behind Edward. I had to say that Edward had sort of let his guard down; a week ago he would've glared at me with those honey topaz eyes and he wouldn't have been this cordial so to speak. Edward sat down on the loveseat and pulled Bella onto his lap while I plumped onto the sofa that lied parallel.

"Bella, I sort of…kinda… im-imprinted," I stuttered, my body gently shaking. My internal survival banked all on Bella's reaction…not to mention Emmett's as well, but we'll cross that bridge when we have to. My face brightened however; as Bella's filled with happiness.

'Awe, that's awesome Jacob!" Bella shouted, she clapped her hands in overall excitement. Wait until she hears who it is I imprinted on. Maybe she won't be as ecstatic.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Bella questioned, she looked as if her heart was going to explode with excitement. Edward laughed, he laughed loud; Bella and I both looked at him and he instantly stopped, "What?" he asked, mildly shrugging his shoulders.

"What's so funny?" Bella beamed, she looked at me and I'm guessing she saw that I was as red as a tomato. I assumed this only made her even more curious about what was going on. She glared at Edward; whose eyes widened at the sight of that evil glare.

"I im-imprinted on Emmett…Bella," I confided, my voice low; almost a whisper, but Bella still heard me. I was hesitant to look at Bella, and I was afraid of her reaction now more than ever. This was the shock of her life; it was shock of my life even. No one knew this would happen; I still have no idea why I was born a boy if I would just imprint on a guy. It just didn't make sense…to me anyways.

I finally accumulated the courage to look up at Bella; who looked frozen. She appeared to be locked in a train of thought. Edward just seemed to be enjoying Jacob's agony of imprinting and the connection not being made. He must've known how it worked by purging through my thoughts while we were all outside.

"Wait Jake, How did it happen? Don't you have to be around the person to imprint on him?" Bella chided; her voice nonchalant.

'Point one for Jacob' I thought, Bella was still talking to me. "When were you ever around Emmett?"

Even Edward was prepared to listen to this-and why shouldn't he be; I was sure they both wanted to listen to my imprint story. I took a moment to think to myself about how to explain exactly what happened.

"Last Tuesday Bella, You invited me to the Cullen's Social gathering that Alice planned for all of her friends to celebrate their promotion or whatever. Anyways, when I got there, there was what appeared to be like hundreds of people dancing around crazy all over the first floor; so I began looking for you. After a few failed attempts to even spot you and almost being knocked over; I began looking for one of the Cullens. I ran into Alice, who was shocked to see me but told me you were upstairs. It took a while to bypass all of the wildly dancing people, but I eventually made it upstairs and ran right into Rosalie; who just let out an exasperated sigh and stomped off downstairs. Emmett came running out to follow her and he just glanced at me, we made eye contact, and everything changed. Everything in my life; my heart, my thoughts, my breath, my sight, everything all revolved around Emmett. He was now my imprint, and the reason I didn't get to see you guys was because I couldn't believe what just happened and just ran away from the party, leaving everyone in a stage of indirect shock. I just didn't know how to handle it then, I still don't know what exactly to do."

I glanced at both Bella and Edward and saw that they were smiling at me. To see Bella smiling was one thing, but why was Edward smiling?

"I think that this is interesting Jacob, maybe this was the way it was always supposed to always be." Edward bawled; his jaw clenching. Bella's expression however, dulled and eventually became scolding.

"Jacob, you have to tell Emmett! You have to let him know so you two can progress." Bella exclaimed; she threw her hands in the air in a sudden surrender. Edward raised an eyebrow.

"And what about Rosalie?" he questioned, I was glad that he was thinking logically about this. Honestly, I haven't thought about Rosalie, but apparently she played a great part in this. Bella stood up and paced back and forth in silence. What could she be thinking about now? I knew there was no way me and Emmett could ever be together. Edward chuckled to my thoughts and I rolled my eyes and glared back at Bella.

"Voila! I have the perfect idea Jacob. Jake you have to tell Emmett; and you have to do it alone. So Edward, you should ask Esme to take Alice and Rosalie on maybe a three-day vacation; as soon as tomorrow." Bella announced; she was still pacing. In all the years I've known her, I never knew she could plan something so sophisticated, "Edward, since Carlisle goes hunting in the afternoon, ask him to take Jasper. You'll have to tell him tomorrow afternoon Jake."

Smiling, I looked over at Edward…who seemed just as shocked as I was. Bella was a natural, everything she told Edward to do made perfect sense. It all sounded as if it would work perfectly; for once I actually think this will turn out nicely.

"Fine; and everything has to be done tomorrow Jacob. I'm sure Alice can partially see us since the decision has been made, she can change her mind at will." Edward shared, I forgot all about the future seeing pixie that was Alice, I had no reason to worry because her mystic visions didn't include wolves. I was happy at the result of our gathering, but all of this planning consumed the time we had to hang out tonight.

I stood up and yawned, pretty pleased by how things turned out. If Bella's planned worked, I'll owe her a million times over; but it'll be worth it because I'll have my imprint and my imprint will have big goofy me, "Okay guys. I'm going to call it a night. We have big plans and I need sleep if my body is going to cooperate."

Bella stood and escorted him outside, "I'll see you tomorrow Jake. Sleep tight okay?" she shouted as I entered my car and drove off. I would sleep well tonight, my courage in tomorrow's plan was stellar, and my uncertainty for the future was right with it. I don't know, my brain couldn't even begin to even comprehend the possibilities, but I did know that whatever happens, I'll have to tell Emmett about my imprinting on him sooner than later.

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