Mackenzie stood outside of Ebony's house. She hadn't gone there to see Ebony in what felt like ages. But she knew that right now she wasn't going to see Ebony, she was going to tell her something. She held her breath while she rang the door bell. She stepped back when she saw Ebony's mother open the door.

"Oh, Mackenzie, hello." She said with a smile.

"Hi, is Ebony here?" Mackenzie asked looking from her hands up.

"No, she went to get Cloe from work. Didn't you try to call her before coming over?" she asked when she was the surprised look.

"I saw her jeep, so I figured she was here." Mackenzie said mostly to herself.

"After her last run in with Jacob and the police, her father took away the keys to the jeep, she's been using my car for most of the summer." Hazel told her.

Mackenzie could feel the knots in her stomach. "Umm, where does Cloe work?"

"Motherhood, in the mall." She said with a small smile.

Mackenzie turned to walk down the stairs and shouted over her shoulder "Thank you." The only thing she wanted to do right now was talk to Ebony.


Jay sat with Ram and Mega in his living room.

"So are you coming or not?" Ram asked.

"No." Jay said plainly.

"You're giving up UCLA for some chick?" Mega asked.

"She's not just some chick. She's Ebony. She's the one girl I want to be with, the only person I need." Jay said looking at his friends. He knew that they wouldn't understand.

"So what, you're going to stay here, go to Northern, marry Ebony, and live happily ever after?" Ram asked getting mad. "What about the plans we made? What about all the stuff we were gonna do?"

"We can still do it. I'll road trip to LA with you." Jay said looking at his friend.

"You really think this is the girl?" Mega asked.

Jay smiled a little and pulled out a ring box. He opened it and showed it to his friends. "I bought this for her when we were in London."

"Jay, that's serious." Ram said sitting forward.

"I know, I'm serious about her. I'm doing it tomorrow, and I can't leave her here after that." Jay said trying to explain it to his friends.

"Are you sure about that?" Mega asked. "Your mom isn't going to like this."

"My mom doesn't like anything I do when it comes to Ebony." Jay said with a sigh. "But for once, this isn't about pleasing anyone but myself."

"This is crazy." Ram said shaking his head.

"Look, guys, I trust you, so please don't say anything to anyone." Jay said putting the ring box back in his pocket. "I don't want this getting out."

"Yeah." Mega said nodding his head. "You know you can trust me."

"Same." Ram said as well.


"I need to talk to you." Mackenzie said as she came up behind Ebony in line at the coffee shop.

"I'm busy." Ebony replied looking up at her sister.

"I'm serious." Mackenzie said.

"Can you let me order." Ebony said looking at the clock. "You can wait that long, right?" she was annoyed. Mackenzie was the last person she wanted to deal with.

"Yeah, I'll wait." She said before steeping out of line. She went over to an open table and sat down to wait.

When Ebony reappeared in front of Mackenzie she was wearing short jean shorts and a black ribbed tank that covered up her bathing suit top. "What?" she asked.

"Are you going to be a bitch?" Mackenzie asked.

"If the shoe fits." Ebony replied. She sat down across from her and sighing. "I don't have to listen to whatever it is you want to tell me."

"I know." Mackenzie said softly. She had never thought that her relationship with Ebony would be like this. "Trust me I don't want to talk to you anymore than you want to talk to me."

"Then what the hell are you doing here?" Ebony asked.

"Jay's mom." She replied simply.

"What about her?" Ebony was starting to get annoyed.

"She said something to me yesterday as we were leaving the hospital." Mackenzie said looking at her hands. "She wants me to let you know that if you ruin Jay's life, she's going to ruin yours."

Ebony sat for a second before speaking again. "Why are you telling me this?" she wanted to know. This was information that Mackenzie would have once shared with her, but not now, not now that they were hardly speaking to each other.

"You're my sister." Mackenzie replied as though Ebony should have already known. "I don't know what's going on with you and Jay, but I just think you might want to be careful."

"Thank you." Ebony said getting up.

The two girls started to walk together out of the food court.

"Is Ved home yet?" Ebony asked trying to loosen the tension between them.

"Yeah, his dad picked him up this morning." Mackenzie replied, she glanced over at Ebony and they continued to walk without saying anything for a while. "I'm sorry about yesterday."

Ebony stopped and looked over at Mackenzie. She wasn't sure if this was her telling her that she believed her, or not.

"I think part of me has always known about Jacob, but I never wanted to believe it." Mackenzie said looking Ebony in the eye.

"I didn't want you to know, because I knew how much he meant to you." Ebony said with a small smile.

"This doesn't change anything." Mackenzie said quickly. "You've been lying to me, and I'm not just going to get over that."

Ebony laughed a little and shook her head. "I have to go over to Lex's, I'll see you around." She said before walking away from her sister.

Mackenzie sighed as she watched Ebony walk away from her. She wanted to tell her that things were going to be okay between them, but she wasn't sure she wanted them to be okay. She felt different now, she had changed.


"No." Lex said looking over at Ebony.

"You aren't going to stay mad at her forever, and once you see that nothing happened, you're going to feel like a jackass." Ebony said sitting down on the couch.

"I don't care Ebony, right now I don't want to deal with it. She lied to me, she was seeing other people behind my back." Lex said.

"She wasn't seeing him Lex, she was helping him with an English class." Ebony replied.

"Ebony I was getting ready to ask her to marry me, so I think I should get a little time to be mad before I start to figure out what was going on." Lex said softly. He knew that he didn't have a real reason in Ebony's eyes to be upset, but he was.

"Is that what you want me to tell her then?" Ebony asked. "Do you want me to tell her that you need to cool off over nothing before she can even talk to you? She's been crying since I picked her up last night Lex, I've seen her cry twice in the last two years."

Lex sighed. "Seriously Ebony, right now I don't need you picking sides. I don't know what happened you're right, and it might be nothing. But to me, right now it's something, and I need to deal with that."

Ebony watched him for a second. She knew he had a point, she just didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to think that Tai-san could have screwed things but because all along everyone was so sure it was going to be Lex.

"I'm sorry, but that's what I need right now." Lex said.

"I get it." she said looking up at him. "Just promise me that you will talk to her. That you won't let this ruin everything, if it was nothing."

"I can't promise you anything." Lex said standing up as Ebony got up.

"Well then at lest think about it. She loves you Lex, and she would have said yes by the way." Ebony added.

"I know, that's why I was going to ask." Lex said with a little laugh, he had wanted to ask a long time ago, but he wasn't sure of her answers, but over time he had become more sure.

"Well then maybe that's saying something to you." Ebony said before going over to the door and leaving Lex standing in his living room to think about what had just been said.