"regular talk", "(thinking)", ""air Quotes"", emphasise

I wish I might, I wish I may, own the Biker Mice one day.

But alas I do not get to claim them as mine...yet. Who wants to help me kidnap them and keep them all safe and warm in a cabin in the woods where we won't have to share them with anyone ever again?

Finally, the grey furred woman shut down her computer and bid a joyful goodnight to the infuriating reports that would surely haunt her dreams. Standing, she stretched her arms above her head until she felt several relieving pops along her spine. As she walked out of her office door she used her long lithe tail to push the panel turning off the lights. Smiling at the thought of her soft warm bed, her eyes already half-lidded, she started down the hall only to be stopped dead in her tracks by a voice she did not want to hear.

"General, I need to speak with you!"

Carbine turned around to see Dr. Blitz jogging towards her, with her curly mop of white hair bouncing behind her. "(Whyyy? Why does the universe hate me?)" Pasting a tired smile on her muzzle the black haired Mouse sighed out, "Is there a problem Dr.?"

"That infuriating 'one Mouse demolition team' is the problem!" The older woman angrily answered. Without pausing to let Carbine ask what he had done now, she continued, "He is still refusing to get the full physical all teams that have been off world are required to go through. And I have just found out that when he does come to the infirmary it's only to charm the nurses into forgeting to do their jobs."

Carbine huffed, "And why are you coming to me with this? There is a chain of command for just this reason."

"Because, General, when I attempt to talk to Commander Throttle on his communicator about his subordinate, he makes strange crackling noises and says something about going through a tunnel before he hangs up on me. And whenever he sees me in the halls he suddenly has something urgent to do in the other direction." Crossing her arms over her chest the obviously frustrated physician continued, "I believe at this point the irritations, I mean Freedom Fighters, become your problem."

Face palming, the grey furred woman growled under her breath, "You were right the first time." Pulling her shoulders back to stand straight she suddenly turned and began to walk away, saying over her shoulder, " Don't worry Dr., both idiots will be in your office first thing in the morning. Of course you'll have to patch them up before your exams."

Blitz couldn't help feeling slightly bad about sicking the infuriated woman on them, and hoped Carbine would go easy on Throttle for shirking his duties. After all, no one wanted anything to happen to that gorgeous face.

Throttle grumbled as he attempted to block the banging at his door out by burrowing under his pillow, hoping that his lazy roommate would answer it. Which was proving to be a wasted hope, so the tan leader dragged himself out of bed, grabbed his shades from the night stand, and stumbled into the living space. As he got a few steps from the door the insistant knocking had grated on his nerves to the point he yelled, while reaching for the 'open' button on the control panel on the wall, "Keep your pants on, I'm comin'!"

As the electronic door slid into the wall his attitude greatly improved, untill his tired looking girlfriend opened her mouth.

"Commander Throttle..."

"Ah cheese, that's never a good conversation starter." Sighing he asked, "Would a late night quickie be to much to ask for?"

Carbine rolled her eyes as she pushed her way inside. Turning to face the man standing there in nothing but socks and boxers, as he turned to face her after shuting the door, the grey furred woman held up a finger and said, "One, if you ever answer the door dressed like that and a woman other than me is on the other side, I will find out. Two, when we get back to that point there won't be anything quik about it." Realizing she now had his full attention she sat on the arm of the couch, slowly crossing her legs. " And three, I have reason to believe you've been hiding from your responsibilities, which if it's true would only make more work for me." Raising her arms above her head she arched her back, seemingly, carelessly stretching her back, lowering her voice she added, "But that couldn't be true, because the more I have on my plate, the longer it takes us to find time to get back to... two."

Throttle cleared his throat before saying in a huskier than usual tone, his eyes never raising above her neck, "Just tell me what I've forgotten and consider it done."

The carmel coated Mouse leaned over the woman that was driving him crazy, placing his large hands on her waist he pushed his muzzle against her neck, before bending her backwards to lay on her back, her hips still on the arm.

As Throttle uncrossed her legs to stand between them, Carbine smiled, and wrapping her arms around his neck pulled him down into a hard kiss. As she dug her heels into his butt he slipped his hands back up to her hips to keep her from sliding, gripping tightly.

Moving to an easier to reach target, Throttle began kissing his way down her soft grey furred neck, growling as he nipped at the skin of her collarbone. His actions causing a whimper of pleasure to escape her parted lips.

His focus now on how to get the blasted shirt off without leaving this position, Carbine moaned out, "You'll do anything for me?"

"Mm hmm." The Martian man pulled one hand from it's perch on his girlfriends hip to work on undoing the belt buckle that was slowing down his fun.

In a seductive whisper she finally answered his question, "Make Vincent get a physical."

"Done." Throttle jerked his head up, startled, "Wait, what?"

Carbine with a victorious grin, said, "You promised."

He let his knees collapse, burying his face against her stomach he whined, "But Vincent is such a big baby over Doctors." Feeling her laugh at his excuse he tried a different tactic, pushing himself back to a standing position he pushed her legs up and over, causing the General to yelp as she flipped over herself, giving himself room to sit on the couch. Leaning forward with his hands loosely clasped infront of his knees Throttle said, "It's been my job since we were kids to protect him, how is he going to feel safe with me as his leader if I drag him to the one place he feels terrified?"

Smoothing her black hair as she sat next to her boyfriend, Carbine put her hand on Throttle's arm, and leaning against his side she said, "You know a half truth is still a lie, right?"

Flopping backwards he put his hands over his face and groaned, "Okay, so terrified is an overstatement. But he won't go of his own free will, and I don't want to deal with his whining."

Pushing his shades up onto his head as he sat back up, he then twisted his position to face the long haired woman next to him. Taking her hand in his he began slowly rubbing her knuckles, giving a half smile he looked into Carbine's brown eyes with his own deep scarlet orbs, and in his warm sultry voice said, "Come on babe, would it really be so bad if this just got swept under the rug? All you have to do is put your pretty little signature on some silly form and neither of us ever have to deal with it again."

Carbine leaned in the last few inches, moving her mouth so that her bottom lip covered her incisors, and met Throttles inviting kiss. She brought her hands up to his strong chest, letting her fingers work their way through his silky fur, and then pushed him back. After mentally shaking herself to regain control she said, "So, are you trying to tell me that the honorable leader of The Biker Mice, is trying to get out of his promise, making your word meaningless, by convincing me to lie and go around our Military's medical rules just so you don't have to do something unpleasant that all of the returned POW's did without complaint?"

"Umm, will my answer have any effect on whether or not I'm getting any tonight?"

"Really?" Carbine rolled her eyes at the man that was now giving her puppy eyes.

Throttle groaned, "Alright, I said I'd make him go, so I'll get him there first thing in the morning." "(11:30 is still morning, right?)"

"That's all I ask." Carbine smiled hapily, and kissed his nose, then stood up and started towards the door.

Throttle stood up following her, "Where are you going? You won, shouldn't I get a consolation prize." He stopped her in the doorway, the tips of his fingers holding the back of her belt, with the brighter light of the outside hallway making his vision start to blur he gave a cocky smirk.

Looking over her shoulder at the look the tan Mouse was giving her, the look she was sure he thought was smouldering hot but she thought made him look like a mischevious puppy, she gave a tired smile, "You are so cute, but I'm exhausted." She gave him another quick kiss on the nose and headed towards her own quarters to slip into a well deserved sleep, filled with dreams of carmel coated Mice in boxer's with Mickey Mouse on them.

The disapointed man pushed his glasses back onto his nose to watch the butt of his overworked girl sway down the hall. Before she turned the corner heading towards the elevators he yelled, "Your lucky I'm too lazy to look for a new girlfriend."

Winking over her shoulder, Carbine responded with, "Your lucky I'm too busy to train a new plaything."

As she disapeared from sight, Throttle closed the door chuckling to himself, "That's my girl." Turning back to his room he froze, leaning against the doorway of the second bedroom was a very amused Vincent.

With a huge grin on his face Vinney asked between giggles, "You do remember I sleep with my door open, don't you?" Standing straight he watched as his friend grabbed a pillow from the couch, to hide behind. The red showing through his Bro's tan fur fed Vincent's awnry streak, causing him to keep up the harrassment, "What, don't I get dinner with the show?" he gestured to the pillow infront of Throttle's erection, while choking on a laugh, as the tan leader passed him and entered his own room, "Aww, don't be all upset just because it became a one man show, HA." Taking on a mock serious tone he added, "Not that I'm the type of guy that would kick a Bro while he's down, but she SO knows how to play you! To bad now your playing with yourself, HAHAHAHA!"

Throttle growled out from his room, "Keep laughing chuckle head, tomorrow your going to the medical bay, one way or another, and I will personaly hold you down while they draw as much blood as they need to run every test possible...with big, long, sharp needles."

At the mention of his arch enemy the 'Evil Needle', Vincent suddenly didn't feel like laughing at his friend's suffering. With drooping ears he whimpered under his breath, "Some people just can't take a joke."