Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly

Go Av Go Av,

Avians Roar!

Walter Jones as Zack

Charge Up The Gear,

Ready To Go!

Audri Dubois-Marchianno as Trini(I would credit Thuy Trang as Trini, but since her death I choose to use the only other actress who's played Trini)

Go Av Go Av,

Avians Roar!

Jason David Frank as Tommy

Universe Never Fear,

We're Here!

Austin St. John as Jason

Ready To Win, Hooray!

Johnny Yong Bosch as Adam

Go Av Go Av,

Avians Roar!

Tracy Lynn Cruz as Ashley

Enemies Beware,

Rangers Are Here Today!

Patricia Ja Lee as Cassie

And There's Nothing You Can Do!

Amy Kawai as Celeste Of Eltar(Appearance)/Wendee Lee as Celeste Of Eltar(Voice)

Go Av Go Av,

Avians Roar!

Robert Axelrod as Franklin Of Edenoi(Voice)

David Yost as Billy(Voice)

Unforgettable Team, Chapter 14

_Angel Grove Park_

"Let's try this," said the monster as he conjured a whirlpool between what it had as hands, he let it loose on the Rangers just before they were hit he hardened the water into a crystal-like substance flattening them.

^Avian team, I've been working on an upgrade and I think it's time you used it.^ Billy's voice came through all the Rangers communicators.

They nodded to each other, "ORION FORM, POWER UP!" nothing happened however.

"Why didn't anything happen?" Ashley asked.

"Sssomething the matter Rangersss? Am I too powerful for you?" Mermantis taunted.

"Not at all!" Tommy shouted as he unleashed a shower of stars on the aquatic monster.

"Billy, that upgrade needs some work." Zack said.

^I'll have Franklin work on it.^ Billy answered.

"Right." Trini said, standing up.

"Vine Restraints!" Cassie called as she used her power to hold the monster in place, "Ley, now!"

"Sonic Twister!" Ashley shouted as she unleashed a sonic tornado on the monster.

A moment after Ashley's attack hit the monster Celeste's Scorpion Stinger slammed into him destroying him, "Thought you guys could use a hand." Celeste said as she arrived.

"Perfect timing, I couldn't have held it much longer." Cassie panted.

"No rest for now," Tommy said as both monsters were grown up, "Celeste, think you can handle Kim's zord?"

"No, but I've got something I can use," Celeste replied, "Franklin, send my zords!"

^Right away, Celeste.^ Franklin replied.

"We're heading back to base." Yellow Avian Ranger stated.

"Orionzords Rise!" shouted Red Orion Ranger.

"Orion Megazord, Aero Formation!" Gold Orion Ranger bellowed.

The Eaglezord folded itself down to become the wings of the Orion Megazord Aero Formation, the Stegosauruszord folded itself in half to become the upper body and arms of the Orion Megazord Aero Formation, the Styracosauruszord folded itself in half to become the legs of the Orion Megazord Aero Formation. The Allosauruszord folded itself down to become the feet of the Orion Megazord Aero Formation, the Ankylosauruszord opened it's chest and every other limb on it's body entered, then the chest close and it transformed into the head of the Orion Megazord Aero Formation, and the Seadragonzord split in half to become the shoulder cannons of the Orion Megazord Aero Formation.

A pink and gold scorpion appeared on the screen, followed by a silver and gold flying monkey, and a blue and gold wolf.

"Ninjettie Megazord, Eltar Formation!" Celeste shouted and the zords combined.

The Wolfzord's front legs attached to its back legs forming the Ninjettie Megazord Eltar Formation's robot legs while the rest of the Wolfzord became the lower torso of the Ninjettie Megazord Eltar Formation. The Flying Monkeyzord flew to position on top of the Wolfzord transforming into the upper torso, arms, and wings of the Ninjettie Megazord Eltar Formation. Finally the Scorpionzord climbed on top forming the head and weapon of the Ninjettie Megazord Eltar Formation.

"Now let's take these guys down." Tommy ordered, "Surround the staff with fire and strike Mermantis!"

"On it!" Adam said as he pressed a series of commands on his console to ignite the staff and attack.

"Scorpion Stinger Boomerang Attack!" Celeste cried as she made her Megazord attack Rhinocorn.

Mermantis saw the attack coming and dove into Angel Grove Lake to avoid the attack, then summoned a tidal wave that soaked the Orion Megazord.

"This isn't over," Rhinocorn said as he charged up his horn, "Thunderbolt!"

"Ninjettie Megazord Earth Blast!" Celeste shouted as she pressed a series of buttons on her console. The chest of the zord opened up and charged for a few minutes before it shot a blast of pure earthen energy towards Rhinocorn which negated his electrical attack.

"Earthquake!" Cassie called as she made the Megazord stomp the ground sending a fissure towards the lake and the submerged Mermantis.

"Change Up!" yelled Jason as he turned the Megazord's attention towards Rhinocorn.

"Scorpion Stinger Laser Attack!" the Pink Warrior shouted as she threw her weapon towards Mermantis.

"Searing Light Attack!" Rocky cried as he made the Megazord blast Rhinocorn from it's eyes.

"Five Star Beam!" Tommy yelled as he made the Megazord strike Rhinocorn with a beam of five-point stars, which was the last straw as Rhinocorn stumbled back before crying out in pain and exploding.

Mermantis jumped out of the water and used the staff he had formed while under water to hit the Orion Megazord hard.

"Scorpion Stinger Final Slash!" Celeste hollered as she made her Megazord attack and destroy Mermantis with an energy slash.


As the group watched their monsters get destroyed, "LADY MATRIX!" Thrax yelled.

"You called, my Leige?" she said as she appeared.

"Have you finished the device yet? I want that plan of Katherine's put into motion right now!" Thrax shouted.

"I just finished it, your magic is all that is needed for it to be completed." Lady Matrix replied.

"Finally," Thrax said as he aimed his staff at the necklace device. The magic made it glow softly before going back to it's normal color, "give this to Katherine at once!"

"Yes, my Leige!" Lady Matrix said as she disappeared.

_Lair, Dungeon_

Katherine Elizabeth Hillard was standing in front of the cage she had her prisoner in, "Little miss Kimberly, what is it about you that makes Tommy so sure you're the one?" Katherine wondered.

Lady Matrix appeared, "Lady Katherine, the device is ready and Lord Thrax insists that you put your plan into motion immediatley." she told her.

"Right on schedule." Katherine said as she took the device and slipped it on her neck. Then she used it to transform into Kimberly before disappearing.

To Be Continued...

A/N: I have decided to add the cast, at least the Rangers to the beginning of this chapter. Here is the list of other actors to appear in guest or special guest roles as well as the villains.

David Bacon as Aurico

Selwyn Ward as T.J.

Christopher Khayman Lee as Andros

Patrick David as Johnny

Danny Slavin as Leo

Sean CW Johnson as Carter

Jason Faunt as Wes

Daniel Southworth as Eric

Rick Medina as Cole

Richard Stephen Horvitz as Alpha 5(Voice)

Justin Nimmo as Zhane(dating Cassie.)

Mauricio Mendoza as Richie(dating Trini.)

Renee Griggs as Angela(dating Zack)

Karan Ashley as Aisha

Chris O'Donnell as Kaiden

Richard Genelle as Ernie(I know he's dead, but there weren't any other actors who played him so I'm using him anyways.)

Catherine Sutherland as Katherine

Glen Levy as Thrax

Melora Harte as Lady Matrix

Douglas Sloan as Prince Gasket

James Gaylyn as Zeltrax

Archie Kao as General Venjix

Walter Jones as Gerrock

Reggie Rolle as Steelon(don't know who really voiced Steelon so I'm choosing to use a former Ranger actor)

Keith Robinson as Automon(same as with Steelon, though I mgiht've created automon or steelon, just not sure but I think I added in one General for the Machine Empire to make it even.)

Catherine Sutherland as Tezzla