Next day:

I was on the sofa, flicking rough the tv channels, nothing good on the tv. The door suddenly opened and Darry was there, breathing hard.

"W-What's wrong?" I asked, jumping out of my seat.

"It's Danny. He's been in an accident," He said.

"NO!" I yelled, rushing out with Darry.

We soon reached the hospital. Some other boy was there, looking as if he was just as worried about him as I was.

"Is he gonna be okay?" the oy asked.

I should have been asking that question, not him. e's not Darry's boyfriend…

"You're boyfriend i going to be okay," he said.

I glared at the boy. BOYFRIEND. No way in hell was he Danny's boyfriend, no way.

"Who do you think you are?" i snarled at him.

"WHo do YOU think you are? This is y boyfriend of a year and you're telling me Who am I?" the boy spat back.

"No he's not. He's my boyfriend for a year. He is mine," I snarled.

"It's our anniversary two weeks," The boy said.

"So… is mine…" I said, the whole situation sinking into my head.

"Y…You're with him swell…" I whispered.

"Yes. He's mine," The boy said.

I looked at Danny. He looked so beautiful sleeping, but right now I felt like killing him.

"That's why he's acting so cold towards me…" i whispered.

"He's been cheating.."