AN: While I brainstorm ways to make my other fics better, here goes a story I wrote involving a mentally disturbed teenage girl who has caught the eye of not only a powerful Hunter, but a Smoker as well. She is desperately trying to escape the quarantined Lioness City along with anyone else that might want to tag along.

This story takes place, like the first game, two weeks after the first infection.


Though there weren't any animal or children infected in game, due to not wanting to cause controversy and such, I believe that if a disease of this magnitude really were to happen survivors would encounter some infected animals and they would definitely encounter infected children. I'm not trying to condone killing children or animals, it just makes sense that there would be infected in those groups. People see kids walking around on the streets as much as they see adults, it only makes sense…

And it adds to that creepy, sad factor.

It adds to the fact that humanity has been reduced to babbling, rabid, cannibalistic mutants. I will also be adding new types of infected into the mix, you know Infected that didn't make it into the game?

The Breeder, the Haggard, the Leaker, and the Siren (Female Screamer). I'm also adding the Pack, the Crawler, and the Lurker who are all zombies from Dead Space who use the bodies of children. Those zombie children will be consider 'Specials', and there will be regular common infected children. This is my first serious attempt at a fic outside of my usual category, which is Bioshock, so I hope this turns out well. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with the use of children and animal Infected, if you want to flame me go ahead and do it, but I will not stop writing this fic.

Chapter I: Goth Girl

Life sucks.

It's a fact, and no one, therapist, my parents, whatever, is going to convince me otherwise. So why do they even try? I sat there, in my nice comfy Lay-Z-Boy recliner. My legs were propped up and my arms were crossed over my chest. I tried vainly to play with the ruby rock piercing, that I had just gotten through my nose, with my tongue. But I just couldn't get it. I always wished I had one of those freakishly long tongues that just freak people out. But sadly, like I said before, life sucks and you hardly get what you want. Not that I have a problem with that, I'm not spoiled rotten or anything (it still sucks though). I would have paid cash money to get my tongue elongated but NOOoooooo.

My mother would have a damn near heart attack if I got any part of my body enhanced. What am I saying, she would effing die! She can hardly tolerate me dying my hair black, wearing black lipstick, and getting my body pierced. Oh, and lets not mention my sexy tattoo of a cross branding my lower back.

"Why would you do something like that, Solana? Why! Who was going to see it? Huh?"

"Solana, did you hear me?"

I blinked my shadow rimmed eyes and decided to give my therapist my undivided attention.

"I'm sorry did you say something, Mr. Harvey? I was thinking about how effed up my life is."

Three, two, one and cue sigh! I have a knack for sucking the life out of every adult in a 20 foot radius, but I quickly reminded myself that I don't want to suck the life out of Mr. Harvey. Even though he was my therapist, he is one of the most understanding adults I have ever effing met. Hell, he is one of the most understanding people I've met period! He's been helping me for a couple of months now, helping me cope with-


My cold, hazel eyes narrowed. "Don't call me that, you know I don't like it when you call me that."

Harvey chuckled lightly, his dark brown eyes squinting at the action.

"Okay…Sol. We've been beaten around the bush for awhile now. I think it's time you tell me something more than the bare essentials. I want to try and help you figure this out."

"My father murdered my two year old brother, what's more to figure out?"

"Sol, you knew that your father wasn't well, right? You knew what he was afflicted with."

Porcelain fleshed lids closed over unforgiving hazel eyes. Yeah, I knew what my father was afflicted with. Dementia, psychosis, schizophrenia…it was only a matter of time before he completely cracked. But did he have to murder someone so brutally? Did he have to murder his own flesh and blood…

With his bear effing hands?

I felt Mr. Harvey place a chocolate skinned hand on my shoulder, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

Keyword, slightly. The smile might have came off looking like a grimace, since Harv recoiled his hand hastily and settled in his seat on the left side of the recliner. I sighed and propped myself up on my elbows, letting my raven dyed bangs fall over my still sealed lids.

"I…I remember the time before the killing, Harv." Mr. Harvey never minded when I called him Harv, he was cool like that. "We were one big happy family." I put emphasis on this by hugging myself cheesily…, even though the statement was in fact true. "We played in our backyard playground, swam in our pool, watched movies together…we were happy."

"And you were happy?"

I whipped my head around, staring into Harv's dark brown eyes.

"Yeah…I was happy. But then dad had to go and eff up. He took a job handed to him by the krauts and jerks at BWRB. He knew they were messing with something dangerous, something more than questionable… I think he was exposed to some sort of chemical… Come to think of it, he looked just like-"

Harvey messaged his forehead and sighed. "Sol, don't."

My eye lids squinted into a glare. "Harv, you've seen the pictures. He looked just like one of those Green Flu victims. Hell, we have the highest concentration of victims in this damn city!"

"Sol, that was a year ago, the Green Flu wasn't even a diagnosis at that time."

"Yeah, I know, but what if BWRB was experimenting with a strange type of disease? A virus? What if they were keeping it contained and some effing retard came along and accidentally released it, infecting my dad and a number of other people? Harv, there were guys in hazmat suits along with the cops and even the effing army at my house that day. Why would they need guys with AK47s and M16s to come to my house to clear up a murder case? Don't you think that's a little overkill?"

Harv was actually contemplating my theory.

"It makes sense…but I still think your little conspiracy theory is a little…"

I raised a raven colored eyebrow. "Paranoia induced?"

Harv chuckled lightly. "No, we've already concluded that you're not suffering from any sort of psychological illness, but you do harbor a great hatred towards BWRB-"

"Yeah, that's because their effing experiments destroyed my effing father and caused the death of my brother. Beaten to death by your own father? He didn't deserve that, Harv, no one really deserves that."

Harv's face hardened at my words and he nodded his head solemnly. "You're right."

An irritating beeping noise, that I recognized as Harv's eight-thirty alarm, sounded throughout the room. I sighed and got up from the Lay-Z-Boy recliner.

God, I love that chair.

"Well, Sol, I'll see you same time on Thursday?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Doc, seven o' clock sharp. I mean, I've only been coming here for like six effing months."

Harv chuckled and brought me into a quick hug then ruffled my hair up a bit. He laughed as I glared at him through my bangs.

"You should be honored." I hissed dangerously. "You are the only adult that will ever get away with that. Ever."

Harv laughed and waved me off. "You better get going, your mother will get worried if your late again."

"Harv, I'm starting to wish my mother didn't give a shit about me. She's so effing annoying!"

Harv smiled knowingly. "That's what parents do, they annoy you and pry into your business. They look out for your safety."

Even though I wanted to plug my ears in and deny all that he was saying, I knew that Harv was right. I loved my mother…its just that she was so annoying. Damn her and not letting me get my tongue elongated!

"You would know, with lil Harv and all." I whispered. "Okay, whatev. See ya Harv." I gave him a wave over my shoulder as I stalked out of his office with my hands shoved into the pockets of my skinny jeans. When I made it outside, I couldn't help but shiver.

God, I love that breeze!

Well…that was Lioness for ya. One of the biggest effing cities in the U.S, and it also has the most stable climate. For that reason alone I would have considered moving here, but the main reason my family and I moved here in the first place was so that my father could take on a position working at effing BWRB. The Bio Weapons Research Branch of the military. Little is known about them, but I do know that their little project completely fractured my father's mind. This Green Flu shit that's been going around HAS to be their fault. The people infected with the virus are suddenly diagnosed with a crap load of mental illnesses.

Just like my father.

I grabbed at my onyx died hair and screamed out. "I can't take this effing shit no more!" Thoroughly scaring the shit out of two passer bys. I didn't give a crap what they thought of me, I had to ruin BWRB just like they ruined my life. No one could prove that my father's sudden insanity was a direct result of BWRB's actions and no one is ever going to take my word for it.

Well…maybe CEDA would listen to me, but I don't think I want to work for guys that claim that they are helping the public but are really lying to them. Wash your hands? Plastic wrap your entire house? What the hell is that gonna do? We're dealing with a highly contagious pathogen that destroys the mind and probably mutates the body in some way, not the common flu!

As a matter of fact, the name Green Flu is effing retarded.

As my feet robotically guided me towards my house, I seriously began to contemplate a way to freaken ruin BWRB. Their main headquarters is situated here, in Lioness City, and as I said before Lioness City had the largest concentration of Green Flu victims.

"Flu? Hah, hah, flu my ass." I whispered as I sauntered up the driveway to my house. It was nearly pitch black dark, and I didn't feel like dealing with my mother's mouth. But…

My eyes shifted upwards, regarding my little sister's window lazily. I really didn't care if my mother was worried about me, she was worried every single day so it kind of lost it's effect. However, I did care if my ten year old sister was worried. After what happened to my brother…

I shook my head in an attempt to rid myself of those thoughts and got ready for the task at hand. Climbing up the fence separating the front yard from the back, I balanced myself along it and effortlessly walked along the wooden structure. I carefully pulled myself onto the roof and made my way towards my Sister's window. I was wearing a pair of black sneakers, so I didn't make much noise.

I had a LOT of practice, plus when training in martial arts you kinda have to be light on your feet.

Yup, you're looking at a Kung-Fu master in training. I have already received a black-belt in another martial arts form, Tang-Soo-Do, which had taken me damn near five years. I don't know why martial arts has always interested me. Maybe it's violence? Or maybe it's power? Knowing that I could snap a grown man's neck with a flick of my wrists did give me a feeling of power. Oh well, all I know is that after I get my black-belt in Kung-Fu, I'm movin on to Judo.

I peered into my sister's window with slit hazel eyes, watching as she gazed at a photo of our fractured family longingly. She sat at the edge of her bed, her golden blonde hair flowing freely down her shoulders. I have to admit, she did look cute in her pink, polka dot pajamas. I tapped on the window lightly, drawing the attention of her brilliant blue eyes. Her face lit up in a beaming smile as she rushed to the window, unlocking it with haste.

"Sol, Sol! Where have you been?" She whispered frantically while putting me in a crushing bear hug.

"Wow, wow, Courtney ! Can I step inside the room, please?"

Courtney puffed out her cheeks and gave me a playful glare. I grinned as I hopped into her room and scooped her up into my arms. She suppressed a squeal of joy as I plopped her onto her bed, tickling her under her arms. She laughed softly and tried to do the same to me. I smirked when she realized that I wasn't going to start giggling anytime soon.

"How do you do that, sis?"

"Never was ticklish, never will be."

Courtney puckered her lips into a cute little pout. "That's not natural."

I smirked deviously at her. "Who said I was natural? Now, enough play time. You know that mama will be mad at you if she finds that you're not in the bed. It's almost nine o' clock."

Courtney sighed knowingly before quickly getting under her pink flora printed comforter. I tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead.

"Sis…do you remember what you use to tell me? You know about the…, the monsters?"

My cold burnished eyes stared into her brilliant sapphire ones for the longest time. I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah, Court, I remember."

She looked up at me with that innocent, big eyed look that all kids her age have. "You said that you'd scare them all away for me…"

"Because nothing is scarier than your big sis… Yep, that's what I said. What are you trying to tell me, squirt?"

Courtney chewed at her lower lip nervously, and averted her gaze from mine.

"Well…this boy, at my school-"

"Oh, here we go."

"Shut-up! It's not like that! Anyway, he says that there's a monster going around town, snatching people up."

"Trying to rape them, so ya better hide your kids, hide your wife,…and hide your husband cause their raping everybody out here!"

"Solana, this is serious!"

I sighed, already knowing where this was going. "Alright fine! Let me guess, you want me to chase away this monster for ya?"

Courtney nodded hastily. "Yes please. It lives in that cave we found in the Golden Lioness Park."

"Wait, what?…Fine, I'll-" I stopped mid sentence and swiftly turned to face the entrance to Courtney's bedroom. Low and behold, there was mother. She stood there, the light from the hall silhouetting her thin, seemingly malnourished form. She's been obsessed with losing weight for God knows how long. I mean, who effing cares?

'Alright Sol, don't let yourself slip into a rant.'

"Hello, mother."

No answer. I raised an eyebrow at this. I would have thought for sure that, that would have gotten a rise out of her.

"Sol, please, not now." Courtney whispered.

I wasn't really paying attention though.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I just wanted to walk home at my own pace. I hope you don't mind me taking the express elevator up here." Of course it did. It scared the effing shit out of her every single time I did take the roof instead of the front door.

But again, she did not answer my sarcastic tone with yelling and screaming. She did however take a step forward. I then noticed something strange. It might have been a trick of the light, but it seemed like her eyes were glowing slightly. Like how light reflected from a cat's or a dog's irises. Now that I can see her a little bit more clearly, her blonde hair did seem a little washed out… Hell, who am I kidding? It was pure white, sweat soaked, and lank. Her cheeks were…sunken in, exposing the bones underneath. Her flesh was so pale that I could clearly see the velvet veins underneath the thin layer. And the smell…oh God, she smelt like a freaking corpse.

But I wasn't gonna tell her that.

My brows furrowed in worry. "Mom…are you okay?" I asked, standing up and walking towards her. Me and mother might not get along well, but she was still my mother. She was obviously sick…

'Oh eff. Please don't tell me she caught the mother effing Green-'

My mom launched herself at me like a bullet. She hissed like a cat as she scrambled towards me. My God, she was fast, I've never seen my mom…or any normal person for that matter, move with such speed. She hit me square in the chest like I train wreck, driving us both across Courtney's room so hard that my back crunched against the rear wall. I hit my head and stars burst in my eyes. Thinking quickly, I jammed my forearm under mother's chin as she snapped at me like a wild animal, lunging forward over my arm, her teeth banging together with a weird porcelain clack. She grabbed the collar of my black leather jacket with both hands, trying to pull us closer together.

Everything had nearly stopped in my eyes. Everything was drowned out, even Courtney's screaming. I just stared into my mother's eyes. Her empty, milky white eyes. I tried looking for any type of emotion, hatred, loathing, something…

I found nothing.

Though her face was twisted into an animalistic snarl, though her teeth were biting the air mere inches away from my windpipe, that empty stare was what terrified me the most. This wasn't the stare of a predator, this wasn't the stare of a murderer, this was an empty lifeless stare.

It was like looking into the eyes of a someone who was dead. I saw death and terror and hopelessness. At that moment I to found myself screaming along with Courtney.

For I wasn't looking into the eyes of my mother. I was looking in the eyes of a cold blooded monster.

AN: Ah, Solana encounters her first Infected…and it turns out to be her mother! I'm sorry if this chapter was kind of slow and I hope I described the look of a Common Infected well enough.

Will Solana and Courtney escape their mother's jaws?

Who is this monster living in the Golden Lioness Park?

Is BWRB really responsible for the Infection known only as the Green Flu?

Why am I asking you all of these questions?

Read the next chapter, and find out!…

Except for that last question, you can just cross that one out.