Okay. So a start of a new story!

I know you might all be slightly overwhelmed by how many stories there are of things going on between season 6-7... but I hope you like this.

I've been reading a couple of them myself and haven't really found one that I've totally been into. So I've decided to write my own. It follows right after the end of the season finale. I am a firm believer that a baby B&B doesn't mean the show is jumping the shark (as long as they handle it well... which I have faith they will) I see it as opening up a whole new line of possibility.

We have two very very very different people here. It took them a long time to learn to work together. A baby is going to totally reset all of that. They're going to have to relearn to work together. There will be ANGST! FLUFF! SADNESS! HAPPINESS! All sorts of things. A baby doesn't make them suddenly have their happily ever after- its going to be their biggest challenge yet.

SO PLEASE stick around for this. I hope to make it good.

And for those of you who've been reading my other story "Change in the Heart" they last chapter will be posted soon. I'm just giving you a taste of the next story.

oh... and I don't own Bones.

She laid down naked in front of him on the bed they'd both come to share. She hadn't even been out of the shower for thirty seconds when he led her to the bed and unwrapped her of the towel. She thought she knew what he wanted; the usual thing he wanted at this time of night. Instead he laid himself down next to her with his head only coming up to her stomach. He placed one careful and hesitant hand on her lower abdomen and began gently running soft circles over her. Her stomach reflexed back... it tickled.

"Booth..." she looked down at him. "What are you doing?"

"Shh..." his concentration never broke. "I'm saying hi to our baby."

"You know the fetus is only a couple millimeters in diameter right now. If that even..." She had to laugh at this. It was completely ridiculous.

"I don't care," he shot a look back at her before continuing his light movements. "And it's not a fetus, Bones. It's a baby. Our baby..." His eyes lit up again.

This whole day had been a complete whirlwind for the both of them. Lives forever changed and now eternally bonded. It was frightening and exhilarating at the same time.

Temperance Brennan had woken up in a panic that morning while she was strung lazily over her partners chest. For the last three weeks, they had been quietly sleeping together and redefining their relationship. Maybe their first night together hadn't been what either of them would have expected. It certainly hadn't been the romantic or sexy exposition they'd always dreamed about- but somewhere in those darkest moments before dawn- love had been made. And in the day that followed, a relationship had been formed. No more lonely nights. No more anger. No more impervious.

But this morning... there certainly was panic.

Brennan pulled herself from his arms as discreetly as she possibly could and headed for the bathroom. She was doing the best she could not to wake him or be caught... although it occurred to her he would never expect what she was up too. Going to the bathroom in the morning was perfectly normal; it couldn't possibly make him suspicious.

But her reaction might have made him a little suspicious. She was still late. Three days now. Her breathing suddenly became rapid and her eyes widen as reality sunk in. There was an undeniable chance that she was pregnant.

Most of the day had past for her in this complete uncertainty and for the first time since her and Booth had finally got together, she felt very alone. She tried to remind herself not to jump to conclusions but it was as if her body was already telling her. When they arrived at the hospital for Angela pending labor, she had found a moment to sneak off and buy a pregnancy test at the hospital store. In the bathroom of the delivery ward, she received her answer. In eight months she would be back here. She was pregnant.

Her whole body suddenly felt numb. She felt like she needed to cry but was completely unable too. Knowing should have settled her mind some, but it only made her feel more confused. Was this a good thing? Was this something she wanted? Was this something Booth wanted?

Luckily it hadn't taken long for her to get her answer. His goofy grin gave all.

Her mind snapped back to the current position she was in. Naked in bed. Her wet hair soaking through the pillow case. A gorgeous man planting kisses on her lower stomach.

"You're very happy about this," she observed.

He scooted his body up to her, "I'm very happy about this. Very very happy."

This exclamation of joy was lost on her, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?" He took her into his arms; there wasn't a thing he could think of that she should be sorry for.

"That I wasn't on birth control that night..." the guilt of this had been weighing heavily on her.

"Bones, it's okay. It doesn't matter. Okay?" He kissed her, "Its okay."

"Even though you seem pleased with the result- I should have disclosed that information to you. It was completely wrong and irresponsible of me not too," she would punish herself if he didn't.

"Bones, you don't need to apologize for this. I shouldn't have up it all on you. I share in this too. Its not your fault," he gave her his reassuring smile although he could see she was still lost in a storm of her own doubts.

She shook her head from him. "But I knew, Booth. I knew the moment we started there was no form of contraception..."

"Hey. Look at me," He held both sides of her face to meet his eyes. "You mean the world to me."

"I know," she said steamrolling over his declaration. "I just... I wasn't sure if you would even still be live the next day. We both could have been dead. I guess... I wanted the full experience of being with you. It was extremely reckless of me..."

He turned her over and pressed her back against his chest. A hand snaked its way down and rested on her stomach. "I'm scared too, Bones. I know we didn't plan for this and we're still trying to figure out what we are... but this baby is a blessing." He leaned down and kissed her neck; she giggled. "You're going to be an amazing mom."

She took a deep breath but her mind was put at ease. "I don't want to tell anyone just yet."

"Okay," he nodded in agreement, though he was ready to shout it from the roof tops. "Can I request something, Bones?"

She looked back at him, "What?"

"I never got to be around when Rebecca was pregnant with Parker... I really don't want to miss out again..."

"Booth," She was surprised by this. "I know that I have, in the past, expressed interest of having a child by you but without your presence... I don't view our current situation as the same as our previous. I would very much like it if you were involved in my pregnancy."

"Well... you say this now..."

She looked at him rather offended, "Why are you doubting me?"

"I just..." How did he say this without upsetting her. "You are a very independent woman. So just try to remember that, even though you can do things on your own, I would like to be there. Like doctors appointments. I'd like to go to all of those with you."

She nodded her head in recognition, "I will try to be accommodating of your request."

He gave her a nice deep kiss, "That's all I ask."

They settled in for there first night together as parents. Content that all was at peace. No idea what was awaiting.

So this is sort of a little teaser. Setting up where they are emotionally and where they are in their relationship.

Plot turns and spins to follow.

And thank you to all who are here because you've enjoyed my other stories. YOU KICK ASS!

Now review this one:D