It had been a month since their last concert. Alvin, Simon and Theodore were happy for their break but eager to get back to performing.

"I miss the sounds of my adoring fans screaming for me!"

"You mean us, Alvin. It's Alvin and the chipmunks, not just Alvin."

"Yes, but I'm the star! I'm the big guy."

"No, I am the big guy, Alvin. You're the silly guy." Theodore laughed.

"Well, maybe you are right. You are pretty big. Now why don't you take your big butt into the kitchen and get a snack?"


Simon looked over at his brother and smiled. He could feel his heartbeat start to increase. He removed his glasses and leaned in close to Alvin.

"Hey guys! I found the cookies! You want some?" Theodore asked.

As Simon was about to respond, Alvin placed his lips onto Simon. Theodore walked back in holding three cookies, only to drop them when he saw his brothers. He smiled clapped lightly, happy that they were getting along.

"Aww… you guys look so cute!"

Alvin quickly pulled himself away and stared at Theodore, laughing nervously.

"Uhh… hi. This isn't what it looks like."

"So you were not making out with Simon?"

"Okay, so it's exactly what it looks like. Promise not to tell the others?"

"Of course! I won't say a thing, Alvin. You two go ahead and get busy. I'll just watch tv."

Simon jumped from the couch and walked toward Theodore. Theodore giggled as he placed an arm around his brother and held him close. Simon looked back at Alvin, who nodded his head.

"You ready, Theodore?"

"Ready? For what?"

"For this…"

Without warning, Simon dipped his brother down toward the ground and started kissing him. Theodore's eyes grew wide in surprise. As Simon slipped his tongue inside, Theodore gasped.

"Wow… my brother is amazing!" Theo thought to himself.

As Simon pulled himself away, Theodore hugged him.

"That was incredible. I see why Alvin loves you so much. You are one hell of a kisser, Simon."

"Why thank you. Alvin, I think you and I have an appointment in the shower in a few minutes. I'm feeling a little dirty."

"Well, you are a dirty boy, Si. I think I'll join you. Theo, make sure you let us know if Dave and the girls show up."

"They're not due home for hours, guys. Plenty of time for you to get busy."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Simon walked into the bathroom and started the shower. After undressing he turned around to see Alvin was completely naked as well. He let Alvin jump inside first, before closing the curtain behind him. Wasting no time, Alvin grabbed hold of his brother and placed his lips onto his neck.

"Uh.. you missed. My lips are up here, Alvin."

"I'm getting there, Simon."

Alvin crept up Simon's neck until their lips connected. Alvin smacked Simon lightly on the butt while Simon held him tight. He then slipped his hand from Alvin's back and dropped it onto his penis, getting a small gasp from him.

"Oohh... anxious, are we? Same some of that spunk for the bedroom, mister. Now just shut up and kiss me."

Simon placed his hand back onto Alvin's shoulder and resumed making out. They could hear the bathroom door open but paid no attention.

"Guys, you okay?"

"We're fine, Theodore. You can go now."

"Alvin! That's not nice. How about he joins us for a little bit of fun?"
