Mel: I- I don't believe it. A story I like! 8D

Mel: *slaps the author* Just don't disappoint the Fan base. You know what happened last time.

Mel: *sigh* I own nothing! No pairings, that is, unless you like squinting... like reallllllllly hard squinting.


The red haired exorcist looked up from the book he had been reading and turned to the chief's office door, where Komui was sticking his head out and looking very panicked.

'What's up?' Lavi asked.

'Come hereeeeeeee! Quicklyyyyy! I need your help for...somethingggggg!'

Lavi felt a bit worried of what this "something" was, but walked into the chief's office anyway, watching as Komui scanned the halls once more before locking the door.

'So uh Lavi, you like pranks and tricks and stuff like that right?' Komui said, as he glanced nervously towards a store room door, on the other side of his office.

'Come on Chief your acting like you've done something to anger Lenalee for the next six months. It's creeping me out. What's wrong?'

Komui shifted from one foot to another before finally moving towards the store room door. As he unlocked the door he motioned for Lavi to come closer. When Lavi got the door Komui slipped inside, rummaged about, then came out like flash, shoving something into Lavi's arms. It took a moment for the shock to wear off, but Lavi finally looked down at what he had been given.

Practically swimming in the exorcist coat, was a shock of white hair and two silver eyes, a red scar over the left. The young boy looked absolutely miserable. Komui started to have a break down.

'Oh Lavi I swear it wasn't my fault! I had asked him to get something for me from a high shelf using his anti-akuma weapon, but he bumped a shelf and all these bottles fell down! When I went to see what had happened he had already shrunk! So I left him in there and started to think who i could ask for help! Then you came along! Yay! Right?'

Lavi sweat dropped, he had he just been just handed his friend Allen, now a mere 5 year old, and Komui had started pacing back-and-forth while muttering about some unknown things. Allen started squirming about, not liking being held in the air, so Lavi sat him on the ground and walked towards Komui to try reason with him.

'Snap out of it chief, what made you think I was the one that could help? I know nothing about child care! If it was one of your stupid potions that did this shouldn't you be asking Reever to make some sort of cure? Or at least ask Jonny to make some size appropriate clothes?'

Komui stared at Lavi, before giving a defeated sigh, 'I guess your right...'


'You can take him to Reever!'

Lavi knew he couldn't win. Now he could add something else to his line of work; Bookman, Exorcist, Babysitter. This was going to be a long day, and now Allen was tangled up in his coat and is about to cry.