Chapter 15 here people!
Thank you to everyone who reviewed the last chapter!
Chapter XV.
Esme's Reaction to Rosalie's Change.
Trade In?
I was shocked when I first found out what he had done.
I came home from a day of shopping, and I find my husband, lying beside the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth, who was in the process of turning into a vampire.
I ran from the room, to the room where Edward was, asking him what had happened.
He didn't tell me, and told me it was for him to explain. "Him" being Carlisle.
I decided to give my husband the benefit of the doubt, and hesitantly made my way back to the room.
'I couldn't leave her there.' He whispered, but I was in no mood to be sympathetic.
'We're going to have to move again.' I replied, ignoring his last statement. 'Did you think of that? Do you know how recognisable she's going to be around here. Everyone is going to be looking for her!'
'I couldn't leave her there.' He repeated, and I shook my head, looking over to her again.
Instantly, I was hit by her beauty. She was so beautiful. Her golden hair, her beautiful features, her pale skin, her slim body. She was perfection.
And here I was, brown hair, curvy and only made beautiful from my change.
This wasn't out of pity; this was a trade in.
He had told me more than once that vampires were selfish creatures.
He had saw this beautiful woman and decided he would trade me in. He would get rid of me, and take her instead.
'Esme?' Edward called, and I turned to find him at the door. 'A word.'
He turned and I followed him, ignoring Carlisle as he turned to look at us, wondering what was happening.
He led me a good bit away from the house, far enough that I knew Carlisle wouldn't hear us.
'He's not trading you in.' He said, as he rounded on me.
'How do you know?' I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest, so I didn't go harming the trees.
'I just do! I've seen the way he acts with you, the way he looks with you, the way he thinks about you; he wouldn't trade you in.'
I sighed, knowing what he was saying was true, but I still couldn't hide that nagging feeling side of me that he was trading me in for someone more beautiful.
'He probably needs our help.' I whispered, before turning around and heading back to the house, going to help my husband and try and soothe the young woman who was going through the most painful change one could go through.
And after three days of pure agony - filled with screaming and trashing on Rosalie's behalf, and not a single word said between between my husband and I - her heartbeat finally began to slow, and we had to figure out just how to explain what had happened to her.
So, there we go. The last chapter to this set of one-shots. This is now complete. I just have lost inspiration for this now, mainly because I don't really like Twilight anymore. And I haven't read it/watched it in years, so I have no more inspiration.
Anyway, thank you to everyone who has EVER read this, reviewed it, alerted it or added it to their favourite. It makes my day! And I hope you liked the last chapter, let me know in a review!