(AN: Okay, okay, I promise! The story will be back to normal VERY QUICKLY. Even I am getting tired of this depressing stuff, ahahaha...I just had that idea about the whole mirror thing. Mirrorwoman is not gone yet! But Elisabeth will soon be back. :) Thanks to you all for being true and sticking with me this far. Love, love, love from Elisabeth the author.)

"Isn't there a potion or something that could help her?" I heard Tsuyuki ask Hermione. We were in the same private hospital-wing room I had been admitted to after the disastrous concert.

Hermione hesitated. "Well, there are a few. But they're horribly risky and can often do more harm than good. I don't think we should risk it."

I sat up in bed. "How long was I out?"

They turned to me. "Oh, you're awake, thank goodness...you were only out for a couple hours this time. Madam Pomfrey gave you a sedative-"

"While I was sleeping?"

"Yes," answered Tsuyuki, "you were thrashing a bit. She also did some magic...er...because you were bleeding rather heavily."

Hot blood rushed to my face. "You mean..."

My friends nodded simultaneoulsy. "We turned away," said Hermione apologetically.

I shook it off weakly. This was no time to be embarrassed! "What's this about a potion?" I ask instead.

A pained expression crossed their faces, like a ghost flying over the moon. "You've obviously suffered extreme mental damage from this," Hermione said in a soft voice. "Even if you won't admit it. Being raped-"

"I wasn't raped!" I snap. "I did it myself. It was my decision!"

"There it is again," Hermione snaps back. "Why in the hell are you fighting your friends? You're beginning to act like Harry did before...before he was Enoby-fied. You're not in this alone, for Merlin's sake. You were obviously raped. Consensual sex doesn't leave damage like he left you with. And...believe me, I should know.

"Anyway! You suffered extreme mental trauma. You're denying the rape, but that won't make it go away. Normally, people don't scream when they look in the mirror! So we need to find a temporary remedy to the mental stress. You should get therapy once you're home for the summer, but right now, we need you to be your normal self. Which, may I add; you haven't been in quite a long time! I don't care how strong you think you are; she's affecting you. We're trying to find a sort of solution. I've read about potions that cause selective memory loss, but, as I said, they can be very bad for the person taking them. For all I know, the process could traumatize you even more than...what happened."

She stared at me, panting slightly.

I was rather angry at her. Who had saved her from Enoby's curse? Who had introduced her to normal people? Did she not get me at all?

Suddenly, it was as if a gothic candle had been lit in my mind. Get me? What was I thinking?! Hermione was right. Enoby was affecting me. I had lost my focus on defeating her and given in to her twisted horrors.

"You know what?" I said. "Give me the potion. I don't care about consequences, I just need to get...him out of my head."

Tsuyuki let out a breath I didn't know she'd been holding. Hermione flicked her hair out of her face and averted her eyes from mine. She gazed at the wall with disdain.

"The only one I think would work in this case is a potion that causes select memory loss," she said to the wall. "You'll still have recollections of everything, except for the rape." Her voice at the word "rape" hardened, gained an edge. "It's also relatively quick to brew. I'll go and start it, shall I?"

With that, she walked out.

Tsuyuki looked at me. "She really does care about you," she explained softly, "but she feels useless because you don't want her to help you. She feels like that Enoby took away everything from her….she used to be the 'smart one', you know, always helping Harry and Ron out of trouble."

I didn't have the energy to feel bad for how I'd acted towards Hermione. I got out of the bed, wincing at soreness, and shook myself off. "Let's go to the library."

"The library?" Tsuyuki inquired, looking at me quizzically.

I nodded. There was a certain ghost who'd been known to haunt that library….and I wanted to give her an update.