A knock at the door pulled Fran from his thoughts. He stood from the couch and walked over to the door, pulling it open and slamming it closed as soon as he saw who it was.

Unfortunately, Verde was faster and managed to stick his foot in the house.

"I don't want to talk to you," Fran growled as he continued to push at the door. "I'm not ready yet."

"And when will you be ready, Fran?" Verde questioned as he pushed the door open, catching his nephew as he stumbled.

"Never," Fran deadpanned, looking up at his uncle.

"Fran, please," Mammon pleaded. "Just let us explain."

"You can't talk to me about this," Fran said, shaking his head. "If anything you should be talking to Bel about what you two have been doing behind his back. I don't want to hear it."

"Are you sure?" Verde asked, placing a hand on Fran's shoulder.

"It's none of my business…" Fran muttered, shrugging Verde's hand off.

Mammon sighed and lowered his head, "Fine, I…we'll talk to Bel. I'm really sorry, Fran."

"I trusted you…the two of you," Fran mumbled, his head down, "you two are my family, the only blood relatives I have. I trusted you."

"Fran…" Verde and Mammon began simultaneously before getting off.

"Out. Get out."

The two silently nodded before leaving, giving their nephew one last apologetic look before closing the door.

Fran sighed and grabbed his head tightly. I don't need this, there's already enough wrong with me. I don't need this.

A few minutes after Mammon and Verde had left, Spanner walked in, an upset look on his face as he walked passed the living room and into the kitchen.

Fran followed after him, curious about the look his friend had on his face.

"What's up?" Fran asked as he took a seta at the island where Spanner had set the back of groceries he had brought in with him.

"Dad called."


"He wants you to go to Italy."

(A/N) Well, this is the end of part 2 ^^! The 3rd part, titled One Better Day, will be up as soon as finish writing it. I hope you all enjoyed this and I can't wait to see you all on part 3 =).

Thank you!