Chapter 5

Hey, I have to question

What's with the violent aggression?

Details blurry, lost him too early

Welcome to the family

"Are you staying here too?"

Bakura feels the blush threatening to return, so he spins around. "Of course I am! Traumatized people such as yourself often try to commit suicide; Ryou would kill me if I let that happen." If I didn't killmyself first, Bakura thinks.

A pair of arms wraps around him and he feels a wet warmth snuggle against his back. "Thanks, Bakura," Marik whispers, happy that the Brit had yet to push him away.

Bakura was frozen; Marik was hugging him, and he was HAPPY this time. The twin was is so conflicted about what to do, his heart screaming hug him back, his mind saying push him away. What would make his Marik happiest, because that is how he wants him to stay.

Having finally decided- somewhat- how he should react, Bakura slowly turns in the blond's grasp and wraps his arms around the boy timidly. His grip tightens, having officially become sure of his decision, holding the Egyptian close to him.

Marik's heart does little somersaults as he rests his head on Bakura's shoulder, inhaling deeply as the scent of sunscreen wafts off the boy. Marik fights the urge to start crying, but is, of course, unsuccessful. Tears begin to trickle down tan skin and over the gentle smile, plopping onto the striped shirt beneath.

Marik's crying does not go unnoticed as a streak of panic runs through Bakura's finally apeased heart. He immediately goes into protective mode, something beforehand reserved for only Ryou, "What's wrong Marik? I thought you were happy." He begins to gently stroke the Egyptian's back, not even thinking twice about his actions.

"I AM happy," Marik whispers into the whitette's ear. "I can cry if I friggin' want to," He grumbles, smiling into the white mess of hair. "Wanker." He chuckles weakly as he shudders, Bakura's hand ghosting over his spine. A moan escapes his lips, and he quickly slams his hand over his mouth, his tan skin turning crimson.

"Oh, someone likes this, eh?" Bakura teases, his hand going over that spot once more, another moan escaping the boy in his arms. He was mentally scolding himself for being so perverted, but his heart thought he'd been tame long enough.

"'Ku-Kura, don't." Marik pleads, but as he clings to Bakura, he knows that he would want anything other than this stopping.

Bakura does stop, though, and he grabs Marik's shoulders and hold him arms length away. There's a fleck of something just barely tangible to the blond in his eyes: worry. "Listen, Marik," Bakura begins to spill his feelings to the boy. "I haven't known you long- well, I've known you since fourth grade, but not well- and I-I never really planned on getting to know you," Bakura felt anxiety tugging at his heart. "I l-" He freezes as a pair of lips connect with his own, violet eyes staring into his.

"GEESUZ, 'Kura!" Marik complains, pulling away. "Don't get anxious; it's so not you."

Bakura stares at the boy, confused. This is the second time Marik had kissed him in like five minutes now. Either Marik was a whore, or he likes Bakura. Personally, the elder Touzoukou twin hoped for the latter. Bakura decides to get answers, "What's with you, Ishtar? You keep kissing me, and I would appreciate it if you would-" He stops in his tracks once more as Marik smashes his lips against Bakura's, this time continuing to move his lips against the albino's. Bakura takes a second to compute this before his hormones kick in and he holds Marik close as the two make-out.

Needless to say, Bakura received his answer, and then some.

As the two lay there in a happy haze, Marik starting to drift off to sleep in pale arms, his head rested on a well sculpted chest. Bakura ran his fingers lazily through blond hair, his heart at peace. That is, until a specific thought popped into his head.

Marik had to go back home eventually, didn't he? No one knew where he was except for Bakura, Ryou, and Akefia. Would someone send out a search party for them? They had been gone for a good two days now; and they had left on a Monday.

"Hanzai," Bakura whispers, "We can't stay here forever." He states solemnly, his eyes trained on the boy, waiting for a reaction.

Marik finally sighs, snuggling closer to the boy under the comforter that now seemed to be like feather down. "I know, Kitty," He murmurs, his voice sad and loathing what his partner must mean. "But, why should we go back?" He rolls onto his belly and props himself up on his elbows so he can watch the other teen. "Why can't we just runaway together? We could tell Ryou and Scarface if you really felt the need to, so they would know how to contact us. We would have nothi-"

Bakura scowls at what the boy is about to say, knowing very well what it could mean. "Marik, we can't just runaway from our problems. This one we have to face," Bakura grabs one of Marik's hands in his own. "But, we will face it together."

Marik smiles a cheesy grin, all the while rolling his eyes, "Anyways," Marik says, lying back down on the Brit's chest. "What do you want to do?"

Bakura smirks, swiftly flipping them so he is on top of Marik, "I have a few ideas."

Marik giggles, leaning up to plant a quick kiss on his lips. "Sounds like a plan."

Bakura awakens to something cold and sharp pressed against his neck and a hand covering his eyes. He tries to move the hand away with his own, only to find them bound behind him. He then notices the rag stuffed in his mouth, and ducktape holding it in place. He wiggles slightly, very careful of what he assumes is a knife to his neck.

"Listen closely," A gruff voices commands. "You will keep quiet, wait until I leave, then you can try and free yourself. If you try to fidget anymore, I'll do to you what I did to your friend. Got it?" The knife just barely knicks Bakura's neck, and the Brit in turn growls before what the man said hits him.

"If you try to fidget anymore, I'll do to you what I did to your friend."

Marik was hurt, Bakura could feel it. Just as soon as he finally gets Marik to himself, someone has to hurt him.

"Now, I am going to leave. If you try to get help from anyone, I will find out, and you will die, got it?" Bakura only nods his head slightly, afraid of the knife touching his flesh. The object is suddenly pulled away, but his eyes are still covered. "Shut your eyes, and keep them shut until you hear the door shut, k?" Bakura nods, not quite worrying about the knife anymore as he slams his eyes shut and feels the hand leave his face. He stays where he sits quietly, until the door finally shuts.

He doesn't open his eyes when the door shuts, or when he finally falls out of the chair he was in. He only decides to open his eyes because of a faint groan he hears erupt out of the silence. As soon as the familiar sound hits his ears, his eyelid fly open and he is at Marik's side.

Marik lies on their bed, his blood drenching the sheets from Ra only knows how many different cuts he had. His hair has a few random chunks cut out of it, but nothing to major. What really worries Bakura is what appears to be a stab wound in his left shoulder, and another on his right.

Violet eyes open slowly and find the albino's face, or so he thought, because they keep searching. "'Kura? Where are you?"

Bakura feels his heart literally break then and there. He closes his eyes long enough to muster up a bit of his forbidden power, as much as he could without Ryou and the ring with him, and the binds on his body seem to fade away. He grab the boys blood covered hand in his own, "Right here, Hanzai. Right here. I'm going to get help, okay? Can you hold on for a second?"

Marik smiles drunkenly, "Of course I can."

Bakura plants a light kiss on the blond's forehead, blood casting a light red tinge to his pale pink lips. He immediately goes to where he left his phone and dials the first number that comes to mind.

/Hello? What do you need, Bakura?/

\Akefia, I need your help. It's happening.\

/... I'm on my way./

A/N-And the plot thickens! So, I finally brought the millennium objects in(kinda). And, of course, something bad happens to Marik and-

Kevyn: What do you mean when you made Bakura say, "It's happening."?

Me: ~.~ You thinks since we share a body and a mind, you would know this.

Bakura: Well, I would like to know why you keep making my bloody Hanzai get hurt!

Marik: Yeah, why is it always me who gets hurt? :( It's not fun, ya know.

Me: -facepalm- Kevyn, could you handle the readers while I handle these two?

KEvyn: Sure. As Mags was about to say, there is still 11 more chapters to go in this story, so do not think of this as a climax. Anyways1

Mags and Kevyn: Review please!

Kevyn: Hey, where'd Marik and Bakura go?

-Mags shutters and whispers to Kevyn-

Kevyn: Don't scar me. That's my job XD