You often ask yourself, "What would Rossi do?"

You refer to Reid, Morgan, or Hotch as your boyfriend.

You go above and beyond in your keyboarding class to be like Garcia

You think every little boy with long blond hair is Ian Doyle's long lost son

You know who Mark Gordon is, and you think that he's a genius

You found it funny that the actress that plays JJ's name is A.J.

The biggest compliment someone could give you is baby girl.

You cried when Reid was kidnapped in Revelations.

When you've convinced yourself that Gideon did not leave; he's hiding under Hotch's desk

You start having dreams about being in the BAU

When your sentences all seem to end with Criminal Minds no matter what you're talking about

You can quote every word of every episode.

Nobody even has to ask you what you're doing on the computer because it's always Criminal Minds related.

You profile everybody in the grocery store.

You frequently put Criminal Minds quotes in your essays.

You never plan anything on Wednesdays.

Emily Prentiss is your life idol.

You feel the need to correct people when they've judged someone on wrong behavior

When you see a strange looking person you immediately think "Unsub!"

You try your hardest to sound like Reid.

You start to dress like Garcia

You've been studying profiling just in case they need a teenage girl on their team.

You think Jack is the cutest little boy ever.

You can recall every time Hotch has smiled.

Your friends always moan when you bring up the topic.

Ha ha thanks for reading guys! I thought this would be kind of fun to do and think of! Some of these kind of revolve around me! If you have any ideas let me know!