"And I said--"

"No way!"

"Class... silence!"

Everyone quit their chatting and turned to listen to the elder teacher. Mrs. Akino, a woman in her early forties, smiled meekly in return. She was still getting used to being in a school full of girls only. Like all schools, though, it had the popular kids (Kiyo Mino, Jami Jun, and Rei Umi), the 'nerds' (Miko Jan, Naomi Matsudera, Ustu Kikoi, Bunni Tenrio, Usagi Yue, Meiling Chun, and Hikaru Yume), the followers (Hitomi Maki, Janet Harrison, and Bev Karter), and a lone, stone-cold, I'll-kick-your-butt-if-you-even-look-at-me-wrong chick (Rika Nonaka).

"We have a new student," she announced. While wondering what group this young child would be categorized under, she ushered her in. The child was rather cute....

A girl, age ten, toddled in. A faint blush of embarrassment grew on her face as her almond eyes fell to the floor. Her hair was neat-- folded into a bun behind her head. Her uniform looked... brand new, freshly pressed and as if a rich family had ordered it. Still... her face showed no real signs of makeup, and she tugged on her skirt self-consciously. She couldn't have been rich.

What. A. Fake.

Giggles and whispers entered the air; rumors were already being made. Kiyo bent over to Bev to tell her something in hopes for it to spread. Bev was, and always had been, into gossip... and wasn't very good at keeping secrets, either. Whatever Kiyo told her would have spread like wildfire by lunch.

Mrs. Akino turned from the board. It read "Teko Matsu." She said, "Please, class, be nice to Teko." Looking down at the girl, she pointed to the seat behind a certain fiery redhead. "Sit right back there-- behind Rika."

Gulping, Teko walked down the isle. Her eyes darted to each girl in her seat... as if studying them. She paused slightly in front Rika's desk. With a somewhat squeaky voice, she muttered, "N-nice to meet you...."

Rika snorted. It was just a waste of time trying to talk to her. With a harsh "humph," the 'hot head,' as many in her school called her, turned her attention to the window. Why bother-- she didn't give anyone the chance. And besides... it wasn't like anyone wanted to get to know her, anyway.

At least... that was what she thought.

School Day Blues

Part One: I Hate My Life....

"O-Okay... tell me again why I'm doing this?" inquired a young Takato Matsuki as he held up an article of clothing. Well... to be more precise, a skirt. He shivered. Good Lord... how he wanted to die right there!

Henry chuckled evilly as Kazu and Kenta pulled out some more... interesting items. "You are the one who said, and I quote, 'It would be nice to get to know her better!'" the blue-haired boy insisted with a grin. "What better way to get to know her?" Oh yeah... AND embarrass yourself in front of quite a lot of people....

Kenta dropped his 'weapons' and polished his glasses. Gotta be able to see, ya know! And Takato's face was priceless! A real Kodak moment, really!

Kazu groaned. Why was he being such a... a baby! It wasn't that hard-- not at all! It wasn't like she was a teenager... you know, the ones that are more.... Kazu coughed and shook his head. Now was not the time to think of... things like that! "Really, now, Chumly!" he whined. "What have you got to lose?"


The three boys stopped, paused and thought. He had a good point. A man's pride was something that should not be tarnished. Still... was that a good enough excuse? Would it make them quit in their efforts?

Not on his life. They advanced towards poor Takato.

Oh, dear Lord.... They had lip gloss! And... was that...?"Guys... guys-- can't we negotiate? Talk? Do SOMETHING?!" Realizing that his plea had fallen onto deaf ears, Takato immediately dived beneath them. Hah! They had to catch him first! That meant that if he were able to get to the door....

He didn't get any further-- Henry, Kazu and Kenta made sure of that. It was almost as if they had planned it out ahead of time. Well... either that, or... they were pretty observant.... "Guess what, Chumly!" Kazu crowed as they plopped down on top of the fleeing boy. Oh yeah! Dog pile! "We figured you'd try a stunt like this!"

"GET OFFA ME!" God-- all he wanted to do was to go home and sleep, then go to his OWN school! Not this... anything but this.... Please... someone had to help him.... Besides... they were really heavy..... "You guys... weigh a ton...," he rasped through the shaggy bits of rug that had somehow made their way to his mouth.

Henry sighed. Time to do this... the hard way. "Guys... get up. From what I see, Takato doesn't really want to do this." Why is that...? Well... there's a certain reason-- something besides the whole 'pride' thing.

"Darn right!"

Man... what would he have done if he were in Takato's shoes...? Probably... the same thing. Kenta mumbled: "Sorry... guess we just sorta... got carried away." With a groan, he helped Takato to his feet. Gee... now he felt... bad. Like he was gonna pay for torturing a friend of his.... He just didn't know when.

It was time to initiate his... little plan. "You...," Henry whispered with a wink to Kazu, "must not care for Rika much, eh?" Now THIS ought to get him going.... And if it didn't, there were other ways....

Ohh! He understood! Kazu held in a laugh and said, "Yeah! You must really hate her!" But really-- what's the true difference between love and hate? Not that he never felt either... 'course he had! It was just that he couldn't tell them apart at times!

He... didn't get it. Why were they poking and teasing Takato about hating Rika? If he hated her, then why would they...? Kenta, feeling the need to agree, just nodded stupidly. Better to go along than to ask questions.

"I... I don't.... It's just-- uh-- that I...." Why wouldn't they leave him alone?! He liked her-- so what? It wasn't like she wanted to like him, or anything! And with them saying stuff like that.... Ooh... was he turning red! He hated it when they embarrassed him like that! "Just shut up, okay?!"

"Ooohhh! Touch-ie!"

Time to ask him... but only if he was willing. If he still didn't want to, that wasn't a problem; someone else could do it! Just... as long as it wasn't him. Besides, he was the one to come up with the idea! Why should he do it?! Henry strode up to his friend and grinned. "Are you ready to go where no boy has ever gone before?"

Was he...? Did he really want to go along with that stupid idea... just to learn about the girl of his dreams...? Wait-- no... she was more than that. She was someone he cared about.... Still... wearing a dress? In public? And what about the wig? What if the stupid thing fell off or something?!

"Don't overdo it... as in no 'Mrs. Doubtfire,' understand?" Takato demanded. Another picture popped into his head. Oops! Can't forget about that one! "No 'Big Mama,' either!"

"Hey-- you can trust us!" Kenta cracked. Just the thought of Takato dressed as 'Big Mama' made his insides want to burst. Good Lord! That would be hilarious! Then again... when Henry gave him that look.... Kenta felt a shiver crawl up his spine, and he hushed his mouth.

Right... that was what he was afraid of.... Bye, bye pride... come back and visit. Adios dignity... don't stray too far....

And what Takato was about to learn was... well, there's a LOT more to being a girl than looking like one....


"Dude-- I mean it! If I didn't know you were a guy, I'd ask you out!"

Takato eyed his friend through the bangs of a brown wig. Luckily for him, it stuck tight to his head. But... why were they making such a big deal out of... his hair style?! All three boys sat around him with combs... hair spray... scrunchies... you get the picture. Let's just say that it was not a fun experience for a boy of his age.... I mean-- he barely knew anything about girls as it was!

"Are you sure...?" Kenta asked unsurely. Was... was that how it was supposed to look?

Henry glared at Kenta. As if he didn't know what he was doing! He had an older sister! Heck-- that was where he got most of those things! "Yes, I'm sure!" Geeze!

"And now," Kazu exclaimed, "for the make-up!" Oh, yeah! He couldn't wait to see Takato wearing lipstick and eyeshadow and all that other crap girls slopped on their faces! Sure, it looked good on the girls, but as for Takato....

"No! This is where I draw the line!" screamed Takato. Enough was enough! They could make him wear a skirt and a wig, and they could force him to go (in disguise) to an all-girl school.... But they could never, never, NEVER make him put on make-up! "NO!"

Too bad... or, at least that was Kazu and Kenta's reasoning. Just as they prepared to tackle him, Henry sighed. He understood his friend on that part. "Guys-- stop. He doesn't have to wear the make-up...."


"Aww... man!"


Slightly embarrassed by their reactions, Henry laughed. How did he become friends with these people...? Ooh... yeah. He forgot. Digimon.... He said, "Besides, these girls aren't that old! Do many girls at our school use it?"

Kazu closed his eyes and thought for a moment. There were some... but he kept his mouth shut. Takato should be able to stay a little prideful.... Oh well. So much for his 'fun.' Darnit... and he could've turned into a full-fledged copy of that "Boy Meets World" episode... 'cept that he wouldn't try to dress up as one... Kenta or Henry could. Yeah....

After Kenta shook his head, they all turned to the mirror. Their creation was... done! And the strange part about it was... Takato didn't look half bad! A little scared, but that was besides the point. Oh yeah... really bad mimic from "Boy Meets World."

"Remind me... to kill you guys sometime," spat the now girl-looking Takato. Right now they could live, but when the time came... he'd get them.

Well, now! That wasn't very ladylike! "Ah, ah, ah! The female species is much more proper!" After receiving a scowl, Henry went on: "They also have lighter, softer voices... Teko."

What. Was. That? Did he hear right? "Oh, God... Henry? Is that my name?" Why didn't some lightening just suddenly strike the school or the house or something? Was it really worth it? Suddenly... he had a thought. What if Rika found out...? What would she do to him then? Oh my.... She'd SLAUGHTER him!

"Teko Matsu-- yup, that's your name, Chumly!"

Dear Lord... save him now. Don't wait and let him feel the foolishness and humility! "I," he muttered, "am REALLY gonna kill you guys...."

"My, my! What a nasty young lady!" mocked Kazu as he snatched up a folding pack. "Here's your backpack... thing." What the heck was that? It looked like a briefcase! Weren't backpacks soft and... bigger? Gee... the stuff people put up with.

Pushing Takato out the door (with various pleas shot out at them) they watched as he made his way to the school. His walk was a little off, but he would learn.... "Have fun, Teko!" they all howled, chuckling as he spun around and shook a fist. Like that scared them!

Kazu pulled out a hanky and wept loudly... making it sound REALLY fake. "They... g-grow up SO fast...," he joked, suddenly falling over and laughing . It was funny for goodness sakes!

As the others joined in, a chiming could be heard. They froze. No. Way. Was that...?



Takato (as Teko) glanced out of the school's window. Man... girls got nice stuff.... Why didn't regular schools get the same perks? That sucked.

Mrs. Akino droned on for a while about the history of Japan; most of the class was actually listening! Takato was surprised. Half of his school didn't even know how to add two plus two! Even the smart people couldn't be compared to the ones at schools like these! Geeze... he just wanted to take a nap.... No! If no one else was, then he couldn't! He had to learn how all those girls acted in order to fit in!


"Alright, class. That's enough of that for today!" Setting the book down, Mrs. Akino pulled out a gym bag and started to the door. Now... the fun began. "Time for gym!"

Time stood still. Gym...? Did she say...? Oh, dear Lord... have mercy. If he had to participate, then that meant....

He had to wear girly shorts.

Right then, lightening would've done wonders.


A/N: Mwahahaha! I've always wanted to do something like this! The sad thing is... well, I am not that good when it comes to comedy, so bear with me. I hope to get at least a FEW reviews before I even attempt part two! And if I don't, well... I'll still write it. It doesn't matter to me. The only problems I'm having right now are: 1- What is Rika's school's name again??? 2- Should I keep the Digimon in this? I must say, try picturing 'Teko' and some friends walking around the park when all of a sudden-- "TAKATOMON!" Heh... that'd be funny. Anyway, I hope you like it! Ja ne, mina-chan!-Angel-Chan