June 15

12:55: I am so incredibly screwed.

If there was a word for how incredibly screwed I am, it would be extremely long and confusing filled with lots of vowels and silent 'x's and 'q's that only Rose would know how to pronounce.

But, alas, there is not a word for how completely and utterly screwed I am. I'll just have to make one up. How does xouiojxiuoiqoiuaasxoiuweroiu sound to you? Yeah, I guess you're right. Perfect!

So anyway, now that I have created a new brill word, where was I? Oh, yes, I'm screwed.

Now, if James were writing this, when he'd been my age he'd be saying how screwed he was because he had just landed himself oodles of detention. Al would be saying that he had screwed up while asking Layla out. Rose would be saying she failed a quiz (that she obviously didn't fail). And Hugo (well he is my age, but whatever) would probably be complaining about Quidditch.

But I am Lily Luna Potter and I am xouiojoxiuoiqoiuaaaxoiuweroiu for a very different reason: I am in love.

But wait…there's more! Not only am I in love! Oh no, I'm in love with my brother's best mate! But it GETS BETTER! I am in love with my brother's best mate who is in love with his GIRFRIEND! But wait there's more! Said brother's best mate has also already of age and graduated Hogwarts!

Please, hold the excited laughter and applause!

Yes, he is wayyy out of my league. Or even my age group. Or my planet. Or my universe.

But he has those eyes! And that hair! And that voice that makes me just want to tackle him to the floor and jump his bones!

Well, maybe I wouldn't go that far.

A first date would be much appreciated before I jump his bones.

Urgh, mum's calling me. She's not going to be happy once she finds out that I've started a journal again. She has something against them I guess but for the life of me I don't know what! What has a silly little journal ever done to her?

I'll see if I can put off doing my chores for a mo though.

You see, I'm v. distressed. Now that it's summer I'll be seeing more of James than ever! And wherever James is, Josh is always in tow.

Literally, they're like girls or something.

Of course, I am a girl but that doesn't mean that Rachel and I go everywhere together! Going to the loo with your friends is such a stereotypical girl thing to do.

But where was I?

Oh yes, Josh. The same Josh who is 3 or 4 years older than me. (It depends on the time of year, okay?) The same Josh who is my brother's mate. The same Josh who has a girlfriend. The same Josh that will be over at my house practically every day this summer! It's the summer before my seventh year and I was very excited about it until now! Now I have to see him every day and know what I'm missing out on.


On the bright side, my birthday is in exactly 42 days! I can't wait to finally come of age and Josh and I will only be 3 years older than me!

And daddy's birthday is 4 days after mine so we get double the birthday cake! Yummmm!

Oh shitballs—James and Josh have just showed up. Mum's really going to be furious with me when she finds out I haven't done the dishes like she asked me to hours ago….

23:00: I am hiding in my bedroom for the rest of eternity!

Well, maybe just until school starts again.

Let me start from where I left off. So, mum yells at me, as per usual, and James gives me a quick wink and does some magnificent house cleaning spell that does all the dishes for me as soon as she leaves the room. Must have him teach me that one…

So then I turn to greet him properly and give him a hug and Josh is standing there, smirking at me.

So I give Josh a hug too because that's how I always greet him and I can't let the fact that I have stupidly developed feelings for him ruin the relationship we have.

And they tell me all about how great their Quidditch team is practicing (they play for Puddlemere United) and I try to keep up with what they're trying to explain to me (Wronski faints or feints or some kind of strange Quidditch move…I usually don't pay any attention when my family talks about Quidditch)

Here's where the stupid part comes in.

So then Josh says something like, "So what's new with you Lils?"

And instead of saying something like "Oh nothing I'm just waiting for either Richard or Tom or Daniel to ask me out," to make me sound, you know, wanted I say "Did you two know that the most popular sport in Bangladesh is cricket?"

So. Embarrassing.

Like, who says that?

Apparently I do.

Luckily, I pass it off for a joke and then prattle on (probably boring them to death) about classes. Then James asks how my break up is going.

He asks that every time I see him and in every one of his letters! Can he not just let it go? I'm perfectly fine! Derrick is just a….fucking asshole.

Alright, you caught me. I just broke up with my long-term boyfriend Derrick. Derrick and I have been broken up since about a month ago after dating since third. I thought we were going to be together forever.

Maybe Josh is just my rebound…yeah that's it. I just broke up with my boyfriend and decided to fall in love with the first good guy that I saw. Josh. It's totally no big deal. I'll be over it soon.

Anywhoozle, I might have also started tearing up (as if the Bangladesh comment wasn't embarrassing enough!) but I couldn't help it! Derrick and I had been together since I was in third year! That was three whole years of solid relationship! And then he broke up with me because he found some muggle girl over the summer!


So then Josh says something sweet about breaking up (I can't remember now, I was focusing on his warm hazel eyes) and then I start rattling facts off about Bangladesh again.

I knew Rachel's obsession was going to affect me!

So now Josh prob. thinks that I'm some pathetic little girl (his best mate's little sister) who cries over ex boyfriends and is obsessed with Bangladesh.

And I thought that I was xuoiojoxiuoqoiuaaasxoiuweroiu before!

Rose just sent me a letter saying that she needed to talk to me...wonder what that's about...Arghh okay, I'm fading here. If I don't finish up soon I'm going to fall asleep!

Good night, I'll keep you posted.


A/N: So this is set a few years after the My Best Mates and is a companion piece of sorts. It mainly revolves around Lily but as you can see, you'll get glimpses of Rose, Scorpius, Albus and Layla! Maybe even Ethan and Sarah if you're lucky...

Let me know your thoughts!
