Warning, since this is my first crossover you may expect slight off character issue
And I fix the typo on Angels
The sounded soul dwells within a sounded mind, and a sounded body
Soul and Maka rode on a motorcycle on a highway on the middle of nowhere, they prepared their mission before they left death city in three assignments
Plan on offensive strategies against not one but two witches, plenty of backup plans in case the first one fail.
Find a hotel room in the designated area to plan on next attack after rendezvous with kid and his partners
assign Black*Star and Tsubaki as substitutes in case [Maka and Soul] or [Kid, Liz and Patti] are unable to continue on with the mission
Kid was already in Daten city 5 hours early, he let a note at the Mansion that said, "Father, I decided to get an early start so I could know my surroundings and gather the information or our target" but for the real reason...
Daten city
"Uh Kid, shouldn't we look for the two witches, or at least look for a place to stay" said Liz
"This monument" said Kid pointing out the two oddly shaped building "it's...it's...perfectly symmetrical,"
"Will you just give is a rest with the symmetric Bull %^*$"
"Was that really necessary?" said Kid face down on the ground, he pick himself up and continue "anyways, the reason I am here is to gather information, what better way to ask the mayor in this town for about the witches"
"Yeah Right, I say we go for a Hotel first, Right Patti"
"Sis!" said Patti "they are selling stuffed giraffe on special, let's go get one!"
"Not now" said Liz "we are supposed to do our mission" Liz grab kid by... huh he is gone. Liz looked down and saw a note and it said "gone inside"
Liz was already irritated, so she grabs her sister by... She is gone too, looking down again and the message is scribbled on the ground instead of a piece of paper, saying "gone breaking necks" what does that even means. Both Kid and Her sister Patti left on their separate ways. In a nutshell, Liz just got abandon
"JUST HOW MUST MORE WORST CAN IT GET!" Liz screamed at the skies.
"heya, missy" said a low, male voice, Liz turned around and see a muscle bound Giant covered in a trench coat "do you want to see my 'material'" the man was unbuttoning and ready for a flash.
Liz was about to freak in disgust, she Ran away like a mouse would run from a hungry cat "Patti! Take Me with you!"
, "wait... aw man, there goes another one, is it so hard to sell the My Material Makeup?" said the makeup salesman.
Somewhere else in the city.
Panty and Stocking are driving along streets with their 'friend' Brief and their 'pet' Chuck. "Man, this is so lame" said Panty "I swear, the old man just lost it"
"What do you mean?"
"The old %$$ send us on a mission to hunt down some ass%$# that aren't even ghost"
"P-P-Panty" said Brief "you're just having a bad day"
"And why did we bring geek boy with us?"
"Well, I don't know him that much" said Panty "so I guess that should make Him an Unknown Ally"
"He doesn't even have the Balls to kill someone" said the violet haired angle "he is mostly use for Comic relief"
"Now that's cold"
"Well I say he is an unknown ally," said Panty "is not like the real deal is just going to pop out of nowhere" as the See-Through* turned left passing a red light, a pedestrian got hit by the pink hummer, Panty hit the Emergency breaks and screamed in anger "what the #%$"
"Aeeei" Brief flew out of the hummer, he forgot to put on his seatbelts*.
"Let's go help him"
"Panty, since when did you suddenly cared about the people you hit by a car?"
"Since I realize that he is my next target of my list of thousands"
"Good grief"
Panty jumped out the hummer and got to see on who she hit, it was a man between the age 18 and 21, wearing a black hood jacket and dark blue jeans, the face could not be described because he was faced down with the hood on, Panty lifted his head and got a good looked at his face "well, you are alive, and cute" Panty who looked like she won the lottery was about to grab him by the hand and drag him to a hotel. But something stopped her, a familiar smell rose around the downed man. To Panty, The smell is too much for her to handle "Gah, what is that smell"
"Wait a minute" said stocking "I know that smell anywhere",
The downed man rose to his knees and his front is all covered in chocolate "Great, Just great," said the man "I work so hard on making this cake" he stood up with a thin square tray with a mashed up cake.
"Well, at least I Hit you for your own good; now let's say we go fo-"
"MY OWN GOOD!" said the man "this cake was my only chance of getting a job!"
"It would have been bad Anyway"
"Why you..." the two individuals began arguing "you have no Taste you w#^%!"
"Just look at yourself, a cute man making cake? You must be a homo"
"First of, just because I like Baking doesn't make me gay, second, a blonde with a pink car? Really? That makes obvious sense to most people"
"You are a drag queen celebrity wannabe" said the man "now that I think about it, aren't you the lady who drop out of the big time because of that porn Video"
"Shut up, You Cake would be F#%ng disgusting anyway"
"Wait" Stocking stop the argument. she got out of the See-Through and took a few steps between Panty and the man Covered in cake "I'll be the judge of that" Stocking pointed out her index finger and got a bit covered with what's left of the cake from the tray.
"Um, Miss?"
Stoking then licked her finger clean of the ruined sweet, her eyes widen, and then she looked at her older sister "Panty... YOU IDIOT!"
She hit her so hard in the forehead, smoke started coming out "why did you do that for!"
"This is why I should drive next time, you have to be stupid enough to hid a baker with a perfectly amazing cake"
"For This Point On I'll drive for the entire mission"
"Oh boo hoo, let's all cry for the poor useless piece of!#$"
"H-Hey, That's just crude!"
"Come on, I'll will drive you to the sweets festival" said Stocking "I'll make you made a carrier" Stocking drag the man by his hand to the Hummer and Drove off, leaving Panty and Chuck Behind.
"FINE, go help him be the next muffin man! see if I care!" Panty gave a strong soccer punt and kicked chuck, who was humping on the already ruined cake, across the city
"Chuck Chuck, Chuuuuuuuck (oh my goooooood)"
Outside the city limits of Daten city.
Soul and Maka made a quick stop for gas. As Soul filled the tank, his partner was going through her bag "Daten... Daten…."
"Maka, what are you doing?"
"Aha, found it" Maka pulled out an old postcard with an Image of their destination "Mom was here before"
"Really, you mean she fought those witches before"
"No... there was never any witches at the time, at least none that I heard off" She flipped the postcard and showed a message that said "home of the Angels"
"Want to get a snack before we leave"
Soul got inside of the gas station mini mart and grabs a few treats for the road, as he got by the counter, a woman with angular glasses and a pony tail bummed into each other "oh, excuse me"
"Sorry" Soul Apologizes to the woman. He checkout then leaves.
Inside the Minimart, the Woman's Human skin quickly turned to the crimson red, she smiled mischievously and made call on her demonic cell phone "Sister, the Device had been placed"
"Perfect, now we just have to wait till they get to that Bitchy Angel"
"Are you sure we should thrust that witch Medusa?"
"She said she could use the soul of an Angel for her experiments"
"That is good; those Angels broke too many rules"
"And we just need to make a new stone, and I know just the place to make our experiments of ghost…..well She recommended that place"
Back on the road, Soul and Maka began disusing "Maka, is there a REAL reason why we gone on this mission"
"Remember the last 'witch' soul you ate, "
"All too well" he wanted to blackout that memory.
"Well, I figured if we go against the witches first, then we can just worry of the kinshin eggs later"
"But you looked uneasy, you been like that since we left"
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"So uncool Maka"
"But….. Something doesn't feel quite right" Maka knows that witches aren't as reckless to use their powers; their actions would expose them like prey in a lion's den. She looked up the sky, wondering if accepting this mission could be worth it.
Daten City: mayor's office.
Kid waited out in the hallway near the office door, he would suspect that the mayor could be an odd one "excuse me sir, the mayor can see you now"
"Good Afternoon, do make yourself comfortable, it's going to be a long discussion
Too be continue.