Several weeks later John and Sherlock sat curled on the couch. Sherlock's cold feet were tucked up under John's legs as they sat together eating take-away Chinese. "You don't need to shovel the food into your mouth, there are much more gracefully ways to eat your rice." The last few grains of rice that John had managed to balance on his chop-sticks toppled back into the take-out container. With an over-dramatic flare John stuck his chop-sticks into his take-out container. "We're not all as polished as you." He reminded his ever socially oblivious partner.

"You're silly," Sherlock slung his arm over John's shoulders, "but I love you."

John moved in closer, "I love you too, Sherlock, I love you too."

A/N: And so we come to the end of our short time together. How I have loved you all so much. I'm sorry that this ending is so short, but I felt that this was the thing to do. I've loved the reviews, likes, and anything else that I may be forgetting. I hope that you have a wonderful time, best wishes!