A/N: This is my first lucky star fic, and i forget to write disclaimer. Okay, here it goes, I never ever get to own Lucky star , except in my dream though. If i get to own Lucky star, i will make Kagami and Konata fell for each other. They are such a cute couple. But it never happen...T.T

Hiiragi Kagami and Hiiragi Tsukasa are waiting for their little friend, Izumi Konata who is being lectured by her teacher, Kuroi-sensei.

"Geez, that Konata, cant she be serious for once? And we are having exam tomorrow." Say Kagami.

"Hehe, but that is how Kona-chan is." Say Tsukasa, her younger twin sister.

"Hi, why are you two doing here?" ask Takata Miyuki , the flawless girl ever.

"We are waiting for Kona-chan since she is being lectured by Kuroi-sensei on how she must get good result for the exam." Explain Tsukasa.

"Oh ya, why are you doing here, Miyuki-san?" ask Kagami.

"Oh, I'm just finish helping one of our teacher." Say Miyuki.

"As expected from our Miyuki!" Suddenly, someone jump and tackle herself on a certain pink hair girl.

"Konata, finally finish being lectured. What does Kuroi-sensei told you?" ask Kagami.

"Oh, Kagamin, miss me that much? Kuroi-sensei just ask me to study hard and make sure I pass all subjects. Man, what a pain." Say Konata and changing her target from Miyuki to Kagami.

"W-what? I didn't miss you at all. That's you get for always slacking at class, you better prepare to cram for the whole night. And, get of me!" say Kagami, trying to free herself from Konata's hug, even thought she feel warm and happy inside.

"W-what? How come I feel warm and easy inside?" thought Kagami and her hand out on her chest to feel that her heart is beating furiously.

"Okay, Kagamin is not fun at all." Konata say but suddenly she stood there as if she got a very good idea, and her cat-like grin show on her face.

"Konata, why are you looking at me like this? I seriously don't like it." say Kagami by being aware of Konata looking at her.

"Kagami-sama! Please let me stay over and help me with my study. I will be doom if you didn't help me." Say Konata with her puppy look eyes.

"No,Konata, you keep slacking around and I've been helping you with your assignment and homework, can't you just do this by yourself?" say Kagami, and trying to pull herself away from Konata's embrace.

"Sorry, Kona-chan, Onee-chan is helping me today, I'm really sorry." Say Tsukasa with a apologetic look on her face.

"Why don't you come to my house instead? Offer Miyuki.

"Nah, Kagamin is right. I will try studying by myself. Tsukasa, don't need to feel sorry about it, she is your sister so she should help you. Miyuki, I don't want to cause problem for you. So, I will cram all night just like I usually do!" say Konata and pump her fist in the air.

"It's rare to see Konata didn't bug me until I agree to teach her. Well, that's good since I can concentrate by myself now." thought Kagami.

"Ah, I forget, today is the day that the newest edition dating games based on The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I got to get them. So, I will going this way. Bye, guys. Oh, Don't miss me , Kagamin." Say Konata.

"W-what? Who say I'm going to miss you. I wont miss you at all." Say Kagami being blush all over Konata's word.

"Hoho, Kagamin is being a tsundere again. How cute. So, bye guys, see you tomorrow." Say Konata and walk away before Kagami hit her.

"W-what! I'm not being a tsundere!" Kagami shout to Konata but Konata just turn around and give her trademark grin to Kagami and wave her hand.

"I seriously don't know how she can manage through all those test." Say Kagami.

"Onee-chan, our train is here." Say Tsukasa, not wanting her sister left alone.

"Okay, thanks for reminding me." Say Kagami.

"I hope Konata-san can do fine with her studying." Say Miyuki.

"She sure can. I have confident in her." Say Tsukasa. Kagami didn't join in their conversation and keep thinking about Konata action towards her.

"She always tease me and always give those grin to me, but how come I felt warm and safe when she do that to me recently?" thought Kagami, noticing the change in her feeling.

"Kagami-san, its your stop." Miyuki remind Kagami whose mind is drift away from the reality.

"A-ah! Thanks, see you tomorrow, Miyuki." Say Kagami while faster run off the train with Tsukasa.

"Onee-chan, why are you keep spacing off? This somehow not like you." Ask Tsukasa while they are having their dinner.

"Erm, nothing at all. Just thinking what subject I should revise." Say Kagami.

"Kagami, don't be too stress. Relax for awhile." Say Tadao, Kagami and Tsukasa's father.

"Yes,father. I will relax." Say Kagami and burry herself in the meal, try not to think about Konata. After dinner, Tsukasa soon begin to study with Kagami and lucky her, she manage to study really hard with Kagami's help. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Their father tell them to come downstairs, there's something that they need to tell her. Kagami and Tsukasa both shrugged their shoulder and walk downstairs and found out that Yutaka, Konata's cousin and Minami Iwasaki are there. Yutaka is crying very hard and being comfort by Minami.

"May I ask what's wrong?" say Kagami when sitting down.

"Konata-oneechan, is i-in t-the h-hospit-hospital r-right n-now. S-she b-been h-hit b-by a t-truck o-on h-her w-way t-to Aki-Akihabara." After manage to speak out a whole sentence, Yutaka continue to cry.

"W-what did you say?" ask Kagami once again, trying to confirm that she heard wrong.

"Konata-san had been hit by a truck on her way to Akihabara and now is in hospital and her condition is quite critical." Say Minami with a sad tone but still manage to send the message. Kagami and Tsukasa look unbelieveably to them.

"Come on, this is not funny. Stop joking." Say Kagami, trying to deny that truth.

"No,Kagami, what they say are right. Just now it came out in the news. Me and your father saw it." say their mother.

"N-no way." Say Kagami, slump her head on the table while on other hand, Tsukasa already cry together with Yutaka and now being comfort by her mother.

"I'm going to the hospital now!" shout Kagami and getting ready to charge out but her two elder sister manage to calm her down.

"You cant, the visiting hour is over." Say Inori, always being the calm one.

"All of us are worry. So just calm down. Tomorrow we will visit her together as soon as you two finish school." Say Matsuri always being the hot tempered girl.

"O-okay." Say Kagami and sigh.

"It's all my fault, I should let her come study with me instead ask her go study herself. I should stop her buying those game." Kagami mumble sadly and soon she felt her face is all damp and also her pajamas.

"What is this? Tears? How long that I had not cry since last time?" thought Kagami but she soon wipe away her tears.

"I want to be alone. Please don't come disturb me. Tsukasa, I'm sorry, I guess you have to study yourself." Say Kagami with all depressed aura all over her.

"Kagami sure is sad. Its just like someone she love had an accident." Say Matsuri.

"W-what? You mean Kagami might love Konata?" ask their mother.

"Ya, Konata-neechan admit to me that she love Kagami." Say Yutaka after being calm down by Minami.

"Oh I see. Mom, dad, you two will prevent that happen?" ask Tsukasa.

"No, we don't. that's her freedom to love, we cant control her. If you all are happy, we are happy too." Say their father, being the gentle one, their mother just nod her head and gives her best warm smile.

"Thanks, mom,dad! Cause I think one-chan might really like Konata just she haven't realise, so I want her to be happy." Say Tsukasa after wiping all her tears.

"But now, we just hope Konata is okay." Say Inori. Everyone look at the floor as if it's the most interesting thing in this world. They are thinking about Konata and worry about her. After awhile, Minami and Yutaka walk home and Minami is staying over Yutaka's place since Konata's father is at the hospital, with her daughter.

Kagami is lying on her bed, without any urge to study.

"Oh why, Konata, Why you have to leave me with this way?" mumble Kagami and hug her pillow very tight.

"Konata, I know I'm selfish in certain way but please stay alive and stand in front of me. I lie when I say I didn't miss you. I miss you very much. I miss everything of you." Kagami begin to cry all over again, hiding her face in the pillow so that her family wont heard her sober sound and also hug her pillow really tight as if that pillow is Konata.

Kagami and Tsukasa manage to walk to school. They soon separate their way to their own class. Kagami put down her bag and sit down and staring into the sky, hoping the time will move faster.

In the other hand, Tsukasa walk in and found Miyuki sitting at there, looking at her with a worried expression. She try to smile but it came out fail.

"Are you alright? I heard about what happen to Konata-san, I hope that she will be okay." Say Miyuki, trying to make sure Tsukasa is alright.

"Ya, I'm fine. I just worry about onee-chan, she is the one that have the most shock when she heard that news. How about you come with us after school, Yuki-chan? We are going to see whether Kona-chan is alright or not." Say Tsukasa.

"Well,okay. I will come. I just need to inform my mother." Say Miyuki. So, she call her mother to inform about the visiting and then go back to her place. Their homeroom teacher, Kuroi-sensei, walk in the class with depressed aura all over her.

"Well, everyone get back to your seat. I believe some of you heard of it but I need to inform all of you that Izumi-san had been hit by truck and now is hospitalized. So, how about tomorrow all of us go and pay a visit." Say Kuroi-sensei. Everyone in the class just silently lower their head. As silent crawl all over the class, you can hear some of the girls crying.

"So,lets start the exam. If we start early, we will be able finish early." Say Kuroi-sensei, and she gives out the exam paper. Everyone sit for their exam, except for Miyuki and Tsukasa. They seems like not in their good condition but somehow Miyuki be able to calm down and answer the exam question while Tsukasa just stare at the paper and write down a few things.

On the other hand, Kagami is regaining her composure while answering the test but still thinking about Konata at the same time. She quickly answer all those question and flip over the question paper. She never want to check her answer just like she usually do. She just want to finish the exam as soon as she could and be alone. She raise her hand and ask for permission to go out form the classroom. The teacher realize she finished the exam and allow her.

"That kid, really care for Izumi-san." Say the teacher and sigh. Kagami walk out from the class and walk straightly to the rooftop. She lay down on the floor, staring at the sky.

"Konata, time really slow without you. I miss you very much." Mumble Kagami. She felt her heart pain and her tears begin to flow out again.

"Why do I feel this hollow? It's like theres something missing. No matter what I do, I just feel that my life is meaningless without her. Could it mean that I had fall for her?" mumble Kagami. At first, she was shock about the truth but soon she began to smile when she think about all those nice and funny memory she had with Konata.

"I guess its not bad falling for her." Say Kagami and then stand up, wiping off her tears and go back to her class , get ready for the next exam.

Finally, the school is over.

"Hiiragi, want to come over the arcade…." Misao haven't even has chance to finish what she say.

"Sorry, but I got more important things to do. Bye, see you tomorrow." Say Kagami and run out from the class.

"She really care for Izumi-san." Say Ayano.

"Whatever, I guess its just you and me now. Let's go." Say Misao and then walk out the classroom with Ayano. Kagami run as fast as she could to meet up with Tsukasa and Miyuki.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Say Kagami, pulling Tsukasa's hand and Miyuki running behind them.

"Onee-chan, we need to wait for father to come fetch us." Sat Tsukasa while Kagami pulling her hand. Kagami stop suddenly and look at Tsukasa, let go of her hand and scratch behind her neck.

"Ya, you are right." Say Kagami, embarrassed by what she done just now. Three of them just w and wait by the school gate. It's not long when Tadao Hiiragi fetch them. So, all of them are at the hospital. Kagami ask one of the nurse at the receptionist and found out Konata's room number. They walk to the room and found out that the rest of the family and Konata's family member are saw Konata laying there,lifelessly, having bandage all over her body.

"Izumi-san, I want to know how it Konata's condition." Ask Kagami in a very timid 's father raise his head and smile, a bitter smile instead.

"She is tough, she trying to stay alive." Say Konata's father but then soon crying. Kagami bow and walk out from the room. She couldn't look at Konata in that way. The annoying, full of life, cute and warm Konata now being lifelessly, unconsciously Konata. She walk out and she accidentally heard a conversation between a nurse and a doctor.

"How is Izumi-san doing?" ask the doctor.

"It's not so good." The nurse answer back.

"We need to do the surgery now, even though the percentage for it to success is on 20%, but if we din do anything, she will be gone by tonight." Say the doctor and ask the nurse to inform Izumi father and prepare for the surgery. Kagami slump down on her knee, suddenly all of her strength slip out from her body.

"How can this be?" mumble Kagami and then run towards Konata room. She go into it and hold Konata's hand.

"Konata, its not true right? The doctor say you are not doing very good, they are lying, right? You have to be alright! I cant live without you!" say Kagami and the doctor come in the room, need to separate Kagami and Konata so that Konata can has her surgery.

"Miss, you must let go. She need to have surgery." One of the nurse try to convince her.

"No! Konata! Come back! Please! I wont tease you anymore! I cant live without you! I love you!" shout Kagami, confessing her love.

"We must hurry. The ECP is dropping vigorously." Say one of the doctor. The nurse ask help from the family and they finally pull apart Kagami and Konata.

"Konata, please, I love you." Say Kagami and then cry as loud as she can.

"I believe Konata can hear you and she will be alright." Konata's father is comforting Kagami.

"Izumi-san." Kagami look at him and then cry in his embrace. Konata's father try to comfort her and no one dare to get near her.

"What she need now is cry as loud as she can. She been surpressing this feeling since yesterday." Say Kagami's mother. The rest look at Kagami and sigh, sympathy that Kagami's love might be unrequited.

"How about you go home and rest? I will text you about the result of the surgery." Say Konata's father. Kagami nodded and get up with Tsukasa's help. She barely has any strength to keep going. She barely know how she got home. All she know is she cry until she fell asleep.

In her dream, she dream of Konata.

"Konata, is that you?" ask Kagami.

"Yes, Kagami. I'm happy that you like me but I'm sorry."

"What do you mean, Konata?"

"I believe its time for me to go. I'm sorry, Kagamin. I love you too." Say Konata and disappear in her dream.

"No! Konata! Don't go!" Kagami sit up abruptly, with sweat all over her body.

"Onee-chan, are you alright?" ask Tsukasa, who preparing to wake Kagami.

"It's a dream. I need to go to the hospital. Help me tell my classmate I'm not going to school."

"But, one-chan, today is holiday." Say Tsukasa/

"Oh, you are right." Say Kagami. She quickly stand up and go wash herself up. She look at the mirror, theres a lavender hair girl with a pair of very very red eyes, and lack of strength. She quickly wash her face and get ready to go to the hospital.

"Honey, you are not having your breakfast?" ask Kagami's mother.

"I'm having my breakfast." Kagami answer and quickly eat her breakfast. Finally, she finish her breakfast.

"I'm going to the hospital. Let's go ,Tsukasa." Say Kagami.

"Wait for me." Tsukasa hurry up and catch up to Kagami. So, two of them walk to the hospital and found Konata's father.

"Izumi-san, hows the surgery?" ask Kagami.

"It's still in the process." Say Konata's father and look up at the light.

"Oh, I see. Then we will just wait with you. Izumi-san, why don't you go eat something? Me and Tsukasa will be here." Say Kagami. Konata's father just nodded and then go get something to eat. After awhile, Konata's father come back and at the same time, the surgery light went off.

"How is it, doctor?" ask Konata's father and Kagami at the same time.

"I'm sorry. We do whatever we could." The doctor bow and apologize.

"W-what?" Kagami slump down again.

"No,No,Konata!" Kagami suddenly stand up and wanting to rush into the surgery room.

"Calm down, Kagami. Calm down." Konata's father trying to calm Kagami down and it did. Tsukasa just crying at there after knowing Konata is no longer be with them.

"Thank you , doctor." Say Konata's father.

"Izumi-san, I'm sorry. If I let her come with me that day, if I stop her for buying that game, if i…."

"Shh, It's not your fault. I understand and I forgive you. I bet Konata is happy now since you confess to her. She been love you for awhile and she keep telling me that. I should say thank you to you. You let Konata has a very happy school life and nice memory." Konata's father hug Kagami.

"Izumi-san. Thank you for forgiving me." Kagami soon cry so do Konata's father. And so, three of them cry and hug each other.

Everyone know about this bad news and also cry. The whole class mourn for her for a period, even her enemy, Misao, cry when she heard Konata is gone. The whole 3rd year student went depressed for a week, and also attend Konata's funeral. At the funeral, all of them cry, except for Kagami. Each of Konata good friend give a speech. First is Miyuki, then Tsukasa, follow by Minami and Yutaka, and also Hiyori and Patricia, then Kagami's family and also Konata's father, and lastly is Kagami.

"I'm Hiiragi Kagami, one of Konata's best friend, and also the one that loves her the most, in a special way. I try not to cry cause I know that Konata wont be happy if she see me crying cause everytime she saw me in depress, she will try to cheer me up. She is really annoying, and crazy about anime, manga,game, and she is very lazy. But, this is the Konata that I know, the Konata that I fall in love with. The cute, warm,gentle Konata, the one and only Konata. And she will always be the Konata that I love." Say Kagami and her speech had make a lot of people cry.

"Eh, what is this?" she wipe off something on her face and realize is tears.

"Sorry,Konata. I try not to cry, but it seems is impossible." Kagami soon cry silently, letting the tear drop freely. So, everything is over. Kagami walk over to Konata's father.

"Izumi-san, I'm sorry."

"No, I should say thank you. Thanks." Konata's father hug Kagami tightly and then they bid their farewell. It's been a week since the incident and two days after the funeral, Kagami still depressed. One day, she walk to school alone and early in the morning. This is her way of hiding from people. She know they all care about her and want her to move on but she just cant, Konata is important for her, very important, and she just want to be alone. She walk towards her class, and she heard some voice in her class.

"Damn it! Why this have to happen to me?"

Kagami walk quickly but silently to her class and found out there's a blue hair boy with a jade green eye in the class.

"What the?" Kagami gasped.

A/N: Cliffhanger! I just like cliffhanger. You got to admit its quite fun. I hope my first fan fiction about Lucky star is good. I think Konata and Kagami make a good couple but if they are yuri, Kagami's parents might not be able to accept, so I make it a gender bender. Actually I got this idea from on fic that I read from K-on! . Anyway,please R&R, and don't critic, I appreciate great idea to help me improve but please don't scold me..*look at the reader with puppy eyes*. That's all. See you next time!