"But mom, why do we have to move to Scotland of all places?" I whined as I helped pack in boxes from the car.

"Because, Arianna, change is good for the soul and this air is good for the lungs," my step-dad Bob replied taking the box from me.

"Whatever. Where's Tony?" I asked looking around.

"Right here, darling," Tony said from behind her in a very bad impression of a vampire voice.

"Shit, Tony, you scared me half to death," I said fanning my face.

"Language, Arianna, please," my mother shouted from inside the house.

"What happens if I scare you like that again? Will you become a vampire?" he asked taking my hand in his smaller one.

I guess I should explain some things before I go on. My name is Arianna Thompson and Tony is my little half brother. My mom divorced my dad when I was really little and then she met Bob. They had Tony and my little family was formed. The reason I don't call Bob dad is out of respect. My real father passed last year and I felt weird calling Bob dad.

My little brother has this insane obsession with vampires. I don't really understand it but, hey, it's not me who's obsessed with them, right? I guess I'm not your average teenage girl. I really dislike Twilight. I mean it's rather sad. This human girl has to give her whole life, very sad, in my opinion at least. Back to me, I have long auburn hair and am stuck at the height of 5 foot nothing. I have huge green eyes and straight teeth from years and years of braces. I'm a dancer so I guess I have a fit body. I'm very uncoordinated if I'm not on the dance floor.

"C'mon, Ana. Let's go pick out rooms," Tony said tugging on my hand.

"Alrighty let's go, baby doll," I said ruffling his little spikes.

"Urghhh, don't call me that. It makes me sound like a little girl, which I'm obviously not," he said, gesturing down his body.

"Alright, boy," I laughed, "Is that better?"

"Very," he said as we walked up the steps.

I walked to the very end of the hallway and threw open a door. When I looked inside I gasped. It was huge. It had a balcony and a fireplace. The walls were a deep crimson color. I walked inside and opened the closet door. I almost pissed my pants, it was a walk-in.

"TONY! I FOUND MY ROOM!" I screamed down the hall.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING? I'M RIGHT HERE!" Tony yelled from right outside my door.

"Oh, sorry. I want this room," I said. "Where's your room?"

"Across the hall from yours. It's smaller than this one though. But it has a bigger fireplace. I like it," he smiled.

"That's good. I'm glad your room is close to mine. Where's mom and Bob's room?" I asked.

"It's at the end of the hall on the other side. You know it's okay to call Bob dad right?" my mom said as she brought the last box of my stuff into my room.

"Yeah, I have to warm up to it, though. Give me time to adjust to not having a biological father anymore," I said unpacking my boxes.

"Alright," she said and kissed my head and left me to unpack.

So that's chapter 1. Review?