OK, this is just a thing that was hanging around in my head for a while. It isn't really timeline or book/movie specific, so don't worry about anything like that. It'll probably be about 4 or 5 chapters long, not really sure yet :s
Disclaimer: I don't own these fantastic characters or this amazing school ... yet. Watch out JK. I'll find youu!
The whispers and mutterings from their classmates swelled around them, making the narrow, damp, downwards-sloping corridor seem even more claustrophobic. Hermione, Ron and Harry were squashed together and, almost hidden by the deep shadows between the (infrequent) torches, Hermione was gripping Ron's hand.
It was the first lesson of the first term of their fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, as a special treat, Professor Trelawny had brought her class down to the deepest dungeon in order to ' commune with the raw energies of the earth in their purest form ' or something.
"Hermione ... what is it? ... what's wrong?." Ron mumbled awkwardly. He wasn't sure what had brought on her clingy-ness, but something was obviously bothering her and he desperately wanted to be the one to provide the support she needed. He was quite a romantic at heart, he felt the need to protect his (hopefully more than) friend, but she was so strong and brave normally that he was often left feeling stupid. The truth was, he was in awe of her, but knew she could do so much better than him and so far, he had been content to be in her life as just a friend. But maybe that was about to change.
"Oh!" Hermione exclaimed, startled and suddenly very aware of what she was doing. " Umm...I'm sorry Ron..." she said, trying to extricate her hand from his, but he only held on tighter.
"No. Don't be." Ron said, coming to a halt. They were at the back of the class, and after reassuring Harry that they would be right there, Ron took Hermione's other hand from where it had been covering her spectacular blush and looked directly into her eyes.
"Don't hide from me. What's bothering you?"
"Well..." she began, chewing her lip, "I ... okay Ron, I've ever told anyone this but ... oh Merlin I feel so stupid ..."
"Hey, welcome to my world" Ron joked, trying to break the tension rolling of Hermione in waves.
She smiled weakly up at Ron. "Don't say that Ron, you're brilliant, you just don't try."
"I try!" Ron retorted indignantly "I do, it's you never see me cause you're too busy studying"
At that, Hermione had to laugh, it was the way he said 'studying', like it was a bad word.
Then she found she couldn't stop.
It wasn't long before Ron joined her, and after a few minutes they were leaning against each other for support, gasping for breath.
"So what was it then ?" Ron eventually managed to say.
"What?" answered Hermione, still delirious from the laughter.
"What was it that was bothering you? Please, you can tell me."
She just shook her head, instantly sober, "You'll just laugh."
"I won't. I promise I won't laugh. Really. You can trust me."
"Well ... I'm afraid of the dark." Hermione whispered, hiding behind her hands again.
"What was that?" asked Ron in his least patronising voice.
"Imafraidofthedark." She rushed out in one breath, still avoiding Ron's gaze.
"One more time please." He thought he had heard her, but needed to confirm it.
"I'M AFRAID OF THE DARK OK!" She yelled, throwing her hands away from her face and showing Ron the angry and embarrassed tears they had been hiding.
"Alright, alright." Ron said defensively, alarmed by her sudden mood shift. "I was just trying to ..."
And with that, she turned on her heel and ran away from Ron, her sobs echoing behind her.
This is not the end! There's more plot to come!
OK, plleeeaaseee plleeaaasseee let me know what you think, reviews are like unicorn blood ( but less icky ) to me!
Virtual hugs,
Harlequin x