The king of Edolas was leaning against one of the walls of the royal palace, in one of the darker spots in the hall that led to the council room. He'd been there a while already and had let his eyes close and his mind wander. It had already been two weeks since the disappearance of all magic from the world and the council had only been functioning for the last eight days; eight grueling days where he was forced to lock himself in a room with all the most influential figures in the kingdom to sort out the mess revolving around the disappearance of magic. The mere thought of another day spent that way was borderline depressing and he wondered for a brief moment whether a fake fever would be enough to get him out of it. One day couldn't hurt could it? He forcibly shook that thought from his head. He had a responsibility to fulfill. He heard footsteps approaching and opened his eyes.

Erza Knightwalker was still sporting her injuries from her mysterious battle with an unknown entity, some of which appeared painful enough to make lesser men, or women for that matter, refrain from moving at all but no one had seen her so much as wince over the last two weeks.

He watched her make her way to the council room at a pace that he was sure she considered torturously slow, he remembered that when he had still lived in Edolas she was one to take everything with a quick pace. That battle she had must have been quite spectacular to make her slow down like that. However nothing could stop her from taking measured steps towards her destination. He had realized recently that she was always in the council room before anyone else and had taken to waiting for her to make her appearance while leaning against one of the darker spots of the halls. As she passed him she finally spoke up.

"You've been in the same spot for the last three days. Did you really think I hadn't noticed you, your majesty?" she didn't look at him, she didn't even stop walking but he took it as a sign to accompany her. He smiled with practiced ease and fell in step with her.

"Of course not." He thought the idea was almost laughable. "I was just wondering how long it would take for you to acknowledge me." He clasped his hands behind his back.

"Hmm." She said nothing else as they kept walking. Neither did he. The spot where he had been waiting wasn't far from the council room and they quickly reached their destination, even with Erza's slow pace. He held the door open for her and she brushed past him, albeit somewhat haughtily. He smirked at her attitude: always so stubborn, so proud. He closed the door behind them and made his way to the middle of the room where she had positioned herself. She stood stock still and despite how much it amused him he tried not to make a sound, she was obviously analyzing every little detail in the room and trying to make sure that nothing was out of place.

"So this is what you do every day before the rest of the council gets here…" Typical, always on high alert, her eyes were darting all over the room, it looked like merely the quickest glance but he knew that it was done with great precision. "Do you want to check under the table and each of the chairs for explosives while you're at it?" he laughed as he pulled up his chair and then propped his feet up on one of the councilmen's chairs. She sent him a glare.

"It's thanks to people like me that people like you can sleep at night." He put his hands up in front of him to placate her but the grin he sent her seemed only to further annoy her. "And besides, you shouldn't put your feet there, your majesty. That's councilman Bethal's chair." He shrugged.

"Don't particularly like him anyway." He said with a grin as he cradled the back of his head with his linked hands. She almost smiled at that. Almost, he could tell. He said nothing for a while and she obviously had no interest in breaking the silence herself.

"You know this is the first time we're alone with each other in seven years. I was expecting a little bit more enthusiasm. I'm hurt Erza." He pressed one of his hands to his heart in feigned physical pain. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Shut up, Jellal." He smirked. Finally, at least she was addressing him by his given name again. She was drumming her fingers nervously on the polished surface of the table and appeared to be debating something. Finally she seemed to make up her mind and proceeded to peer under the table. He couldn't stop the laugh that escaped him.

"I can't believe it! You're actually checking?" This girl… she appeared to be almost frustrated with herself and she was looking at him daring him to say anything else. King or no king, he decided it wouldn't be wise to push her buttons anymore for a while. She proceeded to check the chairs one by one. Just as she was checking councilman Darion's chair she cried out and collapsed, only managing to somewhat stay up because she grabbed onto the table. He jumped from his position, hurried towards her and placed his palms on her shoulders helping her up.

"Erza?" she groaned an answer he couldn't quite make out but knowing Erzas he figured it was probably along the lines of an 'I'm perfectly fine.' Tch. Stubborn girl. He placed her in his chair and sat down on her right.

"Whoever it was you fought with, they sure did a number on you." She gave no answer, her eyes were still clenched shut but he was pretty sure it was more out of frustration and wounded pride than any physical pain she might be feeling. "I hope you won't hold a grudge against Erza Scarlet." Her head jerked up to face him, she looked completely baffled and the expression looked extremely foreign on her face.

"How did you know?"

"There's only one person I can think of who could land so much as a single hit on you… and besides, the glares you two were sending each other were a bit of a giveaway as well." He propped his elbow up on the table. "So? How'd she end up?"

"Same as me… a bit better maybe." It was difficult for her to admit, he was surprised she admitted it at all.

"So… she won?" he was pretty sure she'd punch his lights out for that one but he was curious. She said nothing for a moment.

"Are there such things as winning or losing? We're both the same Erza." He smiled.

"I see you got to talk a bit before she was sucked out of Edolas."

"Yeah…" She seemed to be deep in thought and he hoped that whatever it was they said to each other, it would be enough to get the Erza seated in front of him to see things a bit differently; a bit more like when they had been children together.

"Back then, when we saw each other for the first time… Would you really have used your blade against me, Erza?" It had been gnawing at the back of his mind since it happened and he almost stumbled over the words as they escaped him. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then finally spoke.

"If the king had ordered it, I would have wanted to. I don't know if I'd have actually been able to go through with it though." The look she gave him was almost apologetic. He nodded slowly. Now that he had asked the question despite himself he found that there were other things he wanted to know. What had his father done? How could he have turned Erza, a person who had once been so kind despite the military training she had been submitted to since a young age, into the person he had seen that day two weeks ago?

"You hurt Lily, your comrade." He had desperately wanted to keep it from sounding like an accusation but he felt like he had somewhat failed.

"I do regret it, though you might not believe me." She went to the window in the room and tilted her head up to look at the sky. He briefly wondered as he watched her whether she was fighting back tears.

"I do believe you." He whispered.

Their conversation slowed to a halt as they each sank into their own thoughts. He could hear voices from the courtroom; orders being shouted as well as requests for help. The sounds of court hadn't changed much during his absence.

"Do you think there'll ever be even the slightest possibility to see them again?" He was surprised that she would so much as hint at a desire to reunite with them; that the fairy hunter would want to see a fairy again, it was unheard of. She turned to face him and he thought that her eyes might be shining a bit more brightly than before but he couldn't be sure. He remembered the room that controlled the anima and smiled.

"I don't know, but I hope so." He remembered the smiling faces of the guild members and the lively atmosphere and hoped for it to be true. "If ever there were a chance I'd go without hesitating. I suppose that now that I'm back you're reinstated as my personal guard so you'd have to accompany me on such an excursion." He grinned at her and for the first time since he had come back to Edolas she smiled back and he once again saw the girl who had been his most trusted friend in that smile.

She walked away from the window and sat down again. He was certain that she took the royal seat on purpose; she had dethroned him countless times when they were children and apparently that aspect of their relationship remained unchanged. He knew that this time it was up to her to say something and he could see the gears in her head working as she carefully picked her words. Ah, Erza, ever the tactician.

"Seven years… Seven years I've been beating myself up for failing you, for letting you slip away from me." He kept quiet; he knew it was just the beginning even though he wasn't sure where she was getting to with this. His jaw clenched as he prepared himself for when she'd lash out at him. "Welcome back." And just like that his jaw dropped. He hadn't been expecting that. She wasn't smiling but her face was completely honest. Yes, Erza Knightwalker was a born tactician: with just two words she had managed to knock him completely off balance. So much so that he could think of absolutely nothing to say. He must have looked especially ridiculous because she laughed, and it wasn't cold or bitter, it was carefree and it just destabilized him even further. She nudged his shoulder and he just started laughing with her. He wasn't sure how long they laughed together but eventually they settled down. She got off the chair he was supposed to be occupying and nudged him into it. She then took her place a few seats away. He arched an eyebrow and was about to question her when the door opened and the rest of the council filed in.

The drone of voices from the council members quickly died down as they noticed the two presences in the room. They all hurriedly bowed at the king and acknowledged the general, it was clumsily done with much tripping and stumbling and Jellal noticed the smirk on Erza's face as she watched them make fools of themselves. Eventually they all managed to make it to their respective seats however by then he had already zoned out again.

"Your majesty, may the council begin?" he was startled once again by that. All eyes were on him, including Erza's which came with a complimentary scolding look.

"Of course." One of the council members stood.

"You're majesty I'd like to address the issue of-" but he decided to cut him off there. These meetings were so boring he decided to at least spice it up a bit.

"So sorry, councilman. I swear I have no idea where my head is today." He chuckled and all the councilmen followed suit. It was funny how desperate they were to win his favor at the moment; few were the ones who kept quiet. Erza sent him a questioning glare. "You see gentlemen, there's an issue I'd like to address before we begin." He paused and let the information sink in. Whispers broke out over the table as they all began speculating over what it could be. He stood and they all fell silent again. "As you all know, up until seven years ago I lived in this palace. My father, the king, appointed me a- a body guard, so to say. Someone my own age but who was well versed in the arts of combat." He looked at each of the people seated at the table in turn; all of them looked puzzled except for Erza who seemed to be catching on. He waited for someone to break the silence. Council Darion was the brave man who spoke.

"Your majesty…?"

"I'm speaking of General Knightwalker, of course." He signaled her with a sweep of his outstretched palm and all heads whipped towards her in a matter of seconds but she paid them no heed and kept her eyes on him demanding he get to whatever point he was trying to lead up to. "Now that I have returned I believe it's time she was officially reinstated as my personal guard." There was a collective intake of breath as each of the councilmen prepared to input their own opinions but he beat them to the punch. "I'm assuming none of you have anything to say?" His tone was just icy enough to leave no room for arguments and he smirked as they all deflated at once.

"Well then, now that that's settled, I believe that it is customary for the king's guard to sit on his right. Councilman Bethal, if you please." He motioned for the man to switch places with Erza, he seemed utterly displeased but he obviously didn't dare question him. He took his chair and carried it with him to his new spot at the table. "Oh and councilman, help the general with her chair, after all she is a lady of court as well as a general of the army, it's common courtesy." At that both Erza and Bethal sent him dirty looks but he just gave them an innocent look in return. Once they were both settled he let the councilmen gossip for a while as he expected a scolding from his reinstated guard and friend.

"What are you doing!" she hissed as she settled into her seat.

"This is official court business, Erza. I'm sure you agree that it's an important matter that deserves to be addressed at this meeting." Stay calm, you did nothing wrong. He repeated those words in his head like a mantra hoping that an innocent act would dissuade her from further pursuing the issue. She said nothing but during the rest of the meeting he could feel that they would be having a serious conversation as soon as they were alone once again. As the council drew to its end he went against his basic instincts of survival and dismissed the rest of the council.

"Gentlemen, if you would please leave us, there are still some issues that need to be discussed between myself and general Knightwalker." The men filed out without saying much, just a quick bow before departing. Of course some of the younger ones who had known Jellal as a child had gotten a bit bolder and Sugarboy wasn't beyond sending him a suggestive glance which was quickly quelled and replaced with a nervous look once he saw the glare on his king's face. Jellal finally closed the door behind them and turned towards the only other person left in the council room.

"You shouldn't anger the council members needlessly, Jellal. You know it's important that they all support you now that your claim to the throne has yet to be at its strongest." She was right of course but he was confident in his decision. "Councilman Bethal didn't look pleased at all that you sent him away from the king's right hand side, the fact that he was replaced by someone who is not only fourty years his younger but also the only woman on the council must have hardened the blow as well." His whole body stiffened. Those men infuriated him.

"Councilman Bethal is no longer powerful among these men yet he still flaunts the fact that he has a seat in this room like a crown! I have no need of people like that to help me run this kingdom. If ever there were a need for actual leaders you'd be worth ten of him and I'm glad he knows of my opinion!" This was quite possibly the first time he'd ever raised his voice in front of her and she was too shocked to say a word. She watched him toss the glasses that had been placed on the table for the councilmen to the floor in his sudden fit of rage. He calmed down as soon as he heard the satisfying sound of shattered glass on the floor and he finished talking between pants. "He's not the only one of course. I'm going to morph this council into a group that can actually take charge during times of turmoil instead of hiding away when needed most!"

He walked up to her, she hadn't moved from her seat during his whole tirade. He stretched his hand out to her and settled it on her shoulder. He squeezed ever so gently so as not to cause her pain from her injuries and kneeled down in front of her so that they were at eye level. "Help me with this, Erza. Please." He begged.

For a moment she just stared at him. His outburst had been completely unexpected but the way he quieted down instantly to beg her for help with such a monumental task would make most people's head spin. She considered the words he had just spoken… If that was what Jellal had planned for Edolas then maybe Erza Scarlet had been right, maybe they could survive without magic. She placed her own hand over his.

"Of course." She smirked. "You'd probably screw it up without me." He grinned back.

AN:/ Well, there you have it, the first Edolas fic. Hope you guys like it. Oh and, I don't own Fairy Tail. I always forget to put the disclaimer in these things…*shakes head*