Prompt: Lesson

Characters: Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter

"All I can say is I hope that you boys have learned your lesson, sneaking around the grounds! You two are lucky that your father and I are not there! Scorpius, watch that arm and Albus USE YOUR HEAD," mom's voice boomed throughout the Great Hall.

Albus gulped and gave an apologetic look to his best friend, Scorpius. The message was not over, and the voice changed to my father. "Son, don't worry your mother to death and follow the rules…although we all know I never did," dad says with a laugh.

My mother in the background scorns my father, "Harry! He broke the rules!"

"TELL AL I SAID HI," Lily screams in the background. I groan at the dysfunction of my family and the fact that everyone has heard this.

Dad sighs and I look around the hall, where everyone has stopped eating and intently listening to my father. "Just be the good boy we know you are, we love you," dad finishes and the message bursts up in flame.

James then walks past me and flicks me on the back of the head. "Better you than me," my older brother laughs as she runs to find a spot next to Fred.